painted; 17. awful; 18. obeyed 查看更多




Bill and John,both seriously ill,lived in the same room at Marie Hospital.John lived next to the only window of the room and was allowed to  36  in his bed and watch for an hour every day.But Bill had to spend all his time  37  on his back.

They became friends soon and talked for hours every day.They spoke of their families,their children,their hobbies,and their  38  in the American army.Each day John would sit up and  39 to his roommate Bill what he could see outside the window.

Through John’s description,Bill’s world was  40  and brightened by all the activities and colors of the outside world.The window overlooked a beautiful park with a lovely  41  ,John told Bill.Ducks played on the water  42  children sailed their model boats.And a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.As John described all these  43  ,Bill would close his eyes and  44  the picturesque scene.Bill was recovering  45  . However,John became weak day by day.

Late one night,Bill was lying in bed  46  the ceiling when John began to cough seriously.Then doctors and nurses rushed to the room.Thirty minutes later, John  47  coughing.Now,there was only silence—  48  silence.

The following morning,Bill was moved to the bed next to the window at his request.Slowly and

  49  ,he supported himself up on one elbow (胳膊)to take the first look.But to his  50  ,he could see nothing but a  51  wall.

Only at that moment did he begin to realize that the pursuit(追求)of happiness was a matter of  52  .It was a positive attitude we chose to express.It was not a gift that was  53  to our doorstep each morning,nor did it come through the window.It was all inward journey.Whether a man is happy or not depends on his own thoughts  54  anything outward.

So Bill began to describe the  55  world to his new roommate that he saw through the only window of the room.

1.A.stand up          B.sit up           C.set up            D.stay up

2.A.1ying            B.depending       C.going            D.relying

3.A.service           B.advice          C.appearance        D.violence

4.A.explain           B.complain        C.describe          D.introduce

5.A.affected          B.broadened       C.damaged          D.expanded

6.A.tower            B.1ake            C.statue            D.hill

7.A.while            B.though          C.unless            D.until addition general brief  detail

9.A.see              B.remember        C.imagine           D.recognize

10.A.up to now         B.1ittle by 1ittle    C.sooner or later by one

11.A.thinking about     B.staring at         C.holding up        D.fixing on

12.A.stopped          B.continued         C.avoided           D.survived

13.A.deadly           B.dead             C.breathless         D.aimless

14.A.regretfully        B.fortunately        C.particularly        D.hopefully

15.A.surprise          B.delight           C.relief             D.anger

16.A.simple           B.blank            C.colored            D.painted

17.A.consideration     B.expression        C.choice             D.practice

18.A.de1ivered        B.decorated         C.devoted           D.determined

19.A.more than        B.better than        C.other than          D.rather than

20.A.friendly          B.yearly            C.1ively            D.1ikely



December 24 arrived along with a heavy snow. It was my first Christmas Eve without my mother, and the day’s usual  36  had disappeared.

The telephone rang. I  37  it and went to my bedroom to bury the continuous 38 , knowing it must be my friend Rebecca calling. How could I be  39  ? I wanted to be left  40 .

My heart felt as  41  as the falling snow.  42  can I stop missing my mother?

I  43  the window. Seeing Rebecca’s car parked out front, I went back to my bed and drew the covers over my head.

“Lucy!” she shouted. “I know you’re in there. Answer the door!”

“Leave me alone!” I  44  back. I heard paper rustling(沙沙作响) as she slid  45   under the door.

“Merry Christmas, ” she called out.

Not answering the  46  made me even 47 . It wasn’t fair to my best friend. Her father and sister  48  in a car accident when she was eight years old.  49 , her mother had to return to  50 , and Rebecca was left to look after herself.

When she left, I carried the small package, sat down and  51  it. Inside was a golden pen and a journal. When I opened the journal’s front cover, out fell a bookmark with a(n)   52   written on it:

Dear Lucy,  

My words won’t heal(治愈)the  53  . But your own words can.



As I stared at the journal’s blank pages, a single tear fell on the page which quickly absorbed it.

That night, I  54  the phone and dialed her number.

“Looks like the snow is melting(融化), ” I said. “Spring was just ___55____the corner.”

