If it is a sunny day tomorrow, let’s it and go climbing the mountains. 查看更多



Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time: if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s.
In the same way, children are learning to do all the other things: they learn to do without being taught to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle, compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.
If it is a matter of right answer, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine(常规) work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer. Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to judge their own understanding, and how to know what they know or do not know.
【小题1】The first paragraph is written mainly to _________.

A.give advice on children’s language learning
B.tell us the fewer mistakes we correct, the better children will learn a language
C.suggest children are often too stubborn to accept advice
D.lead to the topic of the passage
【小题2】Which of the following does the writer think teachers should NOT do?
A.Give children correct answers.
B.Allow children to make mistakes.
C.Point out children’s mistakes to them.
D.Let children mark their own work.
【小题3】According to the writer, teachers in school should ________.
A.allow children to learn from each other
B.point out children’s mistakes whenever found
C.give children more book knowledge
D.correct children’s mistakes as soon as possible
【小题4】According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by _______.
A.listening to skilled people’s advice
B.asking older people many questions
C.making mistakes and having them corrected
D.doing what other people do


Quickly, the picture comes alive with hyperlinks (超链接), offering the names of the buildings, towers and street features that appear in the photo. The hyperlinks lead to information about the history, services and context of all the features in the photo. You have just hyperlinked your reality.
That might be a little unbelievable, but the technology exists and is no fevered imagination. This is not a cool small machine invented for the next James Bond movie; this is a working technology just developed by European researchers. It could be coming to a phone near you, and soon.
This, as the marketing types say, is a game changer. It develops a completely new interface (界面) that combines web-technology with the real world. It is big and fresh, but it goes much further and has much greater influence.
The development of the system is most outstanding because image recognition technology has long been pregnant with promise, but seemed to suffer from an unending labour.
Now MOBVIS has not only developed image recognition; it has also developed more applications for the technology; and it has adapted it to the world’s most popular technology: the mobile phone.
The MOBVIS system completely rewrites the rules for exploration and interaction with your physical environment. The system begins with panoramas (一连串景象). These panoramas form the basis of a city database. It can match buildings, towers, banners and even logos that appear in the panoramas.
A user simply takes a picture of the street feature, MOBVIS compares the user’s photograph to the panoramas and then identifies the buildings from the picture you take and the relevant links are returned.
Then you simply click on the links, using a touch-screen phone, and the MOBVIS system will provide information on the history, art, architecture or even the menu, if it is a restaurant, of the building in question.
67. Which is introduced in the passage?
A. A new game software.                                     B. A popular mobile phone.
C. A cool small machine.                                     D. An image recognition system.
68. What can we learn about the new technology?
A. It can only be put into use on mobile phones.
B. It is a little unbelievable and just a fevered imagination.
C. It has taken an unending labor to bring the technology into our lives.
D. It will encourage the users to take more pictures of the street features.
69. What is the right order of the operation of MOBVIS?
a. A city database forms in the system. b. MOBVIS recognizes the picture and links are returned.
c. A user touches the links on the phone screen.  d. A user takes a picture of the street feature.
e. MOBVIS provides information in question.
A. a; e; c; d; b;                  B. a; d; b; c; e        C. d; c; e; a; b               D. c; a; e; b; d
70. From the passage, we can infer that _______.
A. MOBVIS has already been widely used all over the world
B. the writer is trying to promote the sales of the MOBVIS system
C. this new technology will soon be very popular in our lives
D. the sales of mobile phones will decrease as MOBVIS comes on market


Outside her shabby cottage, old Mrs. Tailor was hanging out laundry on a wire line, unaware that some children lay hidden in the leaves of a nearby tree watching her every move. They were determined to find out if she really was a witch.

   They watched as she took a broomstick to clean the dirt from her stone steps. But, much to their disappointment, she did not mount the broomstick and take flight. Suddenly, the old lady’s work was interrupted by the cackling of her hen—a signal that an egg had been laid in the warm nest on top of the haystack.

