keep sth under control 查看更多




keep off防止,挡住  keep on继续干  keep up with赶上,不落在后面

keep(sth./sb.)out不使…进入  keep in touch with和…保持联系

keep one’s word守信,遵守诺言

(1)You should study hard if you want to ________ others.

(2)We had to think of a way to ________ the rain.

(3)It was raining, but they ________ till the work was finished.

(4)The Chinese people always ________

(5)The rain ________ for several days.

(6)We have ________ each other after graduation.

(7)Don’t ________ me ________ in the cold.Let me in



  Is it possible that the people of the world today could agree upon a single international language that everyone would be able to speak and understand?

  In the United Nations there are five official languages English, Chinese, Russian, French and Spanish. How about making one of them into an international language? English has been worked on for this purpose. A basic word list of about 850 English words named Basic English was made. These are the only verbs in the entire list:“come, go, give, keep, let, do, put, make, say, be, seem, may, will, have, send”. Writing in Basic English may require you to use a greater number of words——as in having to say“it came to my ears”instead of “I heard”——but you can still say anything you want to with about 850 different words and a few suffixes and prefixes. This is a much smaller number of words to have to memorize than the ordinary number offered to the students of a foreign language.

  But people have always had a need to do more than simply“tell it as it is”. Language is for reporting not only one's work. For this, a language needs idioms, needs all kinds of grammar and style that reflect its history and development just as a person needs eyebrows. Is there some special reason why our lips should be a different color from our skin? Perhaps not, but this is how people——real people——are. For communication between people, languages in all diversity(各种各样)will remain to reflex the growth and soul of the societies that speak them.

(1)If we write a composition in Basic English, it will be ________.

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A.longer than usual

B.shorter than usual

C.hard for us to express what we want to to express ourselves in different style as we like to

(2)In the passage“tell it as it is”means ________.

[  ]

A.people can use Basic English to say what they want to

B.people think Basic English can express what they see or hear

C.people say what they want to according to the fact

D.tell something they like to

(3)This passage begins with a question. According to the writer's opinion, the answer to the question may be“________.”

[  ]

A.It will be possible in the future

B.It seems to be possible if people agree to use Basic English

C.It seems impossible that people can use a simple language to express themselves in various lives

D.It is impossible except that the five official UN languages are used at the same time

(4)Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

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A.The words used in Basic English are strictly limited to 850, and nothing more.

B.Basic English seems not to be so easy to learn.

C.Basic English can be used to express our complicated thought easily.

D.Basic English is not a natural development of the English language.


It’s not easy growing up. Growing up can be a real “pain” for some of us. We are always doing things that someone else makes us do and aren’t allowed to do all the things we like. Sometimes we feel sad, sometimes we are fearful, and sometimes we just don’t understand why we can’t stay young forever. But we should take a look back on all the hardships (苦难) in life with a positive attitude and learn from them. We should realize that all of our growing pains actually turn into growing gains!
Throughout our lives we are going to face many challenges and pains, but we should never let these obstacles keep us from following our dreams. We must overcome every obstacle one small step at a time.
As a young girl, my parents forced me to do so many things that I didn’t like. They made me learn to play the violin and then the piano. At that time I hated music and I also hated them. But looking back now, I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons. Music has enriched (丰富) my life in so many ways. I now realize that my parents and teachers wanted me to have a better life than they did themselves.
We are all going to experience growing pains, but they are just part of our life. Think about how we would feel if we had no challenges and lived a life like that. Life would be really boring and meaningless. The future is ours! A little hard work and sweat never hurt anyone! If we realize that these pains are just small bumps (碰撞) on our road to success, we will realize that our growing pains are actually growing gains!
1. What would be the best title for this passage?
A. No pains, no gains
B. Growing pains and gains
C. Growing up is a pain         
D. Growing up is easy
2. The underlined word “obstacles” (in Paragraph 2) refers to things that _____.
A. make it easy for you to do sth        
B. make it difficult for you to do sth
C. make you happy                            
D. make you full of energy
3. What does the author now think about what her parents did for her in the past?
A. She is angry with them.                     
B. She is dissatisfied with them.
C. She is thankful to them.                  
D. She couldn’t forgive them.
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Growing pains are part of our life.
B. Our growing pains will finally turn into growing gains.
C. We should stop when facing many challenges.
D. Life without challenges is boring and meaningless.


