B The drop in temperature in the middle of December is a sure sign that winter is finally here. The cold weather causes people to easily get sick. To avoid this, it’s a good idea to adjust your eating habits and put more nourishing foods on your daily menu. Each area has different recipes. Take a look at the following list for more ideas. Mention Beijing recipe, and the first thing people think of is “hot pot . Hot pot has been a long-time winter tradition in Beijing, as a way to beat the cold and nourish the body with mutton, beef and other side dishes. Where to go for hot pot Laowu Siji Shuanrou A traditional hotpot restaurant with a long history. It is wel1-known for selected mutton from Inner Mongolia. The old-style copper pot and tasty sauces add more f1avors to the broth to entertain your taste. Address: No. 17, Baizhifang E. Avenue Te1: 010--63516164 Suantiankula Restaurant This place is famous for its healthy tomato hotpot broth. The sour broth is delicious but not oily. The secret-recipe red bean soup makes a great accompaniment. For alcohol-lovers, try the Shaoxing wine, which is made from rice and warms you up. Address: No.8, Xinyuanxili M. Avennue Tel: 010-64612345 40. The first paragraph mainly tells us . A. how people change the diet in winter B. why people change the diet in winter C. what people eat in winter D. why people eat hotpot all the year round 41. According to the passage, the underlined words “nourishing foods probab1y refer to . A. tasty sauces and side dishes B. wine and sauce C. mutton, beef and side dishes D. sour broth and drinks 42. A1l the following statements tell the fa1se information EXCEPT . A. If you want to eat healthy tomato hot pot broth, call 010-635l6164 B. Suantiankula Restaurant is famous for its oily broth C. The secret-recipe red bean soup is served in Laowu Siji Shuanrou D. The copper pot and tasty sauces are served to entertain people's taste 查看更多



The drop in temperature in the middle of December is a sure sign that winter is finally here. The cold weather causes people to easily get sick. To avoid this, it’s a good idea to adjust(调整) your eating habits and put more nourishing foods on your daily menu.
Each area has different recipes(食谱). Take a look at the following list for more ideas.
Mention Beijing recipe, and the first thing people think of is “hot pot”. Hot pot has been a long-time winter tradition in Beijing, as a way to beat the cold and nourish the body with mutton, beef and other side dishes.
Where to go for hot pot
Laowu Siji Shuanrou
A traditional hotpot restaurant with a long history. It is wel1-known for selected mutton from Inner Mongolia. The old-style copper pot and tasty sauces add more f1avors to the broth (肉汤) to entertain your taste.
Address: No. 17, Baizhifang E. Avenue
Te1: 010--63516164
Suantiankula Restaurant
This place is famous for its healthy tomato hotpot broth. The sour broth is delicious but not oily. The secret-recipe red bean soup makes a great accompaniment. For alcohol-lovers, try the Shaoxing wine, which is made from rice and warms you up.
Address: No.8, Xinyuanxili M. Avennue
Tel: 010-64612345
40. The first paragraph mainly tells us ______.
A. how people change the diet in winter 
B. why people change the diet in winter
C. what people eat in winter          
D. why people eat hotpot all the year round
41. According to the passage, the underlined words “nourishing foods” probab1y refer to _________.
A. tasty sauces and side dishes   
B. wine and sauce
C. mutton, beef and side dishes   
D. sour broth and drinks
42. A1l the following statements tell the fa1se information EXCEPT ______.
A. If you want to eat healthy tomato hot pot broth, call 010-635l6164
B. Suantiankula Restaurant is famous for its oily broth
C. The secret-recipe red bean soup is served in Laowu Siji Shuanrou
D. The copper pot and tasty sauces are served to entertain people's taste



The drop in temperature in the middle of December is a sure sign that winter is finally here. The cold weather causes people to easily get sick. To avoid this, it’s a good idea to adjust(调整) your eating habits and put more nourishing foods on your daily menu.

Each area has different recipes(食谱). Take a look at the following list for more ideas.

Mention Beijing recipe, and the first thing people think of is “hot pot”. Hot pot has been a long-time winter tradition in Beijing, as a way to beat the cold and nourish the body with mutton, beef and other side dishes.

Where to go for hot pot

Laowu Siji Shuanrou

A traditional hotpot restaurant with a long history. It is wel1-known for selected mutton from Inner Mongolia. The old-style copper pot and tasty sauces add more f1avors to the broth (肉汤) to entertain your taste.

Address: No. 17, Baizhifang E. Avenue

Te1: 010--63516164

Suantiankula Restaurant

This place is famous for its healthy tomato hotpot broth. The sour broth is delicious but not oily. The secret-recipe red bean soup makes a great accompaniment. For alcohol-lovers, try the Shaoxing wine, which is made from rice and warms you up.