   The old broomstick was put aside as she hobbled off towards the haystack followed by Sooty, a black cat she had rescued from a fox trap some time back. With only three legs, it was hard for Sooty to keep up with the old lady. The cat provided proof—the children were sure that only a witch could own a black cat with three legs.

    There, standing on a wooden box, was Mrs. Tailor, stretching out to gather her precious egg. Taking the egg in one of her hands, she began to climb down when, without warning, the box broke and the old lady fell.

 “We have to got and help her,” whispered Amy.

 “What if it is a trick?” replied Ben.

 “Don’t be silly, Ben. If she were a witch, she would have turned us into frogs already,” reasoned Meg. “Come on Amy, let’s go.” The girls climbed down the tree and ran all the way to the haystack.

   Approaching carefully, they could see a wound on the old lady’s face. She had knocked her head on a stone and her ankle was definitely broken. “Go and get Dad,” Amy yelled to her brother. “Tell him about the accident.”

   The boys did not need another excuse to leave. They ran as fast as they could for help, hoping that Mrs. Tailor would not wake and turn the girls into frogs.

. Why were the children hiding in the tree?

 A. They wanted to watch Mrs. Tailor do her housework closely.

 B. They were playing a hide-and-seek game

 C. They wanted to find out if the rumors about Mrs. Tailor were true

 D. They were pretending to be spies

. Mrs. Tailor stopped sweeping when____

 A. her front steps were clean             B. she noticed the children in the tree

 C. she was ready to take a flight          D. she heard the hen cackling

. Ben did not rush in help Mrs. Tailor because_____

 A. he thought that she could be tricking them

 B. he knew that they could not have been in the tree

 C. he did not see the old lady fall down

 D. he was afraid of the three-legged cat

. Which of these old sayings best suits the story’s lesson for us?

 A. Make hay while the sun shines.

 B. Never judge a book by its cover.

 C. People in glasshouses should not throw stones.

 D. A bird in the hands worth two in the bush.


The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet , chat and go where we've never been before.
But just as in face to face communication, there are some rules of  behavior that should be followed when on line . _1____Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's shoes.
For anything you're about to send: ask yourself,"Would I say this to the person's face ? If the answer is no ,rewrite and reread .____2__________
If someone in the chat room is rude to you , your instinct (本能 ) is to fire back in the same manner . But try not to do so ._____3________If it was caused by a disagreement with another member , try to fix the situation by politely discussing it. Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.
____4_____offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate. When someone makes a mistake, whether it's a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer, be kind about it. If it is a small mistake, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before saying anything. Having good manners yourself doesn't give you license to correct everyone else .___5_______At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those you have offended.
It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age, sex, and marital statues. unless you know the person very well , and both comfortable with sharing personal information, don't ask such questions.

A.It's natural that there are some people who speak rudely or make online.
B.Repeat the process till you feel sure that you'd feel comfortable saying the words to the person's face.
C.Everyone was new to the network once.
D.The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.
E. When you send short messages to a person online, you must say something beautiful to hear.
F. You should either ignore the person, or use your chat software to block their messages.
G. If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake , point it out politely.


Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time; if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s. In the same way, children learn to do all the other things without being taught to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle…They compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake. If it is a matter in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time in such routine(日常的) work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer. Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what he does not know.
【小题1】According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by_____.

A.listening to skilled people’s advice.
B.asking older people many questions
C.making mistakes and having them corrected
D.doing what other people do
【小题2】Which of the following does the writer think teachers should NOT do?.
A.Give children correct answers
B.Allow children to mark mistakes.
C.Point out children’s mistakes to them.
D.Let children mark their own work
【小题3】According to the writer, teachers in school should _____
A.allow children to learn from each other
B.point out children’s mistakes whenever found
C.correct children’s mistakes as soon as possible
D.give children more book knowledge
【小题4】The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are____
A.different from learning other skills
B.the same as learning skills
C.more important than other skills
D.not really important skills
【小题5】The title of this passage could probably be_____
A.Let Us Teachers Stop Work
B.Let Us Make Children Learn
C.Let Children Correct Their Exercises
D.Let Children Learn by Themselves

