A. called B. showed C. pointed D. sent 查看更多



The family had just moved. The young woman was feeling a little __1__. It was Mother’s Day – and 800 miles separated her from her parents.

She had called them that morning, and her mother had __2__ how colorful their backyard was __3__ spring had arrived. Later, she told her husband how she __4__ those lilacs (丁香花) in her parents’ yard. “I know where we can find some,” he said. “Get the __5__ and come on.” So off they went.

Some time later, they stopped at a hill and there were lilacs all round. The young woman rushed up to the nearest __6__ and buried her face in the flowers. Carefully, she __7__ some. Finally, they returned to their car for the __8__ home. The woman sat smiling, surrounded by her __9__.

When they were near home, she shouted “Stop,” got out quickly and __10__ to a nearby nursing home. She went to the end of the porch (门廊), where a(n) __11__ patient was sitting in her wheelchair, and put the flowers into her lap. The two __12__, bursting into laughter now and then. Later the young woman turned and ran back to her __13__. As the car pulled away, the woman in the wheelchair __14__ with a smile, and held the lilacs __15__.

“Mom,” the kids asked, “__16__ did you give her our flowers?”“It is Mother’s Day, and she seems so __17__while I have all of you. And anyone would be __18__ by flowers.”

This satisfied the kids, but not the husband. The next day he __19__ some young lilacs around their yard.

I was the husband. Now, every May, our yard is full of lilacs. Every Mother’s Day our kids __20__ purple lilacs. And every year I remember that smile of the lonely old woman. And that has become a lasting touching memory of my life.

1.                A.moved         B.worried         C.angry D.depressed


2.                A.learned        B.imagined        C.mentioned    D.realized


3.                A.now that        B.so that          C.as if  D.even if


4.                A.missed         B.planted         C.watered  D.showed


5.                A.cars           B.kids            C.clothes   D.lilacs


6.                A.bush           B.hill            C.yard D.door


7.                A.bought         B.picked          C.sent D.raised


8.                A.break          B.holiday         C.trip  D.dinner


9.                A.friends         B.memory        C.flowers   D.honor


10.               A.responded      B.pointed        C.drove D.hurried


11.               A.loving          B.elderly         C.serious    D.sensitive


12.               A.hesitated       B.waited         C.sat   D.chatted


13.               A.family          B.mother         C.path  D.home


14.               A.nodded        B.waved         C.left   D.continued


15.               A.weakly         B.politely         C.quickly    D.tightly


16.               A.why           B.when          C.how  D.where


17.               A.quiet          B.confused       C.alone D.patient


18.               A.calmed         B.persuaded      C.disappointed   D.cheered


19.               A.arranged       B.dried          C.grew D.hid


20.               A.find           B.gather         C.receive   D.sell




The hotel was in a 31 street and seemed to agree with one who 32 a good sleep after a tiring trip. The woman manager 33 me to my room. When I asked her about dinner, she said it was 34 at six and I had 35 it." 36 , I'm not very hungry." I said in a friendly voice. " I'll just have a 37 and then go to a restaurant."   "What!" she said, raising her eyebrows (眉毛). "This is a respectable (体面的) hotel, young man. If you want, 38 go somewhere else. " She spoke as if a glass of beer were a 39 liquid. I felt my 40 back through the dark streets after dining outside. I knocked loudly on the door but nobody 41 . It was a long time 42 the lady opened the door. "What's going on?" she said 43 ." Guests are to be back by ten. The rule is for everyone."   I went to my room and tried to sleep. The bed was 44 and the sheets and blankets were damp. 45 of all, the whole hotel trembled when the church clock 46 every quarter of an hour. Just before dawn, I finally went to sleep.   "Did you sleep well last night, young man?" asked the old lady the next morning. " 47 speaking, I don't think I could 48 another night here." I replied. "I 49 slept at all." "That's because you were 50 all night drinking!" She said disapprovingly.

1.A. modern B. dark C. crowded  D. quiet

2.A. needed B. took C. slept    D. tried

3.A. called B. showed   C. pointed  D. sent

4.A. eaten  B. prepared C. cooked   D. served

5.A. forgotten  B. taken    C. missed   D. ordered

6.A. Thank you  B. Never mind   C. I'm sorry    D. Too bad 

7.A. sleep      B. cake C. drink    D. rest

8.A. have to    B. must C. rather   D. better

9.A. dangerous  B. ugly C. cruel    D. strange

10.A. direction B. feet C. path D. way

11.A. answered  B. heard    C. opened   D. went

12.A. before    B. when C. after    D. until

13.A. in surprise   B. kindly   C. coldly   D. cruelly

14.A. hard  B. easy C. comfortable  D. difficult

15.A. Above B. Last C. Worst    D. First

16.A. struck    B. broke    C. beat D. hit

17.A. Correctly B. Generally    C. Really   D. Truly

18.A. need  B. spend    C. afford   D. manage

19.A. never B.hardly    C. seldom   D. haven't

20.A. dreaming  B. awake    C. up   D. down


