To be a medical assistant, you usually . A. answer phones to explaining medications to patients. B. keep Internet, voicemail, e-mail and so on up and running C. conduct research and develop solutions to environmental problems D. assist elderly or disabled people with housekeeping, bathing in their own home. 查看更多



I must thank my parents _______ to be a college student.

  1. A.
    to make it possible for me
  2. B.
    to make it possible to me
  3. C.
    for making it possible for me
  4. D.
    for making it possible to me


He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father's life—who was the main  21  of support for the family. He had to  22  the arms of his younger brother. For the sake of taking care of him, his younger brother became his  23 ,never leaving him alone for years. Except for writing with his toes, he was completely unable to do  24   in his life.
One late night, his younger brother accompanied him into the toilet and then went back to the dorm to  25 . But being so 26 , his younger brother fell asleep, leaving him on the toilet for two hours. As the two brothers grew up together, they had their share of problems and they would often  27 . Then one day, his younger brother wanted to live 28  from him, living his own life, as many normal people do. So he was  29 and didn't know what to do.
A  30  misfortune befell a girl, too. One night her mother, who suffered from mental illness,31 . So her father went out looking for her mother, leaving her alone at home. She tried to prepare a  32  for her parents, only to overturn the stove,  33  in a fire which took her hands away.
Though her elder sister who was studying in another city, showed her  34  to take care of her, she was determined to be completely 35 . At school, she always studied hard.
One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to appear on a television interview program. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote: My younger brother's arms are my arms;36   the girl wrote: Broken wings, flying heart.
Disasters can 37  at any time. How you handlemisfortune when confronted with it is the true test of your character. If you choose only to complain and  38  from the ordeal(磨难), it will always follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be 39 , the hardship will turn out to be a(n)  40    on which new hopes will arise.

【小题2】 onB.take onC.turn on D.depend on
A.somethingB.anything C.nothing D.everything
A.tired B.angryC.impatientD.unfair
A.heartlessB.heartbrokenC.kind-hearted D.hopeless
【小题16】 D.though


What sounds or impressions are you making on the people around you? Think about it. Your words, phrases, even your message may soon be forgotten but believe me, good or   1   , your melody music.

An odd choice of phrase? Not really. The dictionary   2   melody? as a succession of sounds, and what is life other than the combining and blending of a succession of movements and sounds.

Just as a musical composition affects the moods and emotions of people who hear it, so too does the way you live your   3   .

Think of your life as a   4   sheet of manuscript paper. Only the rhythm is there ------it is    5   to you to create the harmony. Naturally you will want your composition to be a   6   , a chart buster' even a Symphony - something to be remembered with pleasure.

So where to   7   ? YOU MUST BEGIN WITH YOURSELF. Have the right   8   , enjoy life, - and most importantly, be optimistic about the future.

Be really   9   in other people. Make a conscience effort to bring peace and happiness into other people's lives.

  10   situations that generate excessive ambition, envy, anger

and pride. They are all   11   of peace and will play ruin with your harmony.

  12   has been said that if these emotions or feelings were forgotten, the world would live in permanent peace. Well, to banish(消除) them from the world is probably aiming a bit high but it shouldn't be too   13   to rid them from your own life.

Develop features such as smart, social, and sensitivity. These attributes are invaluable in enhancing not only your own life but the lives of those around you.

Everything you do has an   14   on those around you. The way you move, whether you   15   or frown. You are capable of making someone's day bright or miserable.

Take time to    16    other people. If there are too many discords & not enough harmony in their lives,   17   them to have a brighter outlook.

Throughout the world most people are striving for   18   .

From the family unit   19   around the dinner table to world leaders at the conference table, the name of the game is the pursuit of peace.

So, let us all play our part in composing the rhythm of life by consciously choosing peace and harmony in our daily lives to   20   a harmonious Universe.