1.A. excitement       B. disappointment C. fright             D. pity

2.A. answered         B. covered        C. picked             D. ignored

3.A. pleasure         B. puzzled        C. sadness        D. interest

4.A. regretful        B. joyful         C. comfortable    D. careful

5.A. alive            B. active         C. alone          D. crazy

6.A. light            B. white          C. heavy          D. clear

7.A. Why              B. Where          C. Whether        D. How

8.A. looked through B. looked into C. looked out D. looked up

9.A. brought          B. shouted        C. took           D. turned

10.A. anything        B. something      C. everything     D. nothing

11.A. phone           B. question       C. letter         D. door

12.A. more helpful B. more attractive C. worse            D. better

13.A. survived    B. escaped    C. lived                  D. died

14.A. As a whole B. As a result C. In all                 D. In general

15.A. work            B. wash         C. repair           D. learn

16.A. closed          B. folded       C. opened           D. painted

17.A. article         B. poem         C. notice           D. message

18.A. failure   B. pain        C. wish                    D. shame

19.A. picked up  B. picked out C. pushed back             D. put away

20.A. around     B. over        C. on              D. at



The power of encouragement is great. You may draw some inspiration from the following story.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, a famous 19th­century poet and artist, was once  26  by an elderly man. The old man had some sketches (素描) and drawings that he  27   Rossetti to look at them and tell him if they were any good, or  28  they at least showed potential(潜在的)talent.
Rossetti looked them  29  carefully. After the first few, he knew that they were worthless, showing not the least sign of artistic talent. But Rossetti was a  30  man, and he told the elderly  31  as gently as possible that the pictures were of little value and showed little talent. He was sorry,  32  he could not 33  to the man.
The visitor was  34  , but seemed to expect Rossetti’s  35   .He then apologized for  36  Rossetti’s time, but would he just  37  a few more drawings—these done by a(n)  38  art student?Rossetti looked over the  39  batch (一批) of sketches and immediately became  40  over the talent they revealed(显示;透露) .“These,” he said,“Oh, these are good. This young student has great talent. He should be  41  every help and encouragement in his career as an artist. He has a hopeful future if he will work and stick to it.”
Rossetti could see that the old man was  42  moved.“Who is this fine young   artist?” he asked.“Your son?” “No,” said the old man sadly.“It was I  43  painted the pictures forty years ago.  44  I had heard your praise then!For you see, I got discouraged and 45  drawing—too soon.”

A.turning upB.making upC.taking upD.looking up
A.look atB.glare atC.aim atD.stare at
A.Only ifB.If onlyC.If soD.If any
A.insisted onB.led toC.headed toD.gave up


I once had a friend who grew to be close to me. Once when we were sitting on the edge of a swimming pool, she  21  the palm (手掌) of her hand with some water and  22  it before me, saying, “You see the water  23  contained in my hand? It stands for love.”

  This was how I saw it:  24  you keep your hand carefully open and allow it to  25  there, it will always be there. However, if you  26  to close your fingers round it and try to  27  it, it will spill through the first cracks(缝隙) it  28  .

  Now I see this is the biggest  29  that people make when they meet  30  …they try to possess(拥有,占用) it, they demand, they  31  …and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will  32 from you. For love is meant to be free, you cannot  33  its nature even in your lifetime. If there are people you love, allow them to be  34  beings.

  Give, but don’t expect. Advise, but don’t  35  . Ask, but never demand.

  It might sound  36  , but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to  37 . It is the secret to true love. To truly practice it, you must sincerely feel  38  expectations from those who you love.

  If you love something, set it free; if it  39 , it’s yours; if it doesn’t, it  40  was.

1.A. washed         B. painted          C. filled       D. wetted

2. A. poured        B. held             C. spilled          D threw

3. A. constantly        B. carefully        C. hurriedly        D. nervously

4.A. Though         B. Before       C. Once         D. If

5.A. leave              B. remain       C. stand        D. fall

6. A. attempt       B. fail             C. refuse       D. agree 

7.A. watch          B. protect          C. possess          D. drink

8.A. loses              B. digs             C. breaks       D. finds

9.A. choice         B. decision         C. joke             D. mistake 

10.A. love              B. hope         C. trouble          D. failure

11.A. give              B. expect       C. suggest          D. allow

12.A. escape        B. suffer       C. learn        D. hear

13.A. test              B. observe          C. keep         D. change

14.A valuable       B. free             C. secret           D. private

15. A. order            B. imagine          C. remind       D. invite

16. A. possible         B. important    C. simple       D. complex

17.A. express       B. describe         C. think        D. practice

18. A. other            B. no           C. many         D. some

19.A. comes back        B. stands up        C. drops in     D. leaves off

20.A. seldom        B. often        C. never        D. always



I've spent most of my career as a traveling salesman, and so I know that   36 is an occupational disease.But one year, my   37  gave me the cure for my homesickness.
It had black bright eyes, a red bow tie and orange feet—a stuffed penguin(企鹅)that   38  about five inches tall.Attached to its left wing   39  a little sign with the hand-painted declaration "I Love My Dad! ".I   40  the penguin at once on my table.
On my next trip, I put the penguin in my suitcase.That night when I   41__   home, my daughter Jeanine was   42  because the penguin had disappeared."Honey, he's here with me, " I explained, "I brought him   43  ."
  44 , the penguin came with me—as necessary as my briefcase.And we   __45  along the way.In Albuquerque, I checked into a   46 , dropped my bag and ran to a meeting.When I returned, the maid had   47  the bed and stood the penguin on the pillow.
One night, I discovered the penguin   48 , and after a mad phone call, I learned I' d   49  it in my previous hotel room,   50  it had been rescued by a maid.I  __51  a hundred miles to get it, and when I arrived at midnight, the penguin was waiting at the front desk.In the hotel lobby(大厅), other tired business travelers were   __52   at the reunion of my penguin and me---I think with a bit of   53  
Jeanine is in college now, and I don't travel   54  . The penguin sits on my table, a reminder that love is a wonderful traveling companion.All those years on   55 , it was the one thing I never left home without.

A.wifeB.daughterC.friend D.mother
A.threwB.lost C.orderedD.placed
A.droveB.called C.wroteD.went
A.From now onB.In the futureC.In future D.From then on
A.had friendsB.had friendC.made friendsD.made friend
A.givenB.turnedC.made D.carried
A.ran B.walkedC.hurriedD.drove
A.surprisedB.frightenedC.looked D.laughed
【小题19】 much
A.the hotelB.the meetingC.the tripD.the house