“People should have one meat-free day a week if they want to make a personal and effective sacrifice that would help deal with climate change,” the world’s leading authority on global warming has told The Observer.
Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said that people should then go on to reduce their meat consumption even further.
Pachauri, who was re-elected the panel’s chairman for a second six-year term last week, said diet change was important because of the huge greenhouse gas emissions (排放) and other environmental problems associated with raising cattle and other animals. “It was relatively easy to change eating habits compared to changing means of transport,” he said.
The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation has estimated that meat production accounts for nearly a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions. These are produced during the production. For example, ruminants (反刍动物), particularly cows, give off a gas called methane, which is 23 times more effective as a global warming agent than CO2.
Pachauri can expect some opposite responses from the food industry to his advice, though last night he was given unexpected support by Masterchef presenter and restaurateur John Torode. “I have a little bit and enjoy it,” said Torode. “Too much for any person is bad. But there’s a bigger issue here: where the meat comes from. If we all bought British and stopped buying imported food, we’d save a huge amount of carbon emissions.”
Professor Robert Watson, the chief scientific adviser for the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, said government could help educate people about the benefits of eating less meat, but it should not regulate. “Eating less meat would help, there’s no question about that,” Watson said.
However, Chris Lamb, head of marketing for pig industry group BPEX, said the meat industry had been unfairly targeted and was working hard to find out which activities had the biggest environmental impact and reduce them. “Some ideas were contradictory,” he said. “For example, one solution to emissions from cattle and other animals was to keep them indoors, but this would damage animal welfare. Climate change is a very young science and our view is there are a lot of simple solutions being proposed.”
【小题1】What is directly related to global warming?

A.Consumption of meat. B.Growth of cattle.
C.Methane from ruminants. D.Processing of meat.
【小题2】Who holds a view opposite to the others’ in the passage?
A.Rajendra Pachauri.B.John Torode. C.Robert Watson. D.Chris Lamb.
【小题3】It is implied in the passage that _____.
A.we should try to keep away from cattleB.ruminants should not be left outdoors
C.the meat industry will soon close downD.we must do our duty to save the earth
【小题4】 Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A.Less meat, slower global warming
B.More animals, more greenhouse gas
C.Less imported food, better our environment
D.Greater diet change, smaller climate change


Last Sep.11 was an important day too. After unknown gunmen attacked aid workers from the Nobel Prize-winning Medecins sans Frontieres at a roadblock on that day , most of the international aid groups helping Darfur’s 6 million people stopped using the roads . On Dec.18 , unknown gunmen attacked the southern town of Gereida. More than 70 aid workers then pulled out of the refugee(难民) camp there—Darfur’s largest, with 130,000 people —leaving only 10 Red Cross employees behind. Yet at the time no one said what had really caused the sudden pullbacks.
Damaging has become surprisingly common in Darfur, where 200,000 Africans have been killed and a third of the population have been sent fleeing into camps in three years of war. But the attacks on international aid workers suggested a dramatic and dangerous start—to attack on purpose those helping to keep Darfur’s millions of refugee alive. A dozen people from foreign NGOs (non-governmental organizations) have been killed in just the past six months , more than previous years. There are about 14,000 aid workers in Darfur now , the majority of them Sudanese, working for foreign NGOs and U.N. agencies and delivering $1 billion a year in aid . Just a few more terrible attacks could throw that into jeopardy. Last week 14 U.N. offices working in Darfur made a clear warning that “the humanitarian (人道主义) organization cannot possibly make certain the survival of the population Darfur if aid workers don’t feel safe. ”
64.What made Sept.11 an important day according to the passage?
A.Two World Trade Center buildings were destroyed in the USA.
B.International aid workers were attacked in Darfur.
C.A fight happened between the international aid workers and some unknown gunmen in Darfur.
D.International aid groups stopped their help to Darfur.
65.Which of the following shows a picture of Darfur?
A.Darfur has been in war since the last Sept.11.
B.Many people in Datfur are homeless because of the war.
C.Darfur will not get help from organizations including the UN.
D.International aid groups have never been attacked before.
66.The underlined word“jeopardy”in the last paragraph most probably means     
A.light                   B.practice              C.danger            D.effect   
67.Which of the following can be the tide of the passage?
A.People in        Darfur        B.International Aid Groups in Danger
C.War in Darfur                D.International Aid to Darfur

