Dead and i people lay everywhere after the terrible accident. 查看更多



Dead and i__________ people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.



1.They began the r___ work at once, as soon as the earthquake happened..

2.Without _________(电), modern life would be very different.

3.Dead and ___________(受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.

4.That night the high fence gave us some____(隐蔽) from the sandstorm, or we wouldn’t have been back here.

5.I was terribly excited because that was the first ________(鼓励) I had ever received.

6.In prison Mandela never gave up his political ____________(原则).

7.This movies are for a________, not for children.

8.This is the s________ where the famous director always made the films.

9.In the story, the writer wanted to tell people the c__________ of the war.

10.People all over the world love to live a p__________ life.



【小题1】They began the r___ work at once, as soon as the earthquake happened..
【小题2】Without _________(电), modern life would be very different.
【小题3】Dead and ___________(受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.
【小题4】That night the high fence gave us some____(隐蔽) from the sandstorm, or we wouldn’t have been back here.
【小题5】I was terribly excited because that was the first ________(鼓励) I had ever received.
【小题6】In prison Mandela never gave up his political ____________(原则).
【小题7】This movies are for a________, not for children.
【小题8】This is the s________ where the famous director always made the films.
【小题9】In the story, the writer wanted to tell people the c__________ of the war.
【小题10】People all over the world love to live a p__________ life.


单词拼写:  根据首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词(每空0.5分,共计8分)

1. After e__________ was cut off, the lights went out.

2. A man should be ________ (判断)by his deeds, not by his words.

3. I felt highly __________(荣幸)by your trust..

4. Dead and ______ (受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.

5. The old left an estate(保险)of two ______(百万)dollars when he died.

6. It is natural for children to have different v_____ from their parents.

7. According to the weather f_______, it’s going to stay cold for the rest of the week.

8.The plane is flying at an _______(海拔)of 25,000 feet.

9. Wish you a pleasant j___________!

10. That old bike is his only means of _________. (交通工具).

11. How many people were p_______ at the meeting?

12.The _______(东部的)coastline of China is very long

13. His interest in maths _________(逐渐地)increases.

14. He said it would rain, but I __________ (不同意)with him.

15. Let me give you some a______ on how to learn English.

16. Don’t stay o________ since the weather is so cold.


单词拼写: 根据首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词(每空0.5分,共计8分)
1. After e__________ was cut off, the lights went out.
2. A man should be ________ (判断)by his deeds, not by his words.
3. I felt highly __________(荣幸)by your trust..
4. Dead and ______ (受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.
5. The old left an estate(保险)of two ______(百万)dollars when he died.
6. It is natural for children to have different v_____ from their parents.
7. According to the weather f_______, it’s going to stay cold for the rest of the week.
8.The plane is flying at an _______(海拔)of 25,000 feet.
9. Wish you a pleasant j___________!
10. That old bike is his only means of _________. (交通工具).
11. How many people were p_______ at the meeting?
12.The _______(东部的)coastline of China is very long
13. His interest in maths _________(逐渐地)increases.
14. He said it would rain, but I __________ (不同意)with him.
15. Let me give you some a______ on how to learn English.
16. Don’t stay o________ since the weather is so cold.