(   ) 1. A. wrong        B. false   C. bad           D. harmful

(   ) 2. A. defines       B. thinks        C. regards      D. acts

(   ) 3. B. school B. home        C. life           D. college

(   ) 4. A. blank   B. used   C. full           D. deserted

(   ) 5. A. ready   B. decided     C. possible     D. up

(   ) 6. A. failure        B. success      C. model       D. mess

(   ) 7. A. do              B. write C. make D. begin

(   ) 8. A. attitude       B. type          C. mood        D. opinion

(   ) 9. A. enthusiastic        B. mild   C. interested   D. cautious

(   ) 10. A. Choose     B. Discover    C. Avoid       D. Design

(   ) 11. A. enemies    B. friends      C. conditions D. helps

(   ) 12. A. Which      B. It              C. What D. These

(   ) 13. A. easy   B. willing      C. difficult     D. terrifying

(   ) 14. A. effort        B. mark C. damage     D. effect

(   ) 15. A. smile        B. cry            C. shout D. talk

(   ) 16. A. attack       B. listen to     C. change      D. interview

(   ) 17. A. encourage        B. defeat        C. train   D. stop

(   ) 18. A. war   B. peace        C. fight D. talk

(   ) 19. A. arranged   B. reached     C. seated        D. loaded

(   ) 20. A. create       B. invent       C. seek   D. protect


The accident has _____________to be a good thing after all.

A.turnedoutB.beenturnedout C.turnedinD.turnedover


第四节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 
I was on my lunch break in the city,enjoying a salad at an outdoor café, when a shabby homeless lady came walking towards me.She was yelling and    26    everyone who walked past her for spare  27  and she looked like a mess.My  28  reaction was close off and hope she didn’t come near me,but she did.1 was on the phone and when she    29  yelling,I said,“I’m on the phone,”in the nicest way I could,assuring myself what she needed was a lesson in   30  . She walked away ,mumbling (自言自语),”I’m  31  you . I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’ll leave”. And she turned the corner.
32  , I would feel relieved or satisfied, but something in me couldn’t  33   . Without another thought, I looked in my   34   for the spare change I had, Even I started searching through my entire purse, the pockets, everything for all of the change I could   35  find to give.
I got up and walked towards this lady and gave her all I  36 .She held my hand and said,“Thank you!” Her hand was  37  and dirty,but I didn’t mind 38  her hand.1 wanted to be there for her for some reason,when normally I would   39   the other way.She looked at me and said,“Will you touch my face?’’And for some reason,I did.I put my hand on her cheek and she started to    40   . I could  41   it was as if she had not been touched by a loving, soft hand in ages,   42  . And so I held it there, trying to  43   her with my heart open. It was powerful.
She thanked me and walked away quietly. And I walked away with an open heart, trying to   44  sense of what had just happened. It changed something in me and has made me want to be a   45   person to the people I meet during my day.
26.  A. greeting            B. praising       C. applying       D. begging
27.  A. change          B. room          C. clothes        D. food
28.   A. usual              B. instant        C. 1ast           D. general
29.   A. came across        B. came out      C. came over     D. came through
30.   A. attitude            B. trouble        C. practice       D. manners
31.   A. calling            B. hurting       C. annoying      D. abusing
32.   A. Fortunately         B. Normally            C. Luckily       D. Unfortunately
33.  A. rest             B. appear        C. enjoy          D. exist
34.   A. car              B. table         C. wallet         D. seat
35.  A. necessarily         B. possibly       C. deliberately    D. certainly
36.  A. earned             B. searched      C. found         D. mad
37.   A. soft              B. rough         C. 1arge         D. neat
38.   A. washing            B. waving        C. wiping        D. holding
39.   A. lead              B. set            C. turn          D. show
40.  A. cry                B. 1augh          C. yell           D. shout
41.   A. expect             B. sense          C. know         D. 1earn
42.  A . if  necessary       B. if any         C. if so          D. if ever
43.   A. persuade           B. comfort       C. entertain      D. amuse
44.  A. take               B. get           C. catch          D. make
45.  A. kinder             B. richer         C. wiser         D. happier

