where to spend the summer vacation 查看更多



The summer vacation is over. It is true that time always flies fast. During the vacation , the weather was bad and I could not do much work, but I live happily.

   As the afternoon was hot, I did my work in the morning. I used to get up at 6:30 and take a walk in the garden for half an hour. After breakfast, I began reading English and Chinese and did some exercises in maths. This took me three hours or more. I worked quite hard and made good progress.

  I spent the afternoon outside. I went to swim and it was very funny. I would not go home until it was five or six o’clock. Sometimes a friend would come to see me and we would spend some hours listening to music.

  In this way, I spent my vacation happily. And I not only studied well but also became a good swimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits.

60. What does the text tell us?

A. How the writer spent his summer vacation.

B. What the weather was like in the summer.

C. When the writer got up in the morning.

D. Where the writer took a walk.

61.The writer spent most of the afternoon _______.

A. listening to music    B. visiting his friends    C. walking in the garden   D. swimming 

62. The writer had very good summer holidays because he ______.

A. worked very hard and made good progress

B. learned to swim and did his work well

C. got up early and went home late

D. liked swimming better than studying

63.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The writer made progress in his lesson.

B. The writer took a walk for half an hour before breakfast

C. The writer began studying as soon as as he got up.

D. The writer spent more time swimming than listening to music.


The summer vacation is over. It is true that time always flies fast. During the vacation , the weather was bad and I could not do much work, but I live happily.

  As the afternoon was hot, I did my work in the morning. I used to get up at 6:30 and take a walk in the garden for half an hour. After breakfast, I began reading English and Chinese and did some exercises in maths. This took me three hours or more. I worked quite hard and made good progress.

  I spent the afternoon outside. I went to swim and it was very funny. I would not go home until it was five or six o’clock. Sometimes a friend would come to see me and we would spend some hours listening to music.

  In this way, I spent my vacation happily. And I not only studied well but also became a good swimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits.

45. What does the text tell us?

  A. How the writer spent his summer vacation.

  B. What the weather was like in the summer.

  C. When the writer got up in the morning.

  D. Where the writer took a walk.

46. The writer spent most of the afternoon _______.

A. listening to music       B. visiting his friends  

C. walking in the garden      D. swimming

47. The writer had very good summer holidays because he ______.

  A. worked very hard and made good progress

  B. learned to swim and did his work well

  C. got up early and went home late

  D. liked swimming better than studying

48. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. The writer made progress in his lesson.

B. The writer took a walk for half an hour before breakfast

C. The writer began studying as soon as he got up.

D. The writer spent more time swimming than listening to music.


A carefree summer vacation can be yours with these easy tips

??? 1Fly into Alternate Airports

??? Most major destinations are served by more than one airportFlying into a less popular one can result in cheaper ticketsAnother added perk of quieter airports? Shorter check-in and security linesand less waiting around

??? 2Use Public Transportation for City Travel to Save Time and Money

??? When possibletake public transportation from the airport to your hotelFor examplethe London-Heathrow express train takes just 15 minutes to get from airport to city and costs under 20 poundsBy contrast“A taxi costs about 70 pounds and takes 40 minutes"reports DiScala

??? 3Eat SmartExplore…and Save

??? Look for ways to take your order in pricey restaurants and you can avoid “Are we about to run out of money?”“Don’t order an appetizerDon’t drink a lot of booze” says DiScala

??? Alsocover more ground by spreading out your snack places“Have dessert at a café or ice cream stand, instead of at the dinner restaurant” suggests DiScalaYou’ll see more of the city and decisions about where to go for dinner will be less worrying

4Hit the Market

Much like reading the local newspapervisiting a market gives context to a foreign country

Even the smallest villages tend to have a weekly open-air market(often on Saturday mornings) , while in larger towns and citiesexpect additional market daysas well as big supermarkets

Markets also sell amazingwallet-friendly souvenirsThink about sea saltlocal spices or saucesand regional oils and vinegarsEatable gifts are almost always appreciatedsaving you the stress of finding the“perfect”gift for each person on your list

1.The passage aims to tell the readers how to________

Atake a plane without waiting for long

Bspend your holidays abroad economically

Ceat in a pricey restaurant at the smallest expense

Dsave money to buy eatable gifts in a foreign market

2.What does the underlined word“perk” in Line 4 mean?

ASpecial benefit.?? BStrict standard

CCommon scene.?? DExtra trouble

3.Which of the following will best help you save time and money?

A. Choosing a bigger airport.??? B .Visiting local markets

CHaving dinner at the hotel.? DTaking an express train

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

AHaving coffee at a cafe will cost more money

BSouvenirs bought at local markets are expensive

CYou will run out of your money if you eat out

DMarkets help you understand your tourist destination



Heredity (遗传) is not the only thing that influences our color. Where we live and how we live after we are born are important too. For instance, our genes influence how fat or thin we are. But our weight depends mainly upon how much we eat and how much exercise we get. In the same way, our skin color depends to a large extent upon how much sunshine we get.

