The of the studio was very expensive. 查看更多




The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospital may play an important role in helping patients to get better.?

As part of a nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the museums and into public places, some of the country’s best artists have been called in to change older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings. Of the 2500 national health service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have very valuable collections of present art in passages, waiting areas and treatment rooms.?

These recent movements first started by one artist, Peter Senior, who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital on northeastern England during the early 1970s.?

He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience.?

A common hospital waiting room might have as many as 5,000 visitors each week. What a better place to hold regular exhibitions of art! Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the outpatients waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975. Believed to be Britain’s first hospital artist, Senior was so much  in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduates.?

The effect is striking. Now in the passages and waiting rooms the visitor experiences a full view of fresh colours, playful images(形象) and restful courtyards.

The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. A study has shown that patients who had a view onto garden needed half the number of strong pain killers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.?

1.From this text, we’ve learnt that _________           .

       A.artists in Britain have completely lost their places in modern society?

       B.patients should be encouraged to learn art?

       C.hospitals in Britain should be changed into art museums? is encouraged to be introduced into British hospitals

2.After the improvement of the hospital environment, _________           .

       A.patients no longer need drugs to kill their pains?

       B.patients needn’t buy any expensive drugs?

       C.patients need fewer pain killers when they are getting better after illness

       D.patients can take fewer pills each time

3. It can be inferred from this text that _________           .

       A.the role of hospital environment is being recognized? artists have done a lot for patients?

       C.exhibitions of art in hospital attract more audience than that in museums

       D.hospitals in Britain look more beautiful than those in other countries


Bringing Art into Hospitals
The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play an important role in helping patients to get better.
As part of nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the museums and into public places, some of the country’s best artists have been called in to change older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings. Of the 2500 national health service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have very valuable collections of present art in passages, waiting areas and treatment rooms.
These recent movements first started by one artist, Peter Senior, who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital in northeastern England during the early 1970s.He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience(观众).
A common hospital waiting room might have as many as 5 000 visitors each week. What a better place to hold regular exhibitions of art! Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the out—patient’s waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975.Believed to be Britain’s first hospital artist. Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduates.
The effect is striking. Now in the passages and waiting rooms the visitor experiences a full view of fresh colours, playful images(形象)and restful courtyards.
The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. A study has shown that patients who had a view onto gardens needed half the number of strong pain killers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.
【小题1】 Some best artists of Britain have been called in to__________.

A.set up new hospitals
B.make the corners of the hospital collect paintings
C.bring art into hospitals patients recover from serious illnesses
【小题2】After the improvement of the hospital environment,__________.
A.patients no longer take drugs to kill their pains
B.patients don’t have to stay long in hospital
C.patients need fewer pain killers when they suffer from an illness
D.patients feel happy in hospital
【小题3】It can inferred from the passage that__________.
A.the role of hospital environment is important. artists have done more than doctors
C.exhibitions attract more audience in hospitals than in museums
D.the hospital is a better place for people.


Bringing Art into Hospitals
The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play an important role in helping patients to get better.
As part of nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the museums and into public places, some of the country’s best artists have been called in to change older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings. Of the 2500 national health service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have very valuable collections of present art in passages, waiting areas and treatment rooms.
These recent movements first started by one artist, Peter Senior, who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital in northeastern England during the early 1970s.He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience(观众).
A common hospital waiting room might have as many as 5 000 visitors each week. What a better place to hold regular exhibitions of art! Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the out—patient’s waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975.Believed to be Britain’s first hospital artist. Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduates.
The effect is striking. Now in the passages and waiting rooms the visitor experiences a full view of fresh colours, playful images(形象)and restful courtyards.
The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. A study has shown that patients who had a view onto gardens needed half the number of strong pain killers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at

  1. 1.

    Some best artists of Britain have been called in to__________

    1. A.
      set up new hospitals
    2. B.
      make the corners of the hospital collect paintings
    3. C.
      bring art into hospitals
    4. D.
      help patients recover from serious illnesses
  2. 2.

