Uncle Geroge was always busy with his business, so he didn’t until he was nearly fifty. A. settle down B. set down C. stay in D. settle into 查看更多



I am going to the airport to meet my uncle tomorrow morning, _____ he will be back from abroad.

A.who             B.when             C.where            D.which



Cara Lang is 13. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts, in me U. S. Last Thursday, she didn't go to school. She went to work with her father instead. Every year, on the fourth Thursday in April, millions of young girls go work. This is Take Our Daughters to Work Day. The girls are between me ages of 9 and 15. They spend the day at work with an adult, usually a mother, father, aunt, or uncle. They go to offices, police stations, laboratories, and other places where their parents or other family members work. Next year, the day will include sons, too.

The Ms. Foundation, an organization for women, started the program about ten years ago. In the U.S., many women work outside the home. The Ms. Foundation wanted girls to find out about many different kinds of jobs. Then, when the girls grow up, they can choose a job they like.

Cara's father is a film director. Cara says, “It was very exciting for me to go to the studio with my dad. I saw a lot of people doing different jobs.” Many businesses have special activities for girls on this day. Last year, Cara went to work with her aunt at the University of Massachusetts. In the engineering department, the girls learned to build a bridge with toothpicks and Candy. In the chemistry department, they learned to use scales. They learned about many other kinds of jobs, too.

Right now, Cara does not know what job she will have when she grows up. But because of Take Our Daughters to Work Day, she knows she h2Ls many choices.

1.What is Cara's father?

A.An engineer.       B.An official.         C.A moviemaker.     D.A professor.

2.According to the passage, Take our Daughters to work Day is ______.

A.on every Thursday in April

B.a holiday for girls of all ages

C.a day for girls to know about jobs

D.a day for girls to get a job easily

3.On this special day, Cara has done all the following EXCEPT that ____.

A.she learned to use scales

B.she worked as an actress

C.she went to work with her aunt

D.she used toothpicks and Candy to build a bridge

4.What is probably the best title for the passage?

A.Cara Lang, a Fortunate Girl

B.Take Our Daughters to Work Day

C.Children's Day and Work Day

D.Ms. Foundation, an Organization for Women



Back in 2007, I rented(租) a room in Johor Bahru, Malaysia while studying for my Masters programmed(硕士课程) in Singapore. I travelled daily by   36   across the Johor- Singapore Causeway(穿越湿地的堤道) for my   37  , which were usually in the evening. It was quite   38 

by the time I got back to the bus station in Johor Bahru, and I would still need to take another bus home.

One night, I   39   the last bus and didn’t have enough money to take a taxi. With no other choice, I decided to    40   the two-kilometer journey home, which would have been fine    41 

I were not so tired that day. It also didn’t    42   that the route was pretty rough(凹凸不平的)and dark. But I walked forward with   43   , with the promise of a night’s rest    44   me on. After walking for a few minutes, a car   45   in front of me. The driver, who looked   46  , asked where I was headed. “Not many people walk through here,” he said, and   47    me a ride. He really    48   me up as he went out of his way to get me to my apartment.

What was more   49   , however, was the story behind it. During the ride, the driver told me that when he saw me walking, it made him think of his   50   who used to walk to work by the

  51   road and though he often saw his uncle on the way, he had    52   offered a ride as he was headed in a different direction.    53   his uncle passed away because of an illness, and until today he still feels   54   for not being kinder to his uncle. So when he    55   me walking that night, he just had to stop and help.

A.bus           B.bike            C.car           D.train

A.job           B.classes          C.tasks          D.home

A.early         B.late             C.cold            D.hot

A.caught       B.took            C.missed          D.left

A.drive         B.enjoy          C.run             D.walk

A.if             B.though       C.because          D.unless

A.suggest      B.help          C.say             D.mean

A.pleasure    B.hunger          C.fear            D.difficulty

A.pushing      B.turning         C.holding         D.putting

A.pulled             B.stopped         C.broke           D.went

A.concerned    B.disappointed  C.excited          D.worried

A.had          B.asked           C.offered          D.got

A.cheered       B.brought        C.gave            D.picked

A.worse        B.interesting     C.upset           D.meaningful

A.grandfather  B.uncle           C.father          D.mother

A.busy          B.new            C.main            D.same

A.sometimes  B.always           C.often           D.never

A.Sadly         B.Exactly         C.Gradually        D.Actually

A.puzzled       B.lucky           C.guilty           D.grateful

A.knew         B.saw             C.recognized      D.followed


Sam’s uncle had an old bird which sat in its cage all day. One day his uncle said, “It is too expensive to  1  that bird. We will get rid of it.” But Sam wanted to   2   the bird.

Sam’s grandfather told him that the bird was once a famous  3   bird. Now  4  people knew it. His grandfather took the bird out, and then quickly took his arms away.  The bird opened its huge   5  and flew into the sky. After a few minutes, it  6  with a small rabbit, cut it open and started to   7  it.

The next morning, Sam asked his uncle out. Sam did 8   his grandfather had done, but the bird  9  to the ground and stood still. Sam’s uncle 10 . Later his grandfather told him that the bird only hunted in late afternoon when light was less   11  . Sam asked his uncle to come out before   12 . This time the bird caught a mouse. His uncle was quiet with   13  , but laughed again, “We can’t eat mice, so this bird is   14  .” And he sold the bird without telling Sam.

Before Sam found the bird was  15  , two angry men arrived in a car. They 16   his uncle and said, the bird couldn’t hunt and they wanted their money back. Sam’s uncle looked 17  and said, “I have spent it. But… don’t worry!” He 18  at Sam, “Sam will show you 19   to make the bird hunt! It’s a great bird, isn’t it, Sam?” Sam opened the door of the car and took out the  20  . It flew away and disappeared forever.

1.                A.feed           B.buy            C.wash D.sell


2.                A.know          B.find            C.keep D.buy


3.                A.singing         B.sleeping        C.eating    D.hunting


4.                A.some          B.no             C.many D.few


5.                A.mouth         B.wings          C.tail  D.eyes


6.                A.dealt           B.returned        C.met  D.parted


7.                A.watch          B.search          C.eat  D.help


8.                A.as             B.for            C.since D.after


9.                A.fell            B.rose           C.walked   D.ran


10.               A.shouted        B.cried          C.laughed   D.nodded


11.               A.attractive       B.pleasant        C.poor  D.strong


12.               A.bed           B.supper         C.lunch D.breakfast


13.               A.patience        B.surprise        C.joy   D.sadness


14.               A.harmful        B.strange         C.cheap D.useless


15.               A.leaving         B.gone           C.dying D.cooked


16.               A.shouted at      B.smiled at        C.looked after    D.took after


17.               A.impressed      B.worried        C.satisfied   D.bored


18.               A.waved         B.pointed        C.aimed D.jumped


19.               A.what           B.why           C.where D.how


20.               A.money         B.coat           C.bird  D.everything




My uncle___________ until he was forty-five.

A. married                      B. didn’t marry  

C. was not marrying             D. would marry

