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In 1939 two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald, started a drive-in restaurant in San Bernadino, California. They carefully chose a busy corner for their location. They had run their own businesses for years, first a theater, then a barbecue(烤肉) restaurant, then another drive-in. But in their new operation, they offered a new, shortened menu: French fries, hamburgers, and sodas. To this small selection they added one new idea: quick service, no waiters or waitresses, and no tips.

Their hamburgers sold for fifteen cents. Cheese was another four cents. Their French fries and hamburgers had a remarkable uniformity(一致性), for the brothers had developed a strict routine(程序) for the preparation of their food, and they insisted on their cooks’ sticking to their routine. Their new drive-in became surprisingly popular, particularly for lunch. People drove up by the hundreds during the busy noontime. The self-service restaurant was so popular that the brothers had allowed ten copies of their restaurant to be opened. They were content with this modest success until they met Ray Kroc.

Kroc was a salesman who met the McDonald brothers in 1954, when he was selling milkshake-mixing machines. He quickly saw the special attraction of the brothers’ fast-food restaurants and bought the right to franchise(特许经营) other copies of their restaurants. The agreement included the right to duplicate(复制) the menu, the equipment, even their red and white buildings with the golden arches(拱门).

Today McDonald’s is really a household name. In 1976, McDonald’s had over $ l billion in total sales. Its first twenty-two years is one of the most surprising success stories in modern American business history.

This passage mainly talks about _______.

A. the development of fast food services

B. how McDonald’s became a billion-dollar business

C. the business careers of Mac and Dick McDonald

D. Ray Kroc’s business talent

Mac and Dick managed all of the following businesses except _______.

A. a drive-in                               B. a theater

C. a cinema                                D. a barbecue restaurant

We may infer from this passage that _______.

A. Mac and Dick McDonald never became wealthy for they sold their idea to Kroc.

B. the place the McDonalds chose was the only source of the great popularity of their drive-in

C. forty years ago there were lots of fast-food restaurants

D. Ray Kroc was a good businessman

The passage suggests that _______.

A. creativity is an important element of business success

B. Ray Kroc was the close partner of the McDonald brothers

C. Mac and Dick McDonald became broken after they sold their ideas to Ray Kroc

D. California is the best place to go into business


In ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important and had strong religious associations. The Olympian athletic festival held every four years in honor of Zeus, king of the Olympian? Gods, eventually lost its local character, became first a national event and then, after the rules against foreign competitors had been put to an end, international. No one knows how far back the Olympic Games go, but some official records date from 776 BC. ?

The games took place in August on the plain by Mount Olympus. Many thousands of people gathered from all parts of Greece to watch the games, but no married woman was ?admitted? even for watching. Slaves, women and dishonored persons were not allowed to compete. The exact sequence of events is uncertain, but events included boy's gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, horse racing and field events, though there were fewer sports involved than in the modern Olympic Games.

On the last day of the Games, all the winners were honored by having a ring of holy olive(橄榄树) leaves placed on their heads. So great was the honor that the winner of the foot race gave his name to the year of his victory. Although Olympic winners received no money, they were, in fact, richly rewarded by their state authorities.

In ancient Greece, the Olympic Games_______.?

A. was held by Zeus, king of the Olympian Gods?

B. was a religious event?

C. was first a national event held every four years?

D. was an international event held in honor of Zeus?

f an athlete won, _______.

A. he would receive a lot of money?

B. he could give his name to the month of his victory?

C. he would be honored and rewarded by his state authorities?

D. he would only get a ring of holy olive leaves?

In the early days of ancient Olympic Games_______.?

A. only Greek men were allowed to participate in the games?

B. all Greeks, regardless of religion, political views and sex, were allowed to take part in the games

C. all Greeks except married women were allowed to compete in the games?

D. all the Greek men except slaves and dishonored ones were able to compete in the games?

Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. The sequence of events were set up in ancient Olympic Games.?

B. The sequence of events varied greatly from ancient to the modern Olympic Games.?

C. There were 20 more events involved in the modern Olympic Games.?

D. Ancient Greeks had only running races at the first Olympic Games.


In ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important and had strong religious associations. The Olympian athletic festival held every four years in honor of Zeus, king of the Olympian? Gods, eventually lost its local character, became first a national event and then, after the rules against foreign competitors had been put to an end, international. No one knows how far back the Olympic Games go, but some official records date from 776 BC. ?

The games took place in August on the plain by Mount Olympus. Many thousands of people gathered from all parts of Greece to watch the games, but no married woman was ?admitted? even for watching. Slaves, women and dishonored persons were not allowed to compete. The exact sequence of events is uncertain, but events included boy's gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, horse racing and field events, though there were fewer sports involved than in the modern Olympic Games.

On the last day of the Games, all the winners were honored by having a ring of holy olive(橄榄树) leaves placed on their heads. So great was the honor that the winner of the foot race gave his name to the year of his victory. Although Olympic winners received no money, they were, in fact, richly rewarded by their state authorities.

In ancient Greece, the Olympic Games_______.?

A. was held by Zeus, king of the Olympian Gods?

B. was a religious event?

C. was first a national event held every four years?

D. was an international event held in honor of Zeus?

If an athlete won, _______.

A. he would receive a lot of money?

B. he could give his name to the month of his victory?

C. he would be honored and rewarded by his state authorities?

D. he would only get a ring of holy olive leaves?

In the early days of ancient Olympic Games_______.?

