Where are the speakers? A. In the bank B. On a bus C. In a shop 2. What does the man mean? A. She doesn’t agree B. She enjoys night driving C. She would like to wait 3. What do we learn from the conversation? A. Jack brought the tape to the party. B. The tape had been returned to Paul. C. The tape was missing. 4. What’s the woman? A. An air hostess B. A hotel clerk C. A waitress 5. What did the woman like doing when she was young? A. Riding a bicycle with friends B. Traveling the country C. Reading alone 6. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a hotel B. At a booking office C. At a friend’s house 7. What did the man probably do in a few days? A. Fly to another country B. Come to the same hotel. C. Drive here to visit friends. 8. When does the conversation take place? A. In a morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening 9. What does the man suggest? A. Going to a concert B. Going dancing C. Going to a cinema 10. Which of the following statements is true? A. The woman agrees to go with the man. B. The woman disagrees with the man. C. The woman says she a cold so she can’t go. 11. What kind of air-conditioner will the man take? A. An imported one of high quality. B. An American-made one. C. One of good quality whatever the price is. 12. How about the air-conditioner suggested by the woman? A. Expensive and of high quality B. Cheap but not durable. C. Cheap and of high quality 13. How will the air-conditioner be installed? A. The man will be trained and fix it himself B. A trained technician will be sent to install it. C. The man will hire a trained technician to install it. 14. What about the flat the woman lives in? A. Large, comfortable and nice B. Quite small and nice. C. Small and messy. 15. Why does the man say“You’re prepared a feast for an army ? A. Because to his surprise, she has made a big meal for him. B. Because to his surprise, she has made a big meal for herself. C. Because to his surprise. She has asked a lot of people to have dinner with them. 16. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. A couple B. Friends C. Boss and clerk 17. What are examinations meant to test? A. Student’s learning method B. Student’s knowledge C. Student’s experience 18. Why do students in universities usually take examinations? A. To prove that they are fit for further studies. B. To prove the examinations should be cancelled. C. To show their dislike of examinations. 19. Why do office workers are required to take examinations according to the passage? A. Because their manager wants to see whether they are smart enough for harder courses. B. Because their manager wants to see whether they are fit their present jobs. C. Because their manager wants to decide their salary. 20. Which of the following best expresses the idea of the passage? A. The system of examinations B. The result of examinations C. The function of examinations 查看更多






1.Why does the man want to move to New York?

A.Because he doesn’t like to live in the small town.

B.Because he wants to find a job there.

C.Because he likes the way of life in a big city.

2.What does the man mean?

A.He doesn’t agree with the woman.

B.He has a better idea than the woman’s.

C.He has the same opinion as the woman.

3.How was the climate where the old couple lived?

A.It was very rainy.

B.It was very snowy.

C.It was very warm.

4.What are they mainly talking about?

A.People with AIDS.

B.What HIV is.

C.How people gets aids.

5.What will most probably happen if the woman supplies her bank details?

A.She will get a lot of money.

B.Her money in the bank will be stolen.

C.She will take part in a special activity.




6.Why is new high tech-equipment used in modern Olympic Games?

A.To help athletes perform even better.

B.To make competition fiercer.

C.To stop competition among the athletes.

7.People hold modern Olympic Games in order to ________.

A.improve their technology

B.improve their health

C.promote competition

8.According to the dialogue, new technology has affected all the following BUT ________.





9.What does the man do when coming across some trouble?

A.Sleeps on it.

B.Solves it immediately.

C.Asks for help.

10.What does ”sleep on” it mean?

A.Sleeping with the problem in mind.

B.Taking the problem as a pillow.

C.Sleeping without thinking about the problem.

11.It is mentioned in the dialogue that ________.

A.scientists still can’t explain the phenomenon.

B.it is untrue that sleeping can help solve problems.

C.only the man has the ability to sleep on problems.


12.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In the classroom.

B.At home.

C.In a bus.

13.What has the woman been thinking about recently?

A.The environmental protection.

B.The convenience of public transportation.

C.The explosion of the world population.

14.How many aspects did the man mention when he talked about sustainable development?





15.Where are the two speakers?

A.At the radio station.

B.In a studio.

C.In the forest.

16.How many kinds of trees grow in one square kilometer?

A.About l, 500.

B.About 400.

C.About 750.

17.What is the woman?

A.A reporter.

B.A student.

C.A scientist.


18.How long did it take Tom to find his parents by Internet?

A.Only one day.

B.About one year.

C.26 years.

19.When did Tom meet his mother Silvia?

A.On New Year’s Day.

B.On Teachers’ Day.

C.On Mothers’ Day

20.Which of the following can we not know?

A.Tom’s birth information.

B.Where Tom’s father lives.

C.Why Tom’s parents left him.



1.Where are the two speakers?

A. On a bus.

B.In the shopping district.

