The road became rocky and . 查看更多



   My youngest eagerly entered kindergarten, while my oldest excitedly started college and I felt left behind. After being very happy as a stay-at-home mother of six children, I suddenly felt disappointed on a dead-end road and surrounded by a lack of direction, An inner anxiety troubled me that life was passing by. The road, requiting expensive education, appeared too long and difficult.

   Thanks to supportive friends and family, I eventually discovered the road sign pointing to the ideal program at an excellent college, which offered a lot of tuition grants( 学费资助 ). With anxiety and fear, I went to the college at age forty. Driving to my first master's class, I was as eager and nervous as children for the first day of school.

   School required sacrifices: weekends for class, sleep for study, and life's extra money for tuition payments. Yet, as with all good things, the rewards greatly outweighed the cost. The narrow, rocky road developed will power and patience, while the smooth, open road built low confidence. Along the way, I met companions of all ages and interests: a 50-year-old woman who took part in photography classes at the college; a 62-year-old successful businessman who worked toward a nursing degree to serve in developing countries; an 80-year-old woman who enthusiastically started classes to use the Internet, so she could keep up with the world

   This past May, twelve years after starting the journey as a non-traditional student, I graduated with a doctoral degree in literature one week before our youngest child graduated from college. All six children have been especially proud, lovingly calling me " Dr. Mom". Never could I have imagined the wild rush and great travel of this ride back to school. When you hear the small, still voice urging you to do something more or different, remember you can trust your heart.

66. How did the author feel after her youngest entered kindergarten?

A. She was satisfied with her family life.

B. She was unhappy about losing her job.

C. She was unwilling to live a common life.  

D. She worried about her children's growth.

67. The author eventually managed to get the chance to study the college courses ____

A. before she gave birth to her sixth child  

B. at a common college near her house

C.with free tuition beyond her expectation

D.with the help of her family and friends

68. What did the author think of the sacrifices she had made?

  A. It was unfair for her to suffer these as she was not young.

  B. They were worthwhile compared to what she got.

  C. They made her lose her confidence during the study.

  D. They did little help on her way to success.

69. The examples the author gives in Paragraph 3 fully prove that ____________

  A. it is never too late to learn     B. she had many classmates

  C. women are more hard-working   D. learning is the only way for kids

70. We can learn from this passage that the author __

  A. graduated almost at the same time as her oldest child

  B. studied the courses in the college as a traditional student

  C. eventually became a doctor and worked in a hospital

  D. got her doctoral degree in literature when she was 52


 Rocky Lyons was five years old when his mother, Kelly, was driving along the country road with him. He was asleep on the front seat of their truck, with his feet resting on her lap. As his mom drove carefully down the winding country road, she turned onto a narrow bridge. The truck hit a rock and slid off the road. She attempted to bring it back up onto the road by pressing hard on the gas pedal and turning the steering wheel to the left. But Rocky’s foot got caught between her leg and the steering wheel and she lost control of the truck.[ X.JTYJY.COM/]

   The truck fell into a 20-foot ravine(峡谷). When it hit bottom, Rocky woke up. “What happened, Mama?” he asked. “Our wheels are pointing toward the sky.”

Kelly was seriously wounded and blinded by blood. “I’ll get you out, Mama,” announced Rocky, who had surprisingly escaped injury. He climbed out from under Kelly, slid through the open window and tried to yank(用力拉)his mother out. But she didn’t move.

“Just let me sleep,” begged Kelly, who was out of consciousness. Rocky insisted, “Mom, you can’t go to sleep.”

Rocky managed to push Kelly out of the truck and told her he’d climb up to the road and stop a car to get help. Fearing that no one would be able to see her little boy in the dark, Kelly refused to let him go alone. Instead they slowly moved up to the road. The pain was so great that Kelly wanted to give up, but Rocky wouldn’t let her.

Rocky kept repeating the inspirational phrase, “I know you can, I know you can.” When they finally reached the road, Rocky broke into tears seeing his mother’s torn face clearly for the first time. Waving his arms and shouting, “Please stop!” the boy stopped a truck. His mother was sent to hospital.

It took 8 hours to rebuild Kelly’s face. She looks quite different today---“I used to have a straight long nose, thin lips and high cheekbones; now I’ve got a flat cheeks and much bigger lips”--- but she has few scars and has recovered from her injuries.

Rocky’s heroics were big news. Everyone was surprised at this little boy’s power. “It’s not like I wanted it to happen,” The boy explained. “ I just did what anyone would have done.” “If it weren’t for Rocky, I’d have died,” said his mother.

1.According to the text, Rocky and Kelly _________ .

A. were lost on a country road

B. had limited time to find their way

C. were involved in a truck accident

D. knew little of what happened to them

2.When he woke up, Rocky ___________ .

A. was frightened by his mother’s blood

B. found his mother had fallen asleep

C. was stuck against the door of the truck

D. found the car was turned over

3.What happened to Kelly at last?

A. She passed away.

B. She survived and recovered from injuries.   

C. She became a hero.

D. She had a different life.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. A Boy and His Mother              B. How to Behave Well?

C. I Think I Can                      D. Nothing is Lost



Rocky Lyons was five years old when his mother, Kelly, was driving along the country road with him. He was asleep on the front seat of their truck, with his feet resting on her lap. As his mom drove carefully down the winding country road, she turned onto a narrow bridge. The truck hit a rock and slid off the road. She attempted to bring it back up onto the road by pressing hard on the gas pedal and turning the steering wheel to the left. But Rocky’s foot got caught between her leg and the steering wheel and she lost control of the truck.[ X.JTYJY.COM/]

  The truck fell into a 20-foot ravine(峡谷). When it hit bottom, Rocky woke up. “What happened, Mama?” he asked. “Our wheels are pointing toward the sky.”