A. only Greek men were allowed to participate in the games?

B. all Greeks, regardless of religion, political views and sex, were allowed to take part in the games

C. all Greeks except married women were allowed to compete in the games?

D. all the Greek men except slaves and dishonored ones were able to compete in the games?


In the year 480 BC the Greek allies (联军) faced invasion by the King of Persia, Xerxes, who commanded a huge army of about half a million men. When the Persian army marched into northern Greece, the Greek states, led by Athens and Sparta, were ill equipped to deal with the threat. The Persians were well supplied with food and weapons. Their army included infantry, cavalry, and a large navy. It seemed that they would easily defeat the Greeks.

    The Greek allies decided to send 10,000 men northwards to slow down the Persians, while the rest prepared to defend their homelands. A group of 300 best Spartan soldiers were chosen to lead the force going north, with Leonidas in command. Leonidas realized that the only hope of slowing the Persians would be to block the narrow passage of land at Thermopylae. The Pass of

Thermopylae was the route between the mountains and the sea, and was so narrow that only a few men could get through at a time.

     When the Persian army arrived at Thermopylae, they found Leonidas' tiny army opposing them. The Persians attacked, but could not get through. They attacked again and again, but each time they were driven back by the Greeks, led by the fearless Spartans. Leonidas' plan worked well until a Greek traitor called Ephialtes went m Xerxes. He told the Persian king about a goat's path in the mountains that would take the Persian army past Thermopylae. When Leonidas saw the enemy crossing the mountains, he realized that he could no longer hold Thermopylae. He sent all the Greek soldiers except the 300 Spartans back to their homelands.

     The Spartans waited for the 500,000 Persians at the goat’s path. Although hopelessly outnumbered, the Spartans fought bravely. They all died, but the other Greeks were able to get home to strengthen the defenses.

61. Compared with the Persian army, the Greek allies were very________.

    A. powerful        B. wise           C. weak          D. foolish

62. The Pass of Thermopylae was very important for the Greeks because __

    A. it was easy to hold but hard to attack

    B. only very small boats could get through it

    C, it was a secret pass unknown to the Persians

    D. a huge number of soldiers could be stationed there

63. Why did Leonidas send most of his soldiers back to their homelands?

    A. Because their homelands were under attack.

    B. Because he found they were not brave enough.

    C. Because the Persians gave up attacking Thermopylae.

    D. Because he found it impossible to hold Thermopylae.

64. Which of the following is NOT ture according to the passage?

    A. Leonidas was a great commander.

    B. The Persians failed to pass Thermopylae.

    C. Ephialtes betrayed his own country.

    D. The 300 Spatans would be regarded as heroes by the Greeks.

65. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

  A. The Greek Allies  B. The Goat’s Path  C. The King of Persia  D. Xerxes and Ephialtes


In modern society, receiving systematic college education seems a necessary way for success as a graduate from first-class university may always get more opportunities than others. However, if it is gold, it will shine one day. In this article, we will get to know three most successful people in U.S. who never finished their college education. Following experiences of these successful dropouts may give you some inspiration.
1. Bill Gates
Harvard’s campus paper “Harvard Crimson” called Bill Gates “Harvard’s most successful dropout,” while the rest of the world preferred to name him “the world’s richest man” for more than a decade. Now, even not on the top, he is still among the list of the world’s wealthiest people.Gates entered Harvard in the fall of 1973. Two years later, he dropped out to found Microsoft with friend Paul Allen. And in 2007, he finally received an honorary doctorate from Harvard.
2. Steve Jobs
The iPad, even Buzz Lightyear probably wouldn’t have existed if Steve Jobs stayed in school. Because his family couldn’t afford his college education, Jobs had to drop out of Reed College just after entering for 6 months. Then he found Apple, NeXT Computer and Pixar, which had made great influences on development of modern technique and culture. However, this wizard thought that his brief college education was not worthless.
3. Frank Lloyd Wright
As the America’s most celebrated architect, Wright spent more time on designing colleges rather than attending classes in them. Once spent one year in the University of Wisconsin-Madison, then he left for Chicago and started to learn from Louis Sullivan, the “father of modernism." Wright’ s splendid resume included more than 500 works, most famous of which are Fallingwater and New York City's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
【小题1】 What does“dropouts”in Paragraph One mean?

A.Hardworking students.B.Very successful students.
C.Students failing to finish their school education.D.Students from poor families.
【小题2】Which of the following is right according to Paragraph One?
A.People graduating from famous universities are more likely to get jobs.
B.Many successful people had the experience of giving up their school education.
C.If one has a lot of gold, he will become very rich one day.
D.We should stop our college education to follow in those successful people’s steps.
【小题3】According to the writer, Bill Gates _________. richer than any other man in the world well-known in Harvard University
C.finally finished his study at Harvard and got a doctorate degree the only founder of Microsoft
【小题4】Which of the following statements can’t be learned from the last two paragraphs?
A.The reason for Jobs’ dropping his college education is that his parents couldn’t pay for it.
B.Jobs thought his six-month college education gave him no help.
C.Wright’s teacher was a very famous artist.
D.Wright is the designer of New York City’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
【小题5】 What does the author want to tell us in this passage?
A.Successful people often have unordinary life experience.
B.College education is not so important to one’s success.
C.People from poor families are more likely to give up their college education.
D.Even without college education, one can still achieve success with one’s hard work.

