"A " is often used in American English while "flat" is used in British English. 查看更多



  ARIEL, West Bank: A suicide bomber blew up near Israeli soldiers outside a Jewish settlement in the West Bank yesterday, killing at least three people and wounding about 30 others, the settlement's mayor and rescue workers said.

  "A suicide bomber came and there were many soldiers...and he blew himself up." said Ron Nachman, mayor of the settlement of Ariel. "Soldiers were among the casualties. "People on the spot said the bomber blew up after soldiers eating at a food stand in a petrol station at the entrance of the settlement found him. According to some people on the spot accounts reported by Israeli media, a soldier shot and wounded the bomber, who then exploded.

  The Magen David Adorn ambulance service said at least three people were killed and at least 30 wounded in the blast, which set the bomber burning at Ariel, about 25 kilometers east of Tel Avi v.

  A fire brigade official said: "The bomber was still burning when we got there and we put out the fire immediatelly."

  Meanwhile, a blast shook homes in Lebanon's largest Palestinian refugee camp early yesterday, damaging buildings but causing no injuries, Palestinian sources said. They said the bomb was planted outside the home of a member of Palestimian President Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction in Ain el-Hilwch camp, and exploded while the family was sleeping.

  Some of people including ________were killed or wounded in the blast accident.

  A. soldiers            B. mayor

  C. rescue workers         D. a fire brigade official

   The suicide bomber blew himself up because________.

  A. there was something wrong with his brains

  B. a soldier shot and wounded him

  C. he couldn't see the settlement's mayor

  D. he wanted to make himself known

  What does the underlined word "casuahies" probably mean in the second paragraph?________

  A. sufferers   B. killers     C. passersby   D. losers

  It can be concluded that the passage is most probably part of a (n)________.

  A. announcement         B. advertisement

  C. news report          D. science research


"This Friday we'll have the yearly Egg Drop Challenge," said our science teacher, Mr. Baker. "You can work alone or with a partner."

  My friend, Cassie, and I smiled at each other. We always worked on projects31_.

  The  32   of the Challenge was simple—to build a protective container to keep an egg from breaking when  33  the stadium wall.

  I made my sandwich that afternoon while waiting for Cassie.  34  the butter cream gave me an idea.

  "I have a brilliant design for our  35   container!" I said when Cassie arrived. "We can 36  the egg with some butter cream."

  "Why not put the egg in a basket with a parachute (降落伞)  37  ?" Cassie rolled

her eyes, "The parachute is better than that stupid idea."

  I couldn't believe it. Of course we'd had our little  38  in the past, but she'd never called any of my ideas"  39 "before.

  "Then I'll build mine and you build yours!"

    40  words had been out, our friendship was challenged.

  When Friday finally arrived, I had to  41  Cassie's Egg Force One looked pretty good. 42 , my Egg-cellent Egg Cream didn't look quite scientific. We kids carried our containers up three stadium steps and dropped them over the side wall. Those whose eggs broke were out; those whose eggs survived   43  three more steps and dropped them again. This would go on till the last egg broke.

  After four rounds, only Cassie and I were   44  . I let go of my box. I heard someone say "ew" after seconds. Had my egg broken? I raced down the  45  . The sidewalk was dotted with egg shells (蛋壳) from those   46  drops. Finally I found my little Egg-cellent Egg Cream.

  "That looks like egg drop soup, Laura," Cassie said. She was holding her Egg Force One. My 47 _ raced. Had she won? I looked at her basket  48

  "My egg bounced   49 _," she explained, pointing to a broken shell.

  "A tie (平局)," Mr. Baker said.

  Cassie looked at me, and her glare ___50  . I laughed. She smiled...

31. A. patiently        B. silently        C. together       D. alone

32. A. function          B. goal        C. reason       D. result

33. A. rolled down      B. pushed against     C. thrown at      D. dropped over

34. A. Spreading      B. Boiling        C. Baking        D. Holding

35. A. butter           B. sandwich      C. cream        D. egg

36. A. protect        B. replace       C. carry        D. mix

37. A. followed       B. covered       C. attached       D. supported

38. A. ideas        B. fights        C. worries       D. challenges

39. A. wrong        B. stupid         C. brilliant        D. scientific

40. A. Since         B. While        C. But         D. And

41. A. explain        B. deny         C. admit        D. prove

42. A. Therefore      B. Anyway       C. Otherwise      D. Besides

43. A. paced down     B. turned around    C. walked up      D. went back

44. A. left            B. wanted       C. chosen       D. discovered

45. A. steps        B. way        C. wall        D. sidewalk

46. A. intended       B. unexpected      C. failed        D. desired

47. A. eyes          B. hands         C. feet         D. heart

48. A. Lost         B. Dirty        C. Broken        D. Empty

49. A. around        B. out         C. in          D. down

50. A. returned        B. remained      C. increased       D. softened


阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

       "Tomorrow we'll see the Golden Gate Bridge (金门桥)," said Peter. "I've never seen a golden bridge before."

       Peter's father smiled, but said nothing. Peter would soon see the bridge.   The next morning, his father took Peter to the bridge. How big it looked! And the bridge was red! 

       "It isn't named for its color," said his father. "It's named for the Golden Gate."

       "What's the Golden Gate?" asked Peter.

       "A gate is either an opening, or a thing that closes an opening," said his father. "The Golden Gate is an opening in the land. Water from the sea comes through this opening into San Francisco Bay (海湾)."

       "Oh," said Peter. "And the bridge is over the opening. But why is the opening called the 'Golden Gate'?"

       "Years ago men came here to look for gold (黄金). Many came by ship. For them it was a gate to gold."

       "Well, I still think the bridge should look golden."