Address: No.8, Xinyuanxili M. Avennue

Tel: 010-64612345

40. The first paragraph mainly tells us ______.

       A. how people change the diet in winter 

B. why people change the diet in winter

C. what people eat in winter              

D. why people eat hotpot all the year round

41. According to the passage, the underlined words “nourishing foods” probab1y refer to _________.

A. tasty sauces and side dishes   

B. wine and sauce

C. mutton, beef and side dishes    

D. sour broth and drinks

42. A1l the following statements tell the fa1se information EXCEPT ______.

A. If you want to eat healthy tomato hot pot broth, call 010-635l6164

B. Suantiankula Restaurant is famous for its oily broth

C. The secret-recipe red bean soup is served in Laowu Siji Shuanrou

D. The copper pot and tasty sauces are served to entertain people's taste



The drop in temperature in the middle of December is a sure sign that winter is finally here. The cold weather causes people to easily get sick. To avoid this, it’s a good idea to adjust(调整) your eating habits and put more nourishing foods on your daily menu.

Each area has different recipes(食谱). Take a look at the following list for more ideas.

Mention Beijing recipe, and the first thing people think of is “hot pot”. Hot pot has been a long-time winter tradition in Beijing, as a way to beat the cold and nourish the body with mutton, beef and other side dishes.

Where to go for hot pot

Laowu Siji Shuanrou

A traditional hotpot restaurant with a long history. It is wel1-known for selected mutton from Inner Mongolia. The old-style copper pot and tasty sauces add more f1avors to the broth (肉汤) to entertain your taste.

Address: No. 17, Baizhifang E. Avenue

Te1: 010--63516164

Suantiankula Restaurant

This place is famous for its healthy tomato hotpot broth. The sour broth is delicious but not oily. The secret-recipe red bean soup makes a great accompaniment. For alcohol-lovers, try the Shaoxing wine, which is made from rice and warms you up.

Address: No.8, Xinyuanxili M. Avennue

Tel: 010-64612345

40. The first paragraph mainly tells us ______.

      A. how people change the diet in winter 

B. why people change the diet in winter

C. what people eat in winter           

D. why people eat hotpot all the year round

41. According to the passage, the underlined words “nourishing foods” probab1y refer to _________.

A. tasty sauces and side dishes    

B. wine and sauce

C. mutton, beef and side dishes   

D. sour broth and drinks

42. A1l the following statements tell the fa1se information EXCEPT ______.

A. If you want to eat healthy tomato hot pot broth, call 010-635l6164

B. Suantiankula Restaurant is famous for its oily broth

C. The secret-recipe red bean soup is served in Laowu Siji Shuanrou

D. The copper pot and tasty sauces are served to entertain people's taste



  The drop in temperature in the middle of December is a sure sign that winter is finally here.The cold weather causes people to easily get sick.To avoid this, it’s a good idea to adjust your eating habits and put more nourishing foods on your daily menu.

  Each area has different recipes(食谱).Take a look at the following list for more ideas.

  Mention Beijing recipe, and the first thing people think of is“hot pot”.Hot pot has been a long–time winter tradition in Beijing, as a way to beat the cold and nourish the body with mutton, beef and other side dishes.

  Where to go for hot pot

  Laowu Siji Shuanrou

  A traditional hotpot restaurant with a long history.It is well–known for selected mutton from Inner MongoliA.The old–style copper pot and tasty sauces add more flavors to the broth(肉汤)to entertain your taste.

  Address:No.17, Baizhifang E.Avenue


  Suantiankula Restaurant

  This place is famous for its healthy tomato hotpot broth.The sour broth is delicious but not oily.The secret–recipe red bean soup makes a great accompaniment.For alcohol–lovers, try the Shaoxing wine, which is made from rice and warms you up.

  Address:No.8, Xinyuanxili M.Avenue

  Tel :010–64612345


The first paragraph mainly tells us ________.

[  ]


how people change the diet in winter


why people change the diet in winter


what people eat in winter


why people eat hotpot all the year round


According to the passage, the underlined words“nourishing foods”probably refer to ________.

[  ]


tasty sauces and side dishes


wine and sauce


button, beef and side dishes


sour broth and drinks


All the following statements tell the false information EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


If you want to eat healthy tomato hot pot broth, call 010–63516164


Suantiankula Restaurant is famous for its oily broth


The secret–recipe red bean soup is served in Laowu Siji Shuanrou


The copper pot and tasty sauces are served to entertain people’s taste

