A. positive B. active C. negative D. hopeful 查看更多




  Many years ago, a shopkeeper opened a bag of goods from England and found a card at the top.It said, “Expect a Miracle(奇迹).” “What does that mean?” he thought, and then put it into his pocket.That night he was emptying his pocket and showed it to his wife.“Look at this, dear.What do you think it means?” “Maybe this is what we need,” she said.“Our problems are so great that they are too much for us.If we start expecting great things instead of the worst, miracle may take place.” They decided to try changing their thinking for a few days, starting with their smallest problems.Then something changed.Not only did they find their problems could be solved, but they also started making a lot of money.

  To make miracles happen, you have to start by expecting them.That way your abilities can become focused in positive(积极的)ways.There are strange coincidences(巧合), and all kinds of happy experiences follow one after another.One becomes hopeful and optimistic(乐观的).Little problems begin disappearing, while the big ones become much easier to work out.Success is not as far as you thought it was.

  A positive thinker first sets clear and proper goals(目标).Then he goes to work, and keeps on working.He never gives up.His dreams are sure to come true, and when they do, a miracle happens.

  Miracles come in all sizes:big, medium-sized, and small.Start expecting the small ones, and work your way up to the big.Think positively, believe in yourself and work hard.You’ll find yourself amazed by how meaningful and active your life has become.


The author uses the example of the shopkeeper to _________.

[  ]


tell people that some people can get very lucky


prove that expecting miracles can help one succeed


Advise readers to focus on thinking about great things


show that spirits can help one make money


When one is expecting miracles, _________.

[  ]


miracles are sure to arrive


one becomes more negative


one becomes hopeful


one waits for success


To succeed, we should first _________.

[  ]


work hard with great effort


have some creative ideas


set clear and proper goals


spend all your time thinking


Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Advantages and Disadvantages of Miracles


Expect a Miracle, and Make It Happen


Useful Ways of Making Miracles Happen


Short Cuts to Making Miracles Happen



     Not long ago I wasn't doing very well in exams and I was full of disappointment and  __1__
thinking.While on the Internet,I met many new friends, but one in particular __2__.His nickname
is Colorful Day and we __3__ on the Web.He told me: he lost his __4__ at age 15, and felt the
whole world had closed its door to him.
     He was __5__ so fast that I couldn't believe he was blind! But he continued to __6__: Five
years ago, I realized it was time to change my life.I had read about Helen Keller and understood
 her life and __7__.So I developed a website about her life __8__ mine called Three Days to See.
     I visited his website which was well produced and vividly __9__.
     I asked, "How did you __10__ to build such a website?" He said,"Owing to the new technology,
I can use software specially __11__ for the blind. __12__ I point the cursor(光标), it will just read
it out to me.We can do far more things and __13__ more information than we could before."
     I then asked, "Didn't you have great difficulty with it?"
     He hesitated and then began his __14__ with a smiling face," Yes, but I have faith in myself to
__15__ my  colorful day. And modern technology gives me this __16__ to do it."
      His __17__ attitude towards life made me believe that our destiny offers not the cup of despair,
__18__ the chalice (大杯) of opportunity. I returned to my lessons, and this time with a smile on my
face and with __19__ of a colorful future.
     The Internet, which opened to me to __20__ different lives and cultures, has a charm you couldn't
find in another wise nonvirtual world.

(     )1.A.positive  
(     )2.A.turned out
(     )3.A.argued    
(     )4.A.eyesight  
(     )5.A.speaking  
(     )6.A.follow    
(     )7.A.friendship
(     )8.A.as well as
(     )9.A.offered  
(     )10.A.try      
(     )11.A.designed
(     )12.A.Whether  
(     )13.A.send    
(     )14.A.webpage  
(     )15.A.create  
(     )16.A.moment  
(     )17.A.hopeful  
(     )18.A.but      
(     )19.A.eagerness
(     )20.A.touch   
B.stood out    
B.such as      
C.came out    
D.looked out  


Not long ago I wasn't doing very well in exams and I was full of disappointment and __1__ thinking.While on the Internet,I met many new friends,but one in particular __2__.His nickname is Colorful Day and we __3__ on the Web.He told me he lost his __4__ at the age of 15,and felt the whole world had closed its door to him.

He was __5__ so fast that I couldn't believe he was blind!But he continued to __6__:Five years ago,I realized it was time to change my life.I had read about Helen Keller and understood her life and __7__.So I developed a website about her life __8__ mine called Three Days to See.

I visited his website which was well produced and vividly __9__.

I asked,“How did you __10__  to build such a website?” He said,“Owing to the new technology,I can use software specially __11__  for the blind.__12__  I point the cursor(光标),it will just read it out to me.We can do far more things and __13__ more information than we could before.”I then asked,“Didn't you have great difficulty with it?”

He hesitated and then began his __14__  with a smiling face,“Yes,but I have faith in myself to __15__  my colorful day,and modern technology gives me this medium and __16__ to do it.”

His __17__ attitude towards life made me believe that our destiny offers,not the cup of despair,__18__  the chalice (酒杯) of opportunity.I returned to my lessons,and this time with a smile on my face and with __19__ of a colorful future.

The Internet,which is open to me to __20__ different lives and cultures,has charm you couldn't find in another wise non?virtual world.

