All the goods will be abroad by ship. 查看更多



1. He is easily p_______ to buy things.
2. What's your a_______ towards his behavior?
3. Does environment _______ (决定) one's character?
4. All these goods will be _______ (运输) abroad by ship.
5. The production plan was finished ahead of _______ (进度表)
6. Every form of transport has its own _______ (优势) and _______ (不利).
7. He is a good teacher and _______ (组织) his students very well.
8. We should learn more to keep the _______ (步伐) of society.
9. You should have the determination to correct your _______ (缺点).
10. The plane is flying at an _______ (高度) of 20,000 feet.


1. He got a job in a foreign company after g _____________(毕业) from university.
2. It is very difficult to p ______________(说服) my father to give up smoking.
3. All these goods will be t_________________(运输) abroad by ship.
4. She looks down upon those people b_______________ (在…下面)her.
5. According to the weather f____________(预报)it will rain tomorrow.
6. Sometimes whether you are a success is determined by the different a______________(态度)
7. The plane is now flying at an  a_______________(海拔)of 30 000 feet.
8.He seems to be doing nothing , but _____________ ( 实际上 ) he is just waiting for his chance.
9. He was c____________________ (骑自行车)along the street when he was knocked off his bike.
10. We all know that he is too ___________________(顽固) to apologize.



1. His mother tongue is German, but he speaks Italian like a         (本国人).

2. It is ____________(无用) to argue with him, he is too stubborn.

3. All these goods will be ___________(运输) abroad by ship.

4. I am _____________(有决心) to finish the work ahead of time.

5. Without _________ (电),modern life would be very difficult.

6. Don’t always stay indoors. You’d better go _________(户外) for fun.

7. He was one of the__________(裁判员)at the boxing match.

8. We haven’t seen each other for a long time, but I _________(认出) him at once.

9. We were excited to see the rapids where the water seemed to ________(沸腾).

10. You can depend on him, for he is a _________(可靠) man.


1. He is so s____ that no one can persuade him.
2. Do you remember every ____ (细节) of the story you have just read?
3. Excuse me; what is the f____ to Paris? Is $l0 enough?
4. All these goods here will be ____ (运输) abroad by ship within 3 days.
5. He is a determined person. If he d____ to do something, he will do it well.
6. I am not ____ (熟悉)with the city, for this is my first visit here.
7. Finally, they succeeded in ____ (说服) her to cycle around China.
8. He was ____ (骑车) along the street when he was knocked off his bike.
9. His grandpa would sit there, looking at the ____ (流动) of traffic.
10. We should have the determination to correct our ____. (缺点)



We are looking for someone who is __________ (可靠的) and hard-working.

We should remain __________ (冷静的) even in face of danger.

It took a long time for him to __________ (恢复) from a bad cold.

She speaks __________ (流利的) though not very correct English.

All these goods here will be __________ (运输) abroad by ship within 3 days.

When people use words and __________ (词语;表达) different from the “standard language”, it is called a dialect.

He __________ (毕业) from Harvard University last year.

Now she’s planning our __________ (时间表) for the trip.

He went __________ (直接) to Shanghai, without stopping in Beijing.

Everyone should take a positive __________ (态度) towards life.

