She war, cruelty to animals, racism and so on with a commitment to help all living things. 查看更多



1. 不要泄露他已经去了海南的秘密.
 ________ that he has gone to Hainan.(let)
2. 按要求药品在投入使用之前必须在志愿者身上进行试验.
It's required that __________before drugs are put in practice. (try)
He had an eccentric character, and my sister found it hard _______ him. As a result, they got divorced. (put)
4. 他冒着失去生命的危险救了我的命.
He saved my life _______ of losing his own. (risk)
5. 所有的钱都用完了,我们不能再买东西了.
________,we can't buy anyting more.(run)
6. 由一些大夫和护士组成的医疗小组已经派去救那些事故受害者.
A medical team _________has been sent to rescue the victims in the accidends. (make)
7. 他还在学校的时就惹是生非与警方纠缠了.
He __________ trouble with police while he was still at school.(get)
8. 她反对战争,反对凶残地对待动物以及种族主义等等,她怀有拯救所有生物的使命感.
She ________war, cruelty to animals, racism and so on with a commitment to help all living things. (oppoe )
9. 直到1920年定期广播才开始.
___________that regular radio broadcasts began. (until)
10. 只要你尽力,下雨对比赛将没什么影响.
The rain _______,so long as you try your best.(difference)

