Two men formed a to rob the bank. 查看更多



      My friends, Emma Daniels, spent the summer of 1974 traveling in Israel. During her monthlong stay in Jerusalem she often went to a café called Chocolate Soup. It was run by two men, one of whom – Alex – used to live in Montreal. One morning when Emma went in for coffee, while chatting with her new friend Alex, she mentioned that she had just finished the book she was reading and had nothing else to read. Alex said he had a wonderful book she might like, and that he’d be happy to lend it to her. As he lived just above the café, he quickly ran up to get it. The book he handed to Emma just minutes later was Markings, a book by a former Secrectary-General of the United Nations (UN).

   Emma had never read it, nor had she ever bought a copy. But, when she opened it up, she was floored to see her own name and address inside the cover in her own handwriting(笔迹).It turned out that the summer before, at a concert back in Montreal, Emma had met a Californian who was in town visiting friends. They decided to exchange(交换)addresses, but neither of them had any paper. The man opened up a book he was carrying in his backpack(背包) and asked Emma to write her name and address inside. When he returned to California, he left the book behind in Montreal, and his friend   Alex kept it. When Alex later moved to Jerusalcm, he took the book along.

41. Alex lent Emma the book, Markings,           .

    A. to show his friendliness to her                  B. to show his interest in reading

    C. to tell her about the importance of UN              D. to let her write her name and address inside

42. How did Emma feel the moment she opened the book?

    A. Pleased.                         B. Satisfied.             C. Worried.                         D. Surprised.

43. We can learn from the text the Californian             .

    A. met Emma at a concert                                   B. invited Emma to a concert

    C. introduced Emma to his friend                  D. left Emma his backpack

44. Who was supposed to be the first owner of the book?

    A. An official of the UN.                             B. A coffee shop owner.

    C. A friend of the author’s.                                  D. Alex’s friend form California.


Nowadays, a hospital always manages to keep its beds full. This is good on the one hand, and it’s bad on   36   hand.

One day, I went to see a sick friend at the hospital. I first went to the   37   desk, where I could get a permit to visit the patient.

      38   I could ask which room my friend was in, the lady set down my name, age, filled out a form and   39   a bell. I was just about to tell her what I was coming for when two men arrived with a wheelchair,   40   me in it and pushed me down the hall.

“I’m not   41  ,” I shouted. “I’m just looking for a friend.”

“When he comes,” one man said, “we’ll   42   him up to your room.”

In a minute I   43   myself in a small room. In no time they undressed me and covered some other things   44   me. One man said “If you need anything, press the button.”

“I want to get my   45   back.” I begged.

“Oh, you can   46   us,” a voice said, “Even if the   47   happens, we will see that your wife will get everything.” They left and locked the door   48   them.

I was trying to think of how to escape by the door when Dr. Ward came in with several of his   49  .

“Thank God you finally came,” I said.

“It hurts that badly?” he asked.

“No, on the contrary, I am not ill   50  .”

Dr. Ward looked   51  . “If you don’t feel any pain, that means it’s much more   52   than we expected.” Then he turned to his students, “This is the most difficult kind of patient to deal with because he refuses to   53   that he is ill. __54__ he won’t tell us where it hurts, he will never be well again until we find the hurt out for   55   by doing exploratory surgery (手术探查) .”

1.A. another            B. other            C. the other        D. others

2.A. meeting           B. office          C. information      D. medicine

3.A. Before            B. Until          C. While         D. When

4.A. beat               B. rang          C. struck         D. took

5.A. pushed            B. placed          C. pulled        D. invited

6.A. well              B. sick            C. good            D. healthy

7.A. command          B. carry           C. send          D. order

8.A. found            B. realized        C. felt            D. understood

9.A. on               B. from            C. up              D. to

10.A. money           B. friend            C. clothes               D. form

11.A. upset            B. expect           C. wonder       D. believe

12.A. best             B. hardest         C. worst           D. easiest

13.A. behind           B. before         C. beside         D. by

14.A. friends           B. students         C. relatives          D. teachers

15.A. at al             B. in all           C. after all          D. above all

16.A. excited          B. worried        C. satisfied         D. surprised

17.A. interesting        B. comfortable    C. serious         D. pleasant

18.A. add              B. settle            C. concern        D. recognize

19.A. Before           B. Since            C. When            D. As soon as

20.A. himself          B. themselves       C. yourselves       D. ourselves





Once there were two men, who lived in the same hospital room. One man’s bed was next to the room's only window. ___16__, the other man, since his illness was more  ___17__, had to spend all his time in bed. When the man in the bed by the window could  ___18__ up, he would tell his roommate all the things he could see ___19__ the window. He said the window ___20___ a park with a lovely ___21__. Ducks played on the __22___ while children sailed their model boats. Old trees grew and beautiful flowers were in bloom. What a fine ___23__! The man in the other bed would be  ___24__ by the beautiful colors of the world outside.

Days and weeks passed.One morning, the day nurse found the man by the window had ___25__ peacefully in his sleep. She called the hospital attendants to take the body ___26__. As everything was done, the other man asked if he could be  ___27__ next to the window.  The nurse said OK and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him ___28__.