       When summer arrives and light-colored people go to the beaches, some will tan darkly, some will tan lightly and few will not tan at all. Each one is born with a different ability to tan, but the differences do not appear until the conditions are right An outdoor man will soon become pale if he changes to an indoor job, while a desk clerk will take on tan after a short vacation in the sun. Sometimes people decide that being tanned is better than being pale. Sometimes they decide the opposite.

       Centuries ago, most of the people in Europe were peasants and they had to work in the fields all day. Noblemen, on the other hand, did not have to work. They stayed indoors and remained pale. You could always tell a nobleman from a peasant because a peasant had a tan. As a result, noblewomen did their best to keep skins as light as possible. A skin so pale was considered a mark

of great beauty and nobleness.

       During the Industrial Revolution things changed. Farmers left their fields and went to work in factories, mines and mills. Working for long hours in dimly-lit factories and mines made their skins pale. Wealthy people, however, could afford to travel to sunny countries. They had the leisure (空闲)to lie around on the beaches and get tan. Having a tan became a sign of wealth.

       In Western Europe and North America pale skin is no longer desirable. Instead of bleaching themselves white with lemon juice, many women spend their time under a sun-lamp. The desire for a quick tan has led to the invention of pills and lotions (化妆水)that darken the skin artificially without exposure to sunlight These pills and lotions can be bought by anyone at any drugstore. A rich man can spend hundreds of dollars on a vacation in the sunny West Indies and get his suntan there. But his lowest-paid clerk can have what looks like the same tan out of a bottle for a few cents.

1.Besides genes, our skin color has much to do with ______.

      A.exercise           B.sunshine          C.food               D.weight

2.Centuries ago in Europe, it was considered of great beauty to have ______.

       A.pale skin                           B.light-colored skin

       C.dark-colored skin                       D.a suntan

3.During the Industrial Revolution people began to like to have a tan because it was a sign of


       A.good health          B.great strength       C.wealth                 D.youth

4.Pills and lotions have been invented in Western Europe and North America        .

       A.to make people look wealthy                 B.to smooth people’s skin

       C.to help people to have a quick tan          D.to protect people from suntan

5.What does the passage mainly tell us?

       A.Noblemen centuries ago did not like traveling.

       B.Attitudes towards the color of skin change with time.

       C.Exposure to sunlight is the only thing that determines skin color.

       D.Having a tan is considered a sign of wealth nowadays in North America.


The people below are all looking for a place to spend their holiday. After the description of these people, there is information about six tour advertisements A—F. Decide which place would be most suitable for the person mentioned in questions 1-5 and then mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph about one place that you do not need to use.
_______76. Michael, a young computer programmer, has been working hard and needs holiday to relax in winter. He would like to go somewhere warm and sunny, where he can swim in the sea, and he enjoys sports and dancing.
_______77. Jack and his wife Mary, who have recently retired, want to see places of cultural and historic interest abroad, but Mary hates flying.
_______78. Harry and Kate, both teachers and their two teenage sons, have to take their holiday during the school summer vacation. There must be plenty for the boys to do, although Harry and Kate want beautiful scenery, good food—and wine—and peace.
______ 79. Peter and Maria, university students, want to travel as far as possible on very little money, and would like to know a country by working there for three months with other young people.
_______80. Simon, a schoolteacher, is planning to make a one-day trip to a place, where his students can enjoy the objects of artistic, cultural, historical or scientific importance and interest.
A. We now offer you a new service of guided tours for visitors. This prize-winning museum is where Australia’s history comes alive! Visit daily or stay for the night and experience life of the Gold Rush days. A wonderful nightly sound and light show, “Blood on the Southern Cross” tells you the story of the famous Eureka Uprising.
B. Two-week holidays in the luxurious Hotel Splendid, on a lovely beach with golden sands and deep-blue sea. Tennis, golf, sailing and all water sports. Trips and tours around the islands arranged. Near to town of Castries with lively evening entertainment dancing to local bands.
C. Holiday apartments in Mallorca sailing and fishing port—quiet even in summer season beautifully situated apartments with views of seas and mountains, yet near to shops and restaurants. Cars and bicycles for hire. Sailing and sports clubs nearby.
D. The Empire State Building is among the most striking buildings in the city, the nation, even the world. The observation deck on the 86th floor is open to general public, offering a wonderful view of the city. On the second floor you’ll find the New York Skyride, a simulated helicopter ride over Manhattan. Enjoy shopping along with real life character and entertainment.
E. Luxury coach tours of Italy, out of normal holiday season. 21 leisurely days to visit five Italian cities staring from London 1st May, 1st September. The tours are guided by professor Martin Davis formerly Head of Italian Studies, London University.

F. Working holidays on a kibbutz (co-operative farm) in Israel. All nationalities welcome for one to three months, if prepared to work morning with kibbutz members. Accommodation, food and trips to historic sights all provided free-you pay for the special low-cost return flight..

