Fish can’t without water. A.exist B.happen e out D.appear 查看更多





How Do the Movies Do It?


  Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burned down or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship sank into the ocean? If so, you may have wondered how these things could happen without harming the people in the film.

  The man who knows the answer is the “special-effect” man. He has one of the most important jobs in the film industry. He may be ordered to create a flood or to make a battlefield explode. And he may also be asked to create a special effect which is much less exciting, though just as important to the success of the film.

  In a scene for one movie there was a big glass box filled with water in which small fish were swimming. The director of the movie wanted the fish to stop swimming suddenly while they seemed to stare at an actor. Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring and swim away. But fish can't be ordered to do anything. It was quite a problem.

  The special-effect man thought about this problem for a long time. Then there occured an idea for controlling the fish with a harmless use of electricity. First he used electricity to the fish bowl, causing the fish to be completely still. Then he rapidly reduced the amount of electricity, allowing the fish to swim away. Thus he got the humorous effect that the director wanted.

  All this requires training, skill, and experience. It also adds a great deal to the expense of producing the film. It helps explain why so many movies are very expensive to make.

1.In the headline, the expression“do it”refers to “________”.

[  ]

A.the movies developed

B.make the special effects

C.special men in movies

D.the movies made up by the director

2.In movie making, a special-effect man ________.

[  ]

A.does the most important job

B.always creates exciting effects

C.finds ways to create something untrue

D.cheats the audience in a special way

3.The example in the passage tells us that ________.

[  ]

A.the movie is on how fish live in a big glass box

B.something happened between the fish and an actor

C.a special-effect man makes the fish move actively takes a special-effect man a long time to work out a scene

4.In order to make the scene real, a simple action in a movie is probably ________.

[  ]

A.of great expense
B.the success of the film
C.formed by chance
D.hard to work out

5.Which statement below is WRONG according to the passage?

[  ]

A.A special-effect men needs training, skill and experience.

B.Knowing how a ship sank in a film, you may be a special-effect man.

C.Not all special-effect scenes in a movie attract the audience.

D.It is supposed that accidents probably happen when special effects are made.



  Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burned or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship __1__ into the ocean? If 2 ,you may have wondered 3 these things could happen without harming the people in the film.

  The man who knows the 4 is the “special effects” man. He has one of the most important jobs in the film 5 . He may be ordered to create a flood or to make a battlefield explode. But he may be asked to make a special effect which is much 6 exciting, though just as important on the 7 of the film.

  In a scene for one 8 there was a big glass filled with water in which small fish were swimming. The director of the movie 9 the fish to stop swimming suddenly while they seemed to stare at __10__ performing. Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring 11 swim away. But the fish can't be ordered to do anything. It was 12 a problem.

  The “special effects” man 13 about this problem for a long time. The result was an 14 of controlling the fish with a 15 use of electricity. First he __16__ electricity to the fish bowl so as to cause the fish to be 17 . Then he rapidly 18 the amount of electricity, 19 the fish to swim away. Thus he got the best effect that the director had 20 .


[  ]

A. dived
B. drowned
C. sank
D. broke


[  ]

A. that
B. so
C. possible
D. necessary


[  ]

A. where
B. when
C. why
D. how


[  ]

A. reason
B. way
C. fact
D. answer


[  ]

A. industry
B. market
C. show
D. school


[  ]

A. less
B. more
C. too
D. really


A. purpose
B. production
C. director
D. success


[  ]

A. stage
B. play
C. reason
D. movie


A. demanded
B. reqrested
C. wanted
D. asked


[  ]

A. the director

B. each other

C. an actor

D. the photographer


[  ]

A. and
B. but
C. then
D. or


[  ]

A. not
B. such
C. quite
D. just


[  ]

A. asked
. knew
C. quarrelled
D. thought


[  ]

A. order
B. idea
C. effort
D. opinion


[  ]

A. frequent
B. full
C. harmless
D. general


[  ]

A. connected
B. gave
C. tied
D. offered


[  ]

A. quiet
B. silent
C. calm
D. still


[  ]

A. got
B. increased
C. reduced
D. saved


[  ]

A. forbidding

B. promising

C. allowing

D. avoiding


[  ]

A. asked
B. received
C. expected
D. had


Keeping fish as pets is a popular hobby. Fish take up very little room, are inexpensive to feed, and provide an interesting and colorful display in any room. A tank, or an aquarium, must be chosen carefully. Many new aquarium owners buy too many fish for their tanks. Fish can’t be crowded. Two fish can live comfortably in each gallon of water, only ten fish can live in a five-gallon tank. Can you see why a goldfish would not live long in a tiny, round bowl? If too many fish are kept together, they will not have enough oxygen or room to swim about freely. They will have more diseases. Also, some kinds of fish can’t be kept together. As your interest in fish grows, the number of fish you have may grow, too. Then you may want to invest in another tank. If you start with a ten-gallon aquarium, what kind of fish would be best? The two major groups of tropical fish are those that lay eggs and those that give birth to live young. If you want to raise young fish, guppies would be the best choice because they can produce many babies in a short time. You can buy fish and aquariums in most pet stores. Ask the owners to help you choose the right fish. You can also find many books about tropical fish in the library.