    After the improvement of the hospital environment,__________

    1. A.
      patients no longer take drugs to kill their pains
    2. B.
      patients don’t have to stay long in hospital
    3. C.
      patients need fewer pain killers when they suffer from an illness
    4. D.
      patients feel happy in hospital
  3. 3.

    It can inferred from the passage that__________

    1. A.
      the role of hospital environment is important
    2. B.
      hospital artists have done more than doctors
    3. C.
      exhibitions attract more audience in hospitals than in museums
    4. D.
      the hospital is a better place for people


Bringing Art into Hospitals

The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play an important role in helping patients to get better.

As part of nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the museums and into public places, some of the country’s best artists have been called in to change older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings. Of the 2500 national health service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have very valuable collections of present art in passages, waiting areas and treatment rooms.

These recent movements first started by one artist, Peter Senior, who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital in northeastern England during the early 1970s.He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience(观众).

A common hospital waiting room might have as many as 5 000 visitors each week. What a better place to hold regular exhibitions of art! Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the out—patient’s waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975.Believed to be Britain’s first hospital artist. Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduates.

The effect is striking. Now in the passages and waiting rooms the visitor experiences a full view of fresh colours, playful images(形象)and restful courtyards.

The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. A study has shown that patients who had a view onto gardens needed half the number of strong pain killers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.

1. Some best artists of Britain have been called in to__________.

A.set up new hospitals

B.make the corners of the hospital collect paintings

C.bring art into hospitals patients recover from serious illnesses

2.After the improvement of the hospital environment,__________.

A.patients no longer take drugs to kill their pains

B.patients don’t have to stay long in hospital

C.patients need fewer pain killers when they suffer from an illness

D.patients feel happy in hospital

3.It can inferred from the passage that__________.

A.the role of hospital environment is important. artists have done more than doctors

C.exhibitions attract more audience in hospitals than in museums

D.the hospital is a better place for people.



The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean, so that the audience could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other for ever. He sent camera team out one evening to film the sunset for him.

 The next morning he said to the men, “Have you provided me with that sunset?”

 “No, Sir,” the men answered.

The director was angry.  “Why not?”  he asked.

“Well,” one of the men answered, “we are on the east coast here, and the sun sets in the west. We can get you a sunrise over the sea, if necessary, but not a sunset.”

“But I want a sunset!” the director shouted. “Go to the airport, take the next flight to the west coast, and get one.”

But then a young secretary had an idea. “Why don’t you photograph a sunrise,” she suggested, “and then play it backwards, Then it’ll look like a sunset.” “That’s a very good idea!” the director said. Then he turned to the camera team and said, “Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea.”

The camera team went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay. Then at nine o’clock they took it to the director. “Here it is, Sir,” they said, and give it to him. He was very pleased.

They all went into the studio. “All right,” the director explained, “now our hero and heroine are going to say goodbye. Run the film backwards so that we can see the sunset behind them.”

The “sunset” began, but after a quarter of a minute, the director suddenly put his face in his hands and shouted to the camera team to stop. The birds in the film were flying backwards away from the beach.

One evening, the director sent his camera team out ______.

A. to watch a beautiful sunset.

B. to find an actor and an actress.

C. to film a scene on the sea.

D. to meet the audience.

Why did the director want to send his team to the west coast?

   A. Because he changed his mind about getting a sunset

B. Because he was angry about his team

C. Because it was his secretary’s suggestion

D. Because he wanted to get a scene of sunset

Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The team followed the secretary’s advice.

B. If you want to see a sunrise, the east coast is a place to go to.

C. The camera team wasn’t able to film the scene the first day.

D. The director ordered his team to stop filming the “sunset”

The director wanted to film a sunset over the ocean because _____.  

A. it went well with the separation of the hero and heroine

B. when they arrived at the beach it was already in the evening

C. it was more moving than a sunrise

D. the ocean looked more than a sunrise

After the “sunset” began, the director suddenly put his face in his hands _____.

A. because he was moved to tears

B. as he saw everything in the film moving backwards

C. as the sunrise did not look as beautiful as he had imagined

D. because he was disappointed with the performance of the hero and the heroine