       When Peter got home, he sent a letter to a newspaper. In the letter he said: "Red is not the right color for the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge should look golden, the way most people think it does."

       Peter sent all the money he had saved with his letter. "This money is to help paint (油漆) the bridge," he wrote.

       Many people read Peter's letter. Right away, things began to happen! Some people sent money. A Big company (公司) gave real gold.

       But not all the people wanted to change the color of the bridge. Will the Golden Gate Bridge ever be golden?   

1. Peter's father smiled when he heard his son's words because ________.

[  ]

A. he was pleased with his son's words   

B. he had nothing to say   

C. Peter had never seen a golden bridge   

D. Peter didn't know why the bridge was called "Golden Gate Bridge"  

2. The Golden Gate Bridge was ____________.

[  ]

A. golden  

B. an opening in land

C. red

D. both B and C

3. The Golden Gate ______________.

[  ]

A. looked very big    

B. was an opening to gold for men looking for gold years ago

C. was over San Francisco Bay

D. all A, B and C

4. To help change the bridge's color, Peter sent __________.

[  ]

A. his money to a newspaper

B. some of his money to a newspaper

C. his letter to a newspaper and his money to a company

D. all his money to a newspaper after a company had given real gold

5. Peter was sure that ___________ would agree with him.

[  ]

A. some people  

B. all the people    

C. many people

D. one or two big companies


Mr. Parker was born in a small village. His father was so poor that he couldn't send him to school. The boy had to help his parents to do some farming and learned English and math by himself when he was ft'ee. Later on he was made to leave his home village and hoped to find a job in a city. And as soon as war broke out, he joined the army. He couldn't forget his terrible past and fought width the enemies bravely. So he became a general when he was fifty. He was honest and friendly to his soldiers and often punished those bad officers. And his soldiers liked him very much.

  Once Mr. Parker heard from a soldier. In the letter the young man said the food in their military camp was very bad and he wished the general could go to find out the reasons, the old man went there at once, without telling anybody. He went into the kitchen and examined everything carefully and found it was very dirty. Then he went to the soldiers' bedrooms and found there were a lot of fleas. He became angry and asked the soldiers, "What do you think of your food, young men?" The soldiers saw their officer standing by the general and said nothing. Only a new soldier said, "Very bad, sir!"

  "What did you have for lunch today?" asked Mr. Parker.

  "A fried chicken, some fish and pork, a cake, six eggs and I had three cups of wine."

  "Really?" Mr. Parker called out in surprise. "It's the King's lunch, I think!"

  "So do I, General," said the young man. "But it's my birthday today. I paid three hundred dollars for them all in the restaurant!"

56. Mr. Parker became a general because     .

A. he was born in a poor family    

B. the soldiers listened to him

C. he fought with the enemies bravely  

D. he learned English and math by himself

57. Mr. Parker was respected because    .

A. he was strict with the officers       

B. he cared about his soldiers

C. he was friendly to the officers in the camp   

D. he paid attention to the soldiers' letters

58. Mr. Parker went to the military' camp to    .

A. inspect the kitchens          

B. punish the cooks

C. look for the soldier who wrote to him   

D. find out if the matter in the letter was true

59. The soldiers didn't say anything because    .

A. they were afraid of the general    

B. the general didn't agree with them

C. the officer followed the general    

D. they thought their foods were good

60. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The officer wanted to frighten the soldiers.

B. The general no longer believed the soldiers.

C. Mr. Parker found nothing in the military camp at last.

D. The new soldier had a birthday dinner in the restaurant.


Mr. Parker was born in a small village. His father was so poor that he couldn't send him to school. The boy had to help his parents to do some farming and learned English and math by himself when he was ft'ee. Later on he was made to leave his home village and hoped to find a job in a city. And as soon as war broke out, he joined the army. He couldn't forget his terrible past and fought width the enemies bravely. So he became a general when he was fifty. He was honest and friendly to his soldiers and often punished those bad officers. And his soldiers liked him very much.

  Once Mr. Parker heard from a soldier. In the letter the young man said the food in their military camp was very bad and he wished the general could go to find out the reasons, the old man went there at once, without telling anybody. He went into the kitchen and examined everything carefully and found it was very dirty. Then he went to the soldiers' bedrooms and found there were a lot of fleas. He became angry and asked the soldiers, "What do you think of your food, young men?" The soldiers saw their officer standing by the general and said nothing. Only a new soldier said, "Very bad, sir!"

  "What did you have for lunch today?" asked Mr. Parker.

  "A fried chicken, some fish and pork, a cake, six eggs and I had three cups of wine."

  "Really?" Mr. Parker called out in surprise. "It's the King's lunch, I think!"

  "So do I, General," said the young man. "But it's my birthday today. I paid three hundred dollars for them all in the restaurant!"

56. Mr. Parker became a general because     .

A. he was born in a poor family    

B. the soldiers listened to him

C. he fought with the enemies bravely  

D. he learned English and math by himself

57. Mr. Parker was respected because    .

A. he was strict with the officers       

B. he cared about his soldiers

C. he was friendly to the officers in the camp   

D. he paid attention to the soldiers' letters

58. Mr. Parker went to the military' camp to    .

A. inspect the kitchens          

B. punish the cooks

C. look for the soldier who wrote to him   

D. find out if the matter in the letter was true

59. The soldiers didn't say anything because    .

A. they were afraid of the general    

B. the general didn't agree with them

C. the officer followed the general    

D. they thought their foods were good

60. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The officer wanted to frighten the soldiers.

B. The general no longer believed the soldiers.

C. Mr. Parker found nothing in the military camp at last.

D. The new soldier had a birthday dinner in the restaurant.