Slowly and painfully, he tried to take his _29___ look at the world outside. He thought he would be ___30__ to see it by himself. But to his surprise, he saw nothing but a white ___31__. The man asked the nurse ____32   his roommate ___33__  to him and said there were wonderful things outside this window. The nurse told him his roommate was blind and could not even ___34__  the wall.

She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to ___35__  you. He only hoped you could live in a colorful world and got better quickly. "

16. A. Unluckily           B. Happily             C. Surprisingly      D. Angrily

17. A. common          B. occasional     C. serious                 D. light

18. A.come             B. sit                    C. jump             D. wake

19. A. across            B. above            C. behind          D. outside

20. A. built           B. stood                    C. faced           D. placed

21. A. hill            B. lake          C. house           D. tower

22. A. sand           B. grass         C. water           D. tree

23. A. look           B. sight            C. form                        D. view

24. A. impressed            B. moved          C. reminded        D. disappointed

25. A. missed         B. died          C. come           D. passed

26. A. up               B. away         C. off             D. on

27. A. moved           B. forced        C. brought         D. lifted

28. A. alike             B. alone         C. aloud           D. alive

29. A. single            B. last            C. first            D. only

30. A. pleased        B. excited         C. crazy           D. sad

31. A. wall               B. picture          C. river            D. window

32. A. when          B. why          C. how             D. where

33. A. led              B. got           C. lied             D. left

34. A. hear             B. touch         C. see           D. describe

35. A. please            B. encourage     C. control        D. advice



Once there were two men, who lived in the same hospital room. One man’s bed was next to the room's only window. ___36__, the other man, since his illness was more  ___37__, had to spend all his time in bed. When the man in the bed by the window could  ___38__ up, he would tell his roommate all the things he could see ___39__ the window. He said the window ___40___ a park with a lovely ___41__. Ducks played on the __42___ while children sailed their model boats. Old trees grew and beautiful flowers were in bloom. What a fine ___43__! The man in the other bed would be  ___44__ by the beautiful colors of the world outside.
Days and weeks passed.
One morning, the day nurse found the man by the window had ___45__ peacefully in his sleep. She called the hospital attendants to take the body ___46__. As everything was done, the other man asked if he could be  ___47__ next to the window.  The nurse said OK and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him ___48__.
Slowly and painfully, he tried to take his _49___ look at the world outside. He thought he would be ___50__ to see it by himself. But to his surprise, he saw nothing but a white ___51__. The man asked the nurse ____52   his roommate ___53__  to him and said there were wonderful things outside this window. The nurse told him his roommate was blind and could not even ___54__  the wall.
She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to ___55__  you. He only hoped you could live in a colorful world and got better quickly. "
36. A. Unluckily      B. Happily        C. Surprisingly   D. Angrily
37. A. common       B. occasional      C. serious        D. light
38. A. stand          B. sit            C. jump         D. wake
39. A. across         B. above          C. behind       D. Outside
40. A. built          B. stood          C. faced         D. placed
41. A. hill           B. lake            C. house        D. tower
42. A. sand          B. grass           C. water         D. tree
43. A. look          B. sight            C. form         D. view
44. A. impressed     B. moved          C. reminded    D. disappointed
45. A. missed        B. died            C. come        D. passed
46. A. up           B. away           C. off           D. on
47. A. moved        B. forced          C. brought       D. lifted
48. A. alike          B. alone          C. aloud         D. alive
49. A. single         B. last            C. first          D. only
50. A. pleased        B. excited         C. crazy         D. sad
51. A. wall           B. picture         C. river        D. Window
52. A. when          B. why         C. how          D. Where
53. A. led           B. got            C. lied          D. left
54. A. hear          B. touch          C. see          D. describe
55. A. please        B. encourage       C. control       D. Advice


Nowadays, a hospital always manages to keep its beds full. This is good on the one hand, and it’s bad on   36  hand.
One day, I went to see a sick friend at the hospital. I first went to the   37  desk, where I could get a permit to visit the patient.
  38  I could ask which room my friend was in, the lady set down my name, age, filled out a form and   39  a bell. I was just about to tell her what I was coming for when two men arrived with a wheelchair,   40   me in it and pushed me down the hall.
“I’m not   41 ,” I shouted. “I’m just looking for a friend.”
“When he comes,” one man said, “we’ll   42  him up to your room.”
In a minute I   43  myself in a small room. In no time they undressed me and covered some other things   44  me. One man said “If you need anything, press the button.”
“I want to get my   45   back.” I begged.
“Oh, you can   46    us,” a voice said, “Even if the   47  happens, we will see that your wife will get everything.” They left and locked the door   48   them.
I was trying to think of how to escape by the door when Dr. Ward came in with several of his   49 .
“Thank God you finally came,” I said.
“It hurts that badly?” he asked.
“No, on the contrary, I am not ill   50 .”
Dr. Ward looked   51 . “If you don’t feel any pain, that means it’s much more   52  than we expected.” Then he turned to his students: “This is the most difficult kind of patient to deal with because he refuses to   53  that he is ill. __54__ he won’t tell us where it hurts, he will never be well again until we find the hurt out for   55  by doing exploratory surgery (手术探查) .”

A.anotherB.the otherC.otherD.others
A.BeforeB.After C.WhileD.When
A.friendsB.students C.relativesD.teachers
【小题15】 allC.after allD.above all
A.addB.settle C.concernD.recognize
A.BeforeB.SinceC.WhenD.As soon as