Kelly was seriously wounded and blinded by blood. “I’ll get you out, Mama,” announced Rocky, who had surprisingly escaped injury. He climbed out from under Kelly, slid through the open window and tried to yank(用力拉)his mother out. But she didn’t move.

 “Just let me sleep,” begged Kelly, who was out of consciousness. Rocky insisted, “Mom, you can’t go to sleep.”

Rocky managed to push Kelly out of the truck and told her he’d climb up to the road and stop a car to get help. Fearing that no one would be able to see her little boy in the dark, Kelly refused to let him go alone. Instead they slowly moved up to the road. The pain was so great that Kelly wanted to give up, but Rocky wouldn’t let her.

Rocky kept repeating the inspirational phrase, “I know you can, I know you can.” When they finally reached the road, Rocky broke into tears seeing his mother’s torn face clearly for the first time. Waving his arms and shouting, “Please stop!” the boy stopped a truck. His mother was sent to hospital.

It took 8 hours to rebuild Kelly’s face. She looks quite different today---“I used to have a straight long nose, thin lips and high cheekbones; now I’ve got a flat cheeks and much bigger lips”--- but she has few scars and has recovered from her injuries.

Rocky’s heroics were big news. Everyone was surprised at this little boy’s power. “It’s not like I wanted it to happen,” The boy explained. “ I just did what anyone would have done.” “If it weren’t for Rocky, I’d have died,” said his mother.

1.According to the text, Rocky and Kelly _________ .

A. were lost on a country road

B. had limited time to find their way

C. were involved in a truck accident

D. knew little of what happened to them

2.When he woke up, Rocky ___________ .

A. was frightened by his mother’s blood

B. found his mother had fallen asleep

C. was stuck against the door of the truck

D. found the car was turned over

3.What happened to Kelly at last?

A. She passed away.

B. She survived and recovered from injuries.   

C. She became a hero.

D. She had a different life.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. A Boy and His Mother              B. How to Behave Well?

C. I Think I Can                      D. Nothing is Lost



Rocky Lyons was five years old when his mother, Kelly, was driving along the country road with him. He was asleep on the front seat of their truck, with his feet resting on her lap. As his mom drove carefully down the winding country road, she turned onto a narrow bridge. The truck hit a rock and slid off the road. She attempted to bring it back up onto the road by pressing hard on the gas pedal and turning the steering wheel to the left. But Rocky’s foot got caught between her leg and the steering wheel and she lost control of the truck.
The truck fell into a 20-foot ravine(峡谷). When it hit bottom, Rocky woke up. “What happened, Mama?” he asked. “Our wheels are pointing toward the sky.”
Kelly was seriously wounded and blinded by blood. “I’ll get you out, Mama,” announced Rocky, who had surprisingly escaped injury. He climbed out from under Kelly, slid through the open window and tried to yank(用力拉)his mother out. But she didn’t move.
“Just let me sleep,” begged Kelly, who was out of consciousness. Rocky insisted, “Mom, you can’t go to sleep.”
Rocky managed to push Kelly out of the truck and told her he’d climb up to the road and stop a car to get help. Fearing that no one would be able to see her little boy in the dark, Kelly refused to let him go alone. Instead they slowly moved up to the road. The pain was so great that Kelly wanted to give up, but Rocky wouldn’t let her.
Rocky kept repeating the inspirational phrase, “I know you can, I know you can.” When they finally reached the road, Rocky broke into tears seeing his mother’s torn face clearly for the first time. Waving his arms and shouting, “Please stop!” the boy stopped a truck. His mother was sent to hospital.
It took 8 hours to rebuild Kelly’s face. She looks quite different today---“I used to have a straight long nose, thin lips and high cheekbones; now I’ve got a flat cheeks and much bigger lips”--- but she has few scars and has recovered from her injuries.
Rocky’s heroics were big news. Everyone was surprised at this little boy’s power. “It’s not like I wanted it to happen,” The boy explained. “ I just did what anyone would have done.” “If it weren’t for Rocky, I’d have died,” said his mother

  1. 1.

    According to the text, Rocky and Kelly _________

    1. A.
      were lost on a country road
    2. B.
      had limited time to find their way
    3. C.
      were involved in a truck accident
    4. D.
      knew little of what happened to them
  2. 2.

    When he woke up, Rocky ___________

    1. A.
      was frightened by his mother’s blood
    2. B.
      found his mother had fallen asleep
    3. C.
      was stuck against the door of the truck
    4. D.
      found the car was turned over
  3. 3.

    What happened to Kelly at last?

    1. A.
      She passed away
    2. B.
      She survived and recovered from injuries
    3. C.
      She became a hero
    4. D.
      She had a different life
  4. 4.

    What is the best title for the text?

    1. A.
      A Boy and His Mother
    2. B.
      How to Behave Well?
    3. C.
      I Think I Can
    4. D.
      Nothing is Lost






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56. She closed her eyes against the __________light.

57. Mother found some__________broken glass on the table.

58. Two people were __________to death in the rush to escape.

59. The view from my bedroom window was absolutely__________.

60. I like the stars__________in the sky.

61. “Where are we going?” he asked in a__________.

62. The road became rocky and__________.

63. It’s__________how much Tom has changed since he met Sally.

64. He __________his fist down on the table.

65. Katie almost __________her milk.


