He made a refusal of her . 查看更多



He made a refusal of her ___________ (邀请).


第二卷(共三部分 满分35分)


71. I bought my son an ___________ (改编) for children of a play by Shakespeare.

72. She was always very ___________ (慷慨的) in her charity.

73. You are not ___________ (允许) to smoke here.

74. If we had known of your ___________ (离开), we would have seen you off at the airport.

75. You are fortunate to have such a ___________ (通情达理的) father.

76. I was impressed by her ___________ (处理) of the affair.

77. Your answer to this question is ___________ (错误的).

78. The heavy traffic crawled through the ___________ (狭窄的) tunnel.

79. He made a refusal of her ___________ (邀请).

80. My teacher asked me to ___________ (缩短) the report to one page.