64. If nine fish live in three gallons of water, the fish may _________.

A. breathe easily     B. swim about freely C. get ill D. not get enough to eat

65. The underlined phrases “invest in” in Para 3 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. buy   B. borrow  C. make D. sell

66. In the passage the author provides us with some useful tips on how to keep fish well EXCEPT ________.

A. selecting a suitable tank size  B. feeding enough oxygen into the tank  C. choosing the right group of fish  D. reading some books about fish

67. From the passage we can know _______.

A. very few people are interested in keeping fish

B. the size of your tank decides how many fish you can keep

C. guppies are a kind of fish that are good at laying eggs

D. you can raise different kinds of fish together



Keeping fish as pets is a popular hobby. Fish take up very little room, are inexpensive to feed, and provide an interesting and colorful display in any room. A tank, or an aquarium, must be chosen carefully. Many new aquarium owners buy too many fish for their tanks. Fish can’t be crowded. Two fish can live comfortably in each gallon of water, only ten fish can live in a five-gallon tank. Can you see why a goldfish would not live long in a tiny, round bowl? If too many fish are kept together, they will not have enough oxygen or room to swim about freely. They will have more diseases. Also, some kinds of fish can’t be kept together. As your interest in fish grows, the number of fish you have may grow, too. Then you may want to invest in another tank. If you start with a ten-gallon aquarium, what kind of fish would be best? The two major groups of tropical fish are those that lay eggs and those that give birth to live young. If you want to raise young fish, guppies would be the best choice because they can produce many babies in a short time. You can buy fish and aquariums in most pet stores. Ask the owners to help you choose the right fish. You can also find many books about tropical fish in the library.

64. If nine fish live in three gallons of water, the fish may _________.

A. breathe easily     B. swim about freely C. get ill D. not get enough to eat

65. The underlined phrases “invest in” in Para 3 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. buy   B. borrow  C. make D. sell

66. In the passage the author provides us with some useful tips on how to keep fish well EXCEPT ________.

A. selecting a suitable tank size  B. feeding enough oxygen into the tank  C. choosing the right group of fish  D. reading some books about fish

67. From the passage we can know _______.

A. very few people are interested in keeping fish

B. the size of your tank decides how many fish you can keep

C. guppies are a kind of fish that are good at laying eggs

D. you can raise different kinds of fish together



When Joe Ward went fishing in Florida one day last September, he didn’t need a weather report to tell him that big trouble was on the way. All he had to do was observe the behavior of the area’s wildlife. “The fish were just biting like crazy, like they were storing up,” says Ward. “There wasn’t a bird anywhere, not even a gull, which is very unusual down here. And on the banks, the insects—the ants, everything—were climbing high.” The next day Hurricane Frances hit. Was this an isolated incident? Hardly. “Some people say that animals have a sixth sense. I don’t know if I’d go that far,” says Wildlife Conservation Society research scientist Diana Reiss. “There’s a lot we still have to learn about their behavior. But I don’t think there’s any question that animals can hear, feel and notice things that we can’t.”

  When Sri Lanka Wildlife Department deputy director, H. D.Ratnayake, surveyed the destruction left by last December’s tsunami, he was shocked by what he had not seen before. Tens of thousands of humans were killed. But there was very little mortality(死亡率) among wildlife. At Yala National Park, the phenomenon was especially noticeable. Though the human death number nearby was more than 200, officials found no wildlife dead bodies. After the tsunami, wild tales keep surfacing. Residents have reported seeing herds of antelope thundering from a coastal area to the hills before the giant wall of water hit. And nesting flamingos(红鹳)left low-lying areas, heading for the safety of higher ground. How did they know trouble was on the way?Scientists credit a well-tuned sensory (感觉的,感官的) system. “Animals have to adapt to their environment to survive,” Reiss says. Changes in atmospheric conditions also may have played a part, some scientists say.

  Wildlife photographer Mike Blair remembers the day he witnessed how waterfowl (水鸟) can sense change in the weather. That morning the weather was mild, with a few snow geese on the marshes (湿地) at the wildlife protecting place. But as the day progressed, flight after flight of geese crossed the sky and settled on the wetlands. The next day temperatures decreased widely and a snowstorm hit. “The refuge staff said there were 20,000 geese there at the start of the day,” says Blair. “By the end of the day, they were estimating there were 300,000 or more.” Wildlife biologists believe migrating waterfowl have a built-in sense to predict the approach of large storms and are particularly responsive to changes of pressure in the air.

1.What will the antelope do before a storm?

  A.They will rush to the top of the hills.

  B.They will go to the coastal land to store some food.

  C.They will leave their home and move to another place forever.

  D.They will move to the wetlands to avoid the storm.

2.In Reiss’s opinion, why can animals survive some disasters while humans cannot?

  A.Because they have a sixth sense.

  B.Because they can feel the changes in atmospheric conditions.

  C.Because they can feel and notice something we human beings can’t.

  D.Because human beings are well-developed and don’t need to adapt to the environment.

3.What’s the main idea of the passage?

  A.The migration of the wildlife animals.

  B.What will the waterfowl do when there is a disaster.

  C.Animals have a six sense to predict the coming natural disaster.

  D.The number of human beings’ destruction is larger than the wild animals’


