Just recently I was invited to attend a function(仪式)to celebrate the 25th year of a business owned by a very good and special friend.
I first met him when he started his 1 and have had the chance to provide my 2 to him over those 25 years, and in between I have stayed in touch with him 3 .
The day of the celebration arrived, 4 , due to a business appointment running over time, I was going to be late, so I 5 to let him know.I arrived 20 minutes after the function had 6 and my good friend came to the 7 to welcome and greet me, 8 that he was delighted to see me and had 9 starting the official part of the celebration, knowing that I was on my way.
I'm sure you would 10 the same feeling as I did at that time, that there is 11 better for your spirits than to be welcomed and acknowledged in such a way. 12 he had always done in all my dealing with him over those 25 years, he made me feel a very 13 and important person.
As I 14 the other guests I could feel a wonderful 15 of friendship, warmth and happiness in the room, as they chatted away. 16 , I had very little time to speak to more than a couple of people before the official part started.
In his 17 , he welcomed all the guests 18 his family, and then individually thanked the people gathered in the room.But 19 what you do hear is all about what the company has achieved over the years.
During his thank-you speech, he referred to a quote(引语)which 20 his overall approach towards both his business and personal life:“Always dance with the person you took to the dance”.