meet with 查看更多





meet with  be bound to   help out  adjust to   be dying to   set aside


1.He is the kind of person who ________________ achieve his goal if he decides to.

2.Lucy was so worried about her father’s health that she ____________ her work and went home to look after him.

3.I hope my suggestions will ______________your approval.

4.The new students slowly _________ themselves _______ the new life.

5.When I am in trouble, he always __________ me ________.



With the Indian economy predicted to grow by 7.5 percent this year, experts say it could be time for Western CEOs to learn some lessons from Indian CEOs.The key differences between Indian and Western bosses are:

       Social purpose

       One of the most important things is that Indian leaders lead with a sense of social purpose.Every leader in India gave a specific social purpose as being the goal of their business.Those purposes ranged from improving healthcare to getting cell phones to people who didn't have access to communication tools.Having a social purpose motivates workers.

       Invest in employees

      Indian firms invest an enormous amount in their employees' training and development.IT firms typically offer 60 days of formal training for newly hired workers and they even spend months training experienced workers.A study said that Western firms have largely abandoned investing in employees, seeing it as a waste if they quit.But Indian bosses believe that investing in employees ensures the quality of those who stay at the company.

       Take the long view

       Indian bosses stress far less on shareholders than it is typical at Western business.As a result they're more able to take a long-term view.Western companies can't just ignore their shareholders, but their CEOs can do more to protect their -employees from short-term financial pressures, letting them get on with their jobs.

       Work from their strengths

       Western companies often think about strategy in terms of chasing customers or pursuing market opportunities, but Indian firms will more often start by identifying their strengths and customers’ needs, and then try to meet those needs.

       Act as a role model

       Being a personal role model for their employees is an amazing thing for a CEO.If Western bosses could think of themselves as role models, it would have a real impact on their workers.

Indian CEOs use their sense of social purpose to _________.

       A.improve the workers' healthcare system

       B.provide cell phones to people in need

       C.motivate and encourage their employees

       D.promote the development of communication systems

Western firms have largely abandoned investing in employees’ training and development because _______. takes too long to complete the formal training of newly hired workers

       B.they often hire experienced workers who don't need much training

       C.they are afraid of the losses brought about by the resignation of employees

       D.they don't care about the quality of the employees in their firms

Which of the following is TRUE about Western bosses?

       A.They stress on workers more than shareholders.

       B.They always act as role models for employees.

       C.They are good at identifying their own strengths.

       D.They pay closer attention to market opportunities.


      With the Indian economy predicted to grow by 7.5 percent this year, experts say it could be time for Western CEOs to learn some lessons from Indian CEOs.The key differences between Indian and Western bosses are:

       Social purpose

       One of the most important things is that Indian leaders lead with a sense of social purpose.Every leader in India gave a specific social purpose as being the goal of their business.Those purposes ranged from improving healthcare to getting cell phones to people who didn't have access to communication tools.Having a social purpose motivates workers.

       Invest in employees

      Indian firms invest an enormous amount in their employees' training and development.IT firms typically offer 60 days of formal training for newly hired workers and they even spend months training experienced workers.A study said that Western firms have largely abandoned investing in employees, seeing it as a waste if they quit.But Indian bosses believe that investing in employees ensures the quality of those who stay at the company.

       Take the long view

       Indian bosses stress far less on shareholders than it is typical at Western business.As a result they're more able to take a long-term view.Western companies can't just ignore their shareholders, but their CEOs can do more to protect their -employees from short-term financial pressures, letting them get on with their jobs.

       Work from their strengths

       Western companies often think about strategy in terms of chasing customers or pursuing market opportunities, but Indian firms will more often start by identifying their strengths and customers’ needs, and then try to meet those needs.

       Act as a role model

       Being a personal role model for their employees is an amazing thing for a CEO.If Western bosses could think of themselves as role models, it would have a real impact on their workers.

Indian CEOs use their sense of social purpose to _________.

       A.improve the workers' healthcare system

       B.provide cell phones to people in need

       C.motivate and encourage their employees

       D.promote the development of communication systems

Western firms have largely abandoned investing in employees’ training and development because _______. takes too long to complete the formal training of newly hired workers

       B.they often hire experienced workers who don't need much training

       C.they are afraid of the losses brought about by the resignation of employees

       D.they don't care about the quality of the employees in their firms

Which of the following is TRUE about Western bosses?

       A.They stress on workers more than shareholders.

       B.They always act as role models for employees.

       C.They are good at identifying their own strengths.

       D.They pay closer attention to market opportunities.


