in the Ming dynasty 查看更多



It was in the Ming Dynasty __________ the Great Wall was rebuilt to keep out northern tribes _________ threatened the Chinese heartland.

    A.that; that              B.that; where         C.when; that         D.when; when


It was in the Ming Dynasty __________ the Great Wall was rebuilt to keep out northern tribes _________ threatened the Chinese heartland.

    A.that; that              B.that; where         C.when; that         D.when; when


It was in the Ming Dynasty __________ the Great Wall was rebuilt to keep out northern tribes _________ threatened the Chinese heartland.

    A.that; that              B.that; where         C.when; that         D.when; when


It was in the Ming Dynasty __________ the Great Wall was rebuilt to keep out northern tribes _________ threatened the Chinese heartland.

    A.that; that              B.that; where         C.when; that         D.when; when


The old city wall ______ in the Ming Dynasty.

  1. A.
    was been built
  2. B.
    has been built
  3. C.
    was built
  4. D.
    had been built

