No one is willing to make friends with those who always lies. A. is, telling B. /, tells C. /, tell D. are, telling 查看更多



【小题1】The shot which was i________for the president killed one of his soldiers.
【小题2】It is said that the governor is ill, but the news remains to be c_____.
【小题3】Thirty years have passed but I still remember the s ________ we got lost on a rainy night.
【小题4】The local people are now in charge of Hong Kong, which was once in the charge of The British for one and half a c______.
【小题5】I was about to leave the office w___an unexpected visitor came.
【小题6】With so much noises from the busy traffic in the street, I couldn’t s____down and do my work..
【小题7】The customs that the local people have are different from what we read about on the I________.
【小题8】They couldn’t agree with each other and finally a quarrel b____out between them .
【小题9】No one is sure w______ global warming can be solved in one hundred years.
【小题10】He was in d___ for a long time. How to support his family is a big problem.



1.The shot which was i________for the president killed one of his soldiers.

2.It is said that the governor is ill, but the news remains to be c_____.

3.Thirty years have passed but I still remember the s ________ we got lost on a rainy night.

4.The local people are now in charge of Hong Kong, which was once in the charge of The British for one and half a c______.

5.I was about to leave the office w___an unexpected visitor came.

6.With so much noises from the busy traffic in the street, I couldn’t s____down and do my work..

7.The customs that the local people have are different from what we read about on the I________.

8.They couldn’t agree with each other and finally a quarrel b____out between them .

9.No one is sure w______ global warming can be solved in one hundred years.

10.He was in d___ for a long time. How to support his family is a big problem.



B) 阅读下面的短文,根据首字母的提示在空白处填上适当的单词,使短文意义完整。(For questions 71—80, read the passage below. Complete it by filling in each blank one word. The first letter of each word is provided.)
The Home of the Future
When Dan Green comes home from work, he doesn't need a key to open his front door. As he walks up to the front of his house, the (71)d________ opens. The lights turn on inside. His favorite music starts to play. His dinner is (72)r________ in the oven. (73)B________ no   one   is   home.   What's happening? This is the home of the future! Right now, Dan Green is the  only  person (74)w________ has a home like this. He is a scientist. But  in  about  25 years, many  people (75)w________ have homes like Dan's. His  home  does  not  look different on the (76)o________. But inside it is very different.
Computers control this house of the  future. For (77)e________, Dan  is  watching  television  (78)w             the doorbell rings. The TV is a computer. When Dan presses a button on the TV remote control, he can see  a picture of his (79)v________ on  the  screen. He  can  also  use  the remote control to open or close the door. Dan can watch TV and answer the door at the same   (80)t________.


B) 阅读下面的短文,根据首字母的提示在空白处填上适当的单词,使短文意义完整。(For questions 71—80, read the passage below. Complete it by filling in each blank one word. The first letter of each word is provided.)

The Home of the Future

When Dan Green comes home from work, he doesn't need a key to open his front door. As he walks up to the front of his house, the (71)d________ opens. The lights turn on inside. His favorite music starts to play. His dinner is (72)r________ in the oven. (73)B________ no   one   is   home.   What's happening? This is the home of the future! Right now, Dan Green is the  only  person (74)w________ has a home like this. He is a scientist. But  in  about  25 years, many  people (75)w________ have homes like Dan's. His  home  does  not  look different on the (76)o________. But inside it is very different.

Computers control this house of the  future. For (77)e________, Dan  is  watching  television  (78)w             the doorbell rings. The TV is a computer. When Dan presses a button on the TV remote control, he can see  a picture of his (79)v________ on  the  screen. He  can  also  use  the remote control to open or close the door. Dan can watch TV and answer the door at the same   (80)t________.



1.He          (收集)his clothes together and put them in a box.

2.Although she didn’t mention any names,everyone knew who she was r    to.

3.Progress so far has been very good.We are“     (因此),confident that the work will be completed on time.

4.OK,that’s what we are suggesting—does anyone have any              (评论)?

5.The speed of cars and trucks is 1         to 40 kilometers per hour in large cities in China.

6.Without the teacher’s p       ,no one is allowed to leave the group.

7.He couldn’t a            for(解释)the fact that the man was killed in his house.

8.Teaching is an          (显而易见)choice of career if you like working with children.

9.No w     you can’t find anybody here;they’re all away at a meeting.

10.It seems that he          (争斗)with the robber and got quite seriously hurt.

