A. insisted B. depended C. focused D. put 查看更多



In face of difficulties the climbers______in the hope of reaching the top before dark.

   A.insisted on    B. looked up   C.turned away    D. kept on 


In face of difficulties the climbers______in the hope of reaching the top before dark.

   A.insisted on    B. looked up   C.turned away    D. kept on 


完形填空(共20 小题, 每小题 1 分, 满分20 分)

Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. Here is the story of one 10-year-old boy who decided to study judo (柔道) __36__ the fact that he had lost his left arm in a car accident.

The boy began __37__ with an old Japanese judo the sensei (师傅). The boy was __38__ well, but he couldn’t understand __39__, after three months of training the sensei had taught him only one move.

“but this is the only move you’ll ever __40__ to know,” the sensei told him.

Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy __41__ training.

Several months later, the sensei took the boy to his first tournament (循环赛). __42__ himself, the boy easily won his __43__ two matches. The third match proved to be more __44__, but after some time, the boy __45__ used his one move to win the match. Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the __46__.

This time, his competition was bigger, stronger, and more __47__. Concerned that the boy might get hurt, the judge called a time-out. He was about to __48__ the match when the sensei intervened (阻止).

“No,” the sensei __49__, “Let him continue.” Soon after the match started again, his competitor made a __50__ mistake: he dropped his guard. Instantly, the boy used his __51__ to attack him. The boy had won the match and the tournament.

On the way home, the boy summoned(鼓起) the __52__ to ask the sensei how he could win the tournament with only one move.

“You won __53__ two reasons,” the sensei answered. “First, you’ve almost learned one of the most difficult __54__ in all of judo. And second, the only known defense for that move is for your competitor to grab your __55__ arm.”

36. A. against                B. without                 C. except                  D. despite

37. A. work                  B. lessons                  C. school                  D. activity

38. A. doing             B. going            C. getting           D. learning

39. A. what                   B. when                    C. why                     D. how

40. A. manage           B. try                 C. come            D. need

41. A. kept              B. stopped         C. risked            D. delayed

42. A. Entertaining     B. Enjoying        C. Satisfying       D. Surprising

43. A. other           B. first            C. another         D. every

44. A. simple                B. difficult                C. exciting                D. interesting

45. A. completely          B. skillfully               C. secretly                 D. reasonably

46. A. forces                 B. difficulties            C. finals                    D. rounds

47. A. experienced         B. learned                 C. cruel                    D. powerful

48. A. continue             B. control                 C. start                     D. stop

49. A. insisted               B. protected              C. promised              D. replied

50. A. curious         B. funny           C. serious          D. slight

51. A. strength              B. skill                     C. arm                      D. move

52. A. power                 B. courage                C. memory                D. chance

53. A. for                     B. with                     C. on                        D. about

54. A. kicks                  B. jumps                   C. throws                  D. movements

55. A. only           B. either           C. right             D. left



In face of difficulties the climbers______in the hope of reaching the top before dark.

   A.insisted on    B. looked up   C.turned away    D. kept on 




    Two brothers lived on the 80th floor. On coming home one day, they were depressed to realize that the lifts broke 36 . Although they carried a big pack of luggage, it seemed to have no other choice, so they decided to climb the 37 up together!

    When they arrived at the 20th floor, the elder brother 38 putting the luggage there and coming back for it the next day. Feeling much more relaxed, they 39 to climb up. When they 40 to the 40th,the younger started to complain and 41 of them quarreled till the 60th floor. Arriving there, they were so tired that they didn't have any 42 to quarrel. The younger said,“Don't quarrel, let's 43 climbing the stairs.”And they went on climbing 44,finally reaching the 80th!They felt 45 arriving at the door of their home. But soon they found their 46 were kept on the 20th.

    This story is a reflection on our lives. Many of us live under the 47 of our parents, teachers and friends when young. We seldom get to do the things we love.

    By the age of twenty,with so much pressure, we get 48 and then decide to throw down this load.49 from this load, we work energetically with ambitious dreams.

    But at the age of forty,we discover the youth has already died, so much 50 is produced unavoidably, and begin to feel sorry for that. When you 51 the age of sixty ,we discover life hasn't remained too much, so we tell ourselves not to complain and 52 the remaining days! Upon that we walk silently over our own 53 years of life. Arriving at the 54 of the life, we think there is nothing left to disappoint us, only the 55 that we can't rest in peace. Follow your dream , so you will not live with regrets.

A.out          B.through        C.up               D.down

A. lift         B. mountain         C. tower          D. steps

A. insisted     B. suggested      C. decided          D. demanded

A. continued    B. started          C. set                 D. prepared

A. arrived  B. hurried          C. struggled      D. fought

A. all         B. both           C. neither           D. each

A. strength     B. courage       C. opportunity       D. ability

A. begin       B. stop           C. give up            D. finish

A. happily     B. silently       C. hurriedly        D. angrily

A. afraid          B. sad                  C. excited       D. fortunate

A. keys           B. luggage           C. money         D. bags

A. suspicions          B. inspections      C. expectations      D. obligation

A. calmed         B. tired                C. relaxed       D. confused

A. Freed          B. Suffering            C. Recovering        D. Keeping

A. sadness         B. excuse               C. regret          D. forgive

A. get               B. arrive               C. grow          D. reach

A. value          B. forget               C. ignore            D. pass

A. lost            B. rest             C. spending      D. missing

A. end            B. beginning            C. middle         D. rest

A. achievement     B. decision         C. realization      D. promise