With the development of society and economy, animals and their habitats are getting pushed aside as households decrease in size and increase in number.
Small numbers of people per household on average use more energy and goods per person. Greater numbers of households require more natural resources for construction. The possible result of this problem may be insufficient natural resources to meet consumer demand without endangering habitats important to biodiversity.
Personal freedom and social choice may come at huge environmental cost. Direct costs include visible damage to animal habitats and plant life. Indirect costs include the release of more greenhouse gases.
The effects of such “personal freedom and social choice” have already surfaced in south-west China’s Wolong Nature Reserve. In Wolong, they found that a reduced average household size was directly tied to an increase in homes, and thus an increase in the amount of firewood consumed for cooking and heating. The rise in wood fuel use has contributed to disappearance of forests and to the loss of habitats for giant pandas. 
Curious about whether other parts of the world were experiencing similar phenomena, they got the support of a team of researchers including Stanford’s Paul Ehrlich, well-known for his population studies, to find out the household dynamics in 141 countries between 1985 and 2000. Their study proved that the difficult choice of Wolong is part of a global trend.
In the 76 countries considered biodiversity “hotspots”, such as the United States, Brazil, Australia, and Kenya, the number of households grew by 3.1% every year, while the population increased just 1.8%. Meanwhile, the number of people per home dropped from 4.7 to 4.0. The decline in household size has resulted in 155 million additional households in hotspot countries, almost always limiting biodiversity.
In the 10 non-hotspot countries — those without high-density areas of animal and plant species — similar results were found, though on a lesser scale. Even in countries experiencing population decline, such as New Zealand, the number of households still increased because of a reduction in household size.
【小题1】What does the underlined word “insufficient” mean?

A.Plenty of.B.Not enough.C.Abundant.D.Little.
【小题2】It can be learned from the passage that China’s Wolong Nature Reserve_____ facing the same threat as many other parts of the world
B.sets a good example in protecting animals a place where giant pandas and their habitats are not affected a place where animals and their habitats are seriously damaged
【小题3】Which of the following is best supported by the last two paragraphs?
A.Biodiversity is better kept in countries with smaller populations.
B.Biodiversity is better kept in hotspot countries.
C.The threat to nature from reduction in household size is a worldwide problem.
D.Both hotspot countries and non-hotspot countries face the threat of the same scale.
【小题4】 What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Reduced household size leads to an increase in household number.
B.Modern homes consume more natural resources.
C.How to meet consumer demand without endangering animals and their habitats.
D.Reduction in household size as well as increase in household number threatens nature.


      With the Indian economy predicted to grow by 7.5 percent this year, experts say it could be time for Western CEOs to learn some lessons from Indian CEOs.The key differences between Indian and Western bosses are:
Social purpose
One of the most important things is that Indian leaders lead with a sense of social purpose.Every leader in India gave a specific social purpose as being the goal of their business.Those purposes ranged from improving healthcare to getting cell phones to people who didn't have access to communication tools.Having a social purpose motivates workers.
Invest in employees
Indian firms invest an enormous amount in their employees' training and development.IT firms typically offer 60 days of formal training for newly hired workers and they even spend months training experienced workers.A study said that Western firms have largely abandoned investing in employees, seeing it as a waste if they quit.But Indian bosses believe that investing in employees ensures the quality of those who stay at the company.
Take the long view
Indian bosses stress far less on shareholders than it is typical at Western business.As a result they're more able to take a long-term view.Western companies can't just ignore their shareholders, but their CEOs can do more to protect their -employees from short-term financial pressures, letting them get on with their jobs.
Work fromtheir strengths
Western companies often think about strategy in terms of chasing customers or pursuing market opportunities, but Indian firms will more often start by identifying their strengths and customers’ needs, and then try to meet those needs.
Act as a role model
Being a personal role model for their employees is an amazing thing for a CEO.If Western bosses could think of themselves as role models, it would have a real impact on their workers.
【小题1】Indian CEOs use their sense of social purpose to _________.

A.improve the workers' healthcare system
B.provide cell phones to people in need
C.motivate and encourage their employees
D.promote the development of communication systems
【小题2】Western firms have largely abandoned investing in employees’ training and development because _______. takes too long to complete the formal training of newly hired workers
B.they often hire experienced workers who don't need much training
C.they are afraid of the losses brought about by the resignation of employees
D.they don't care about the quality of the employees in their firms
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE about Western bosses?
A.They stress on workers more than shareholders.
B.They always act as role models for employees.
C.They are good at identifying their own strengths.
D.They pay closer attention to market opportunities.

