Because of the popularity of MP3 players, music websites have all over the Internet MP3 music for people to purchase. A. opened up; to offer B. sprung up; offering C. came up ; offering D. turned up; to offer 查看更多




Because of the popularity of MP3 players, music websites have ________ _________ all over the Internet offering MP3 music for people to purchase.





In 1982, 61. the first CDs(compact discs) produced by using digital technology were made available. In 1986, when the D-50, a portable player, was launched, the Discman was born. In the following years, 62. 更多的CD唱片出现了, and in 1988, for the first time ever, people were demanding more CDs than LPs.

The next new development was the MD (MiniDisc) player in 1992. 63. 这种播放机就像一个微型的CD播放机,but can also record music and is very easy to carry, being very small, as the name “mini” indicates.

64. Development of MP3 technology started in 1987 in Germany and since the beginning of 1999, the popularity of MP3 has increased to such a degree that major corporations are taking over the portable music player market with MP3 players. They are the next step on from the Walkman, Discman and MD player. Because of the popularity of MP3 players, 65. music websites have sprung up all over the Internet offering MP3 music for people to purchase.

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