C. At a street corner.

2.What’s the large building to the left?

A. The bank.              B. The department store.           C.City hall.

3.What does the man need?

A. Clothing.             B.Shoes.                   C.Cigarettes.




1.Where are the two speakers?

A. On a bus.

B.In the shopping district.

C. At a street corner.

2.What’s the large building to the left?

A. The bank.              B. The department store.           C.City hall.

3.What does the man need?

A. Clothing.             B.Shoes.                   C.Cigarettes.






1.Which of the following countries isn’t mentioned?




2.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Waitress and customer.

C.Two school friends.

3.Where are they talking?

A.In the classroom.

B.In a shoe shop.

C.In a hospital.

4.How does John find Mary’s poem?

A.Quite good.

B.Quite bad.

C.Not too bad.

5.How are Tom and Rose getting along with each other?







6.Where is the department that the man wanted to go to?

A.It’s on the third floor.

B.It’s on the first floor.

C.It’s on the fourth floor.

7.What will the man probably do next?

A.To buy a pair of shoes.

B.To try the suit on.

C.To eat something.


8.Why does the man want to have a word with the head waitress?

A.Because he has been kept waiting for a long time.

B.Because he wants to complain about the food.

C.Because he wants to pay the bill.

9.What do we know about the restaurant?

A.It must be a new one.

B.They don’t know how to serve the people.

C.They need more waiters.

10.What would have happened if the head waitress had known about his situation?

A.She would have served him much earlier.

B.She would have brought another drink.

C.She would have turned to her boss for help.


11.Where did the man work before?

A.In a port.

B.In a bank.

C.In a government office.

12.How did the man like the work and the people in the shipping department?

A.The work was tiring, and the people weren’t friendly.

B.The work was tiring, but the people were friendly.

C.The work wasn’t tiring, but the people weren’t friendly.

13.What did the woman wish?

A.She wished that the man would get on well with the people.

B.She wished that the man would be friendly to the people.

C.She wished that the man’s idea would come true.


14.What did the man do before they met?

A.He did housework.

B.He went shopping.

C.He went to the Art Museum.

15.What is the typical English weather?




16.How would they go to the Art Gallery?

A.By taxi.

B.By bus.

C.By car.


17.Where are the two speakers?

A.At the radio station.

B.On a TV show.

C.In the open air.

18.What are they talking about?

A.Their journey.

B.The forest.

C.The birds and plants.

19.How many trees grow in one square kilometer?

A.About 1,500.

B.About 20,000.

C.About 750.

20.What is t he woman?

A.A reporter.

B.A student.

C.An actress.


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.Where is the woman now?

A.In her own bedroom.

B.In hospital.

C.In the office.

2.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

In a shop.

B.In a bank.

C.In a post office.

3.Why is the man late?

The road was busy.

B.There was an accident.

C.He took the wrong bus.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.Ann is looking for a home.

B.Ann is on the way home.

C.Ann is eager to go home.

5.What do we know about Smith?

A.He never makes any mistakes.

B.He can answer questions quickly.

C.He is always thinking of others.




6.Where is Tom now?

A.In the school.

B.At the cinema.

C.In a restaurant.

7.Who answers the telephone?

A.Mrs.Brown, Tom's sister.

B.Mrs.Black, Tom's aunt.

C.Mrs.Brown, Tom's mother.


8.What is the woman's New Year's resolution?

A.Getting a good job.

Building up her body.

Becoming more beautiful.

9.What did Henry do last year?

A.He joined a health club.

B.He stopped smoking.

C.He got a good job.


10.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.A passer-by and a policeman.

B.A policeman and a driver.

C.A passenger and a taxi driver.

11.Where does the woman want to go?

A.Sun Hotel.

B.Shine Hotel.

C.Wilson Hotel.

12.What do we know about the man?

A.He made a wrong turn.

B.He didn't have a driving license.

C.He will drive the woman for free.


13.Who once took guitar lessons from the man?


B.Susan's son.

C.Mary Jackson.

14.How long has Mary Jackson studied the piano before?

A.3 months.

B.3 years.

C.6 years.

15.On what day is the woman going to take her lessons?

A.On Mondays.

B.On Wednesdays.

C.On Fridays.

16.How much should the woman pay for her lessons each time?

A.8 dollars.

B.6 dollars.

C.4 dollars.


17.What does Albert probably do?

A French economist.

The survey organizer.

A website manager.

18.What was the number of visitors to this website per month last year?

A.60, 000.

B.30, 000.

C.8, 000.

19.Why do the second-hand gifts come to be so popular?

A.They are more expensive and attractive.

B.They are cheaper and eco-friendly.

C.They can be bought online.

20.What can we learn from the passage?

A.About 40% of French consumers will give second-hand gifts.

B.There are many people in France buying the second-hand gifts.

C.The oldest consumers were more open to the idea.

