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Drunk driving(醉驾) has become a serious problem in China. According to the Ministry of Public Security(公安部), the police caught more than half a million drunk drivers in 2010. On the night of May 9.2011. musician Gao Xiaosong ran his car into three other cars in Beijing because he drank too much wine. He was punished(惩罚) under China’s new drunk driving law that came into use on May 1.2011.

The new law sees drunk driving as a crime(犯罪). In the west, drunk driving is also a crime. In the US, for example, if the police catch a drunk driver, the driver will pay a fine, lose his or her license and even go to prison(监狱). If the driver wants to drive again, he or she has to do public service, and take part in educational programs.

You may think: drunk driving is crime? Isn’t this law too unkind? But experts say: not at all. They think it is to protect people’s tights to life and health. Drunk driving is very dangerous!

1. Mr. Gao ran his car into three other cars because      .

A.he went home too late

B.he drank too much wine

C.the road was too crowded

D.he was sleepy

2. What does the underlined part “a fine” in the second paragraph refer to(指)?




3. When do experts think of the new law?

A.The law is to protect people’s rights to life and health

B.The law is not kind to drunk drivers

C.Driving has become a serious problem

D.Drunk driving is very dangerous

4.Which of the following sentence is TRUE?

A.Drunk driving isn’t dangerous

B.In the US, drunk drivers will lose their licenses

C.The police caught less than half a million drunk drivers in 2010

D.In China, drunk driving is not a crime

备注:1.文章最后一段的tights 应改为rights, 2.第65小题中的when 应改为what



Drunk driving(醉驾) has become a serious problem in China. According to the Ministry of Public Security(公安部), the police caught more than half a million drunk drivers in 2010. On the night of May 9.2011. musician Gao Xiaosong ran his car into three other cars in Beijing because he drank too much wine. He was punished(惩罚) under China’s new drunk driving law that came into use on May 1.2011.
The new law sees drunk driving as a crime(犯罪). In the west, drunk driving is also a crime. In the US, for example, if the police catch a drunk driver, the driver will pay a fine, lose his or her license and even go to prison(监狱). If the driver wants to drive again, he or she has to do public service, and take part in educational programs.
You may think: drunk driving is crime? Isn’t this law too unkind? But experts say: not at all. They think it is to protect people’s tights to life and health. Drunk driving is very dangerous!
【小题1】 Mr. Gao ran his car into three other cars because      .

A.he went home too lateB.he drank too much wine
C.the road was too crowdedD.he was sleepy
【小题2】 What does the underlined part “a fine” in the second paragraph refer to(指)?
【小题3】 When do experts think of the new law?
A.The law is to protect people’s rights to life and health
B.The law is not kind to drunk drivers
C.Driving has become a serious problem
D.Drunk driving is very dangerous
【小题4】Which of the following sentence is TRUE?
A.Drunk driving isn’t dangerous
B.In the US, drunk drivers will lose their licenses
C.The police caught less than half a million drunk drivers in 2010
D.In China, drunk driving is not a crime
备注:1.文章最后一段的tights 应改为rights, 2.第65小题中的when 应改为what




1. It’s no use _______ _______ him over the matter. (和……争论)

2. Our class is made up of 55 students. (改为同义句)

Our class _______ ________ 55 students.

3. He t_______ _______ _______ _______ his friends when he became famous. (不理睬……)

4. A new hospital will be built by the local government. (改为主动语态)

The local government ______ ______ a new hospital.

5. He made much progress ______ ______ ______ ______ his hard work. (由于……的结果)

6. I took a note of ten suggestions he gave us. Not all of the suggestions were of value.  (合并成一个句子)

I took a note of ten suggestions he gave us, not all ______ _____ were of value.

7. Do you know who is ______ ______ for the broken glasses? (该受到责备)

8. It is easy to answer this question. (改为同义句)

This question is easy _____ _____.

9. You can go out as ______ ______ you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.  (只要)

10. As I didn’t know how to deal with the problem, I turned to my parents for help. (改为同义句)

______ ______ how to deal with the problem, I turned to my parents for help.



1. I know the boy. He can speak English well.
2. The season is summer. It comes after spring.
3. The building is my uncle's house. Its wall is white.
4. Will you please lend me the very book? You bought a book last Sunday.
5. The student is our monitor. Our headmaster praised him at the school meeting.


     增加:“在 …后加…”, 如, 在and 后 加 what
     删除: 写上多余的词,并用斜线划掉, 如,  of 修改: …改为…  , 如,and 改为 but 
1. The book will have published by the end of next month.
2. The singer was accompanied with the piano by her sister.
3. The staff has made it clear to every passenger that they are safe and nothing will spoil their 
    pleasant voyage.
4. In many people’s opinion, that company, though relatively small, is pleasant to deal.
5. When we moved to France, the children adapted the change very quickly. 
6. He decided to cut off cigarettes and alcohol.
7. Let’s set away our personal feelings.
8. The judge announced that the young man was innocent.
9. You can’t take her promises serious; she never keeps her word. 
10. A temperate climate is benefit to the health.

