根据所给的汉语或首字母提示66. It was ten in the morning but the were still drawn. 查看更多




61. To be h_______, the only reason she married Sam was for his money.

62. The amber necklace is a real b________ at such a low price.

63. Women are paid the same as men for e_______ work nowadays.

64. If you think h_______ of someone or something, you think they are very good and you admire them.

65. In his opinion, the _______(设计)of the room was in the style popular in those days.

66. He was always telling j_______ and making people laugh.

67. After _______ (探索) the old part of town, there is a guided tour of the church.

68. He did not think she could _______ (认出) his car in the snow.

69. He’s never lied to me before, so I have no reason to _______ (怀疑) his word.

70. When she got up from the table, it was obviously the _______ (信号) for us to leave.



61. Cholera was the __________ (致使的) disease of its day.

62. A woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it d______ to her house everyday.

63. John Snow a________ Queen Victoria as her personal ___________(内科医生).

64. King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales without c_________.

65. The ____________(省份) are called counties in England.

66. However, the southern part of Ireland was u__________ and broke away to form its its own government.

67. John Snow was able to ________ (宣布) with certainty that polluted water carried the virus.

68. He wanted to face the _________(挑战) and solve this problem.

69. The performance left a deep ____________(印象) on the audience.


 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 写出所缺单词的正确形式。 

61. We need a foreign policy that is more ______ (灵活的).

62.  Children begin to learn basic ______ (道德) in the kindergarten.

63. We are looking for some ______ (精力充沛的) persons to be salesmen.

64.  I have an ______ (预约) with my dentist this afternoon.

65. After she o______ her shyness, she became very outgoing.

66. You’d better _________ (请教) a doctor about your unclear disease.

67. The reason for his failure is the l_______ of experience.

68. Why are there so many adverts for washing _______(粉)on TV?

69. She ___________(鼓舞)those who wanted to cheer the achievements of women.

70. Although our sense of sight is overused, our sense of touch and smell have been _______________(忽视)。

71. He works very hard in order to get the precious doctor’s ___________(资格,资历).

72. She shouldn’t dress herself so c_________ in such a formal occasion.

73. It was said that the man was _____________(怀疑)to be connected with the crime.

74. __________(争吵)with his wife, he didn’t want to go home.

75. The problem was beyond my c___________, so I asked my teacher for help.

76. I’ve made a few small ____________ (改正)to your report.

77. The bank has ____________(分支) in all parts of the country.

78. We don’t like his ideas. The young people are the most eager to learn and the least_______________(保守的) in their thinking.

79. The goal of Olympic athletes is impressed in their ___________(座右铭)---swifter,higher, stronger.

80. A heavy rain p________ down last night and the roads are muddy.



66. The Big Bang Theory is an American TV s___________.

67. While she was studying in university, she did lots of v___________ work for the local Red Cross without getting paid.

68. Recently, we did a s___________ in several schools to know about teenagers’ lifestyle.

69. I was well prepared, so I felt r__________ and confident before the match.

70. Don’t ask me anything about IT. I am no e__________ at it.

71. Although he has never been trained __________(正式)as a teacher, he is well received by his students.

72. The program is __________(设计)to help people who have been out of work for a long time.

73. Life there will be very hard, ___________(尤其)for the only child in a family.

74. You can reduce your stress by ____________ (组织)your work and time better.

75. The report ___________(预测)that prices will rise by 3%.


第五部分:单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


61. The b_______ of Dr Sun Yet sen is in Zhongshan, not far away from Guangzhou.

62. The girl only eats vegetables and fruit in order to keep s_______.

63. Do you know when India gained______________ (独立) from Britain?

64. Yao Ming is a very strong and_______________(精力充沛的) basketball player.

65. Children are always             (好奇的)about everything.

66. My vocabulary is so ________( 有限 ) that I can’t explain the word.

67. She has _________( 原谅 ) me for what I said to her yesterday.

68. The store has more _________( 顾客 ) than it can take care of.

69. Last week a typhoon hit the area __________( 猛烈地 ), causing great damage.

70. Wood _________ ( 漂浮 ) on water, but a stone will sink.