1.A.positive      B.active

C.negative        D.instructive

2.A.turns out      B.stands out

C.comes out     D.looks out

3.A.argued        B.interviewed

C.told       D.chatted

4.A.eyesight      B.hearing

C.courage         D.confidence

5.A.speaking       B.saying

C.typing         D.spelling

6.A.follow        B.write

C.read          D.copy

7.A.friendship     B.marriage

C.happiness       D.hardships

8.A.as well as      B.such as

C.like          D.as

9.A.offered        B.presented 

C.delivered       D.found

10.A.try         B.come 

C.work        D.manage

11.A.designed      B.distinguished 

C.planned       D.imagined

12.A.Whether       B.However  

C.Whatever      B.access 

C.communicate    D.exchange

14.A.webpage      B.speech 

C.words        D.opinions

15.A.create       B.produce 

C.recognize     D.organize

16.A.moment       B.privilege 

C.opportunity      D.occasion

17.A.hopeful       B.disappointed 

C.pleasant       D.optimistic

18.A.but         B.and 

C.so         D.then

19.A.eagerness      B.expectations 

C.richness      D.nervousness

20.A.touch        B.feel

C.experience       D.suffer



     Not long ago I wasn't doing very well in exams and I was full of disappointment and  __1__ thinking.
While on the Internet,I met many new friends, but one in particular __2__.His nickname is Colorful Day
and we __3__ on the Web.He told me: he lost his __4__ at age 15, and felt the whole world had closed
its door to him.
     He was __5__ so fast that I couldn't believe he was blind! But he continued to __6__: Five years ago, I realized it was time to change my life.I had read about Helen Keller and understood her life and __7__.
So I developed a website about her life __8__ mine called Three Days to See.
     I visited his website which was well produced and vividly __9__.
     I asked, "How did you   10   to build such a website?" He said,"Owing to the new technology, I can
use software specially   11   for the blind.    12   I point the cursor(光标), it will just read it out to me.   
We can do far more things and   13   more information than we could before."
     I then asked, "Didn't you have great difficulty with it?"
     He hesitated and then began his   14   with a smiling face," Yes, but I have faith in myself to   15   my 
 colorful day. And modern technology gives me this   16   to do it."
     His    17   attitude towards life made me believe that our destiny offers not the cup of despair,   18   
the chalice (大杯) of opportunity. I returned to my lessons, and this time with a smile on my face and
with   19   of a colorful future.
     The Internet, which opened to me to   20   different lives and cultures, has a charm you couldn't find
in another wise nonvirtual world.
(     )1. A. positive      
(     )2. A. turned out    
(     )3. A. argued        
(     )4. A. eyesight      
(     )5. A. speaking      
(     )6. A. follow        
(     )7. A. friendship    
(     )8. A. as well as    
(     )9. A. offered      
(     )10. A. try          
(     )11. A. designed    
(     )12. A. Whether      
(     )13. A. send        
(     )14. A. webpage      
(     )15. A. create      
(     )16. A. moment      
(     )17. A. hopeful      
(     )18. A. but          
(     )19. A. eagerness    
(     )20. A. touch        
B. active            
B. stood out        
B. interviewed      
B. hearing          
B. saying            
B. write            
B. marriage          
B. such as          
B. presented        
B. come              
B. distinguished    
B. However          
B. access            
B. speech            
B. produce          
B. privilege        
B. disappointed      
B. and              
B. expectations      
B. feel             
C. negative      
C. came out      
C. told          
C. courage      
C. typing        
C. read          
C. happiness    
C. like          
C. delivered    
C. work          
C. planned      
C. Whatever      
C. communicate  
C. words        
C. recognize    
C. opportunity  
C. pleasant      
C. so            
C. richness      
C. experience              
D. instructive    
D. looked out      
D. chatted        
D. confident      
D. spelling        
D. copy            
D. hardships      
D. as              
D. found          
D. manage          
D. imagined        
D. Wherever        
D. exchange        
D. opinions        
D. organize        
D. occasion        
D. optimistic      
D. then            
D. nervousness    
D. suffer          


     Not long ago I wasn't doing very well in exams and I was full of disappointment and  __1__ thinking. While on the Internet, I met many new friends, but one in particular __2__. His nickname is Colorful
Day and we __3__ on the Web. He told me: he lost his __4__ at age 15, and felt the whole world had
closed its door to him.
     He was __5__ so fast that I couldn't believe he was blind! But he continued to __16__: Five years
ago, I realized it was time to change my life. I had read about Helen Keller and understood her life and
__7__. So I developed a website about her life __8__ mine called Three Days to See.
     I visited his website which was well produced and vividly__9__.
     I asked, "How did you __10__ to build such a website?" He said, "Owing to the new technology, I
can use software specially __11__ for the blind. __12__ I point the cursor(光标), it will just read it out
to me. We can do far more things and __13__ more information than we could before."
     I then asked, "Didn't you have great difficulty with it?"
     He hesitated and then began his __24__ with a smiling face, "Yes, but I have faith in myself to __15__ my  colorful day. And modern technology gives me this __16__ to do it."
     His __17__ attitude towards life made me believe that our destiny offers not the cup of despair,  
__18__ the chalice (大杯) of opportunity. I returned to my lessons, and this time with a smile on my
face and with __19__ of a colorful future.
     The Internet, which opened to me to __20__ different lives and cultures, has a charm you couldn't
find in another wise nonvirtual world.
(     )1. A. positive    
(     )2. A. turned out  
(     )3. A. argued      
(     )4. A. eyesight    
(     )5. A. speaking    
(     )6. A. follow      
(     )7. A. friendship  
(     )8. A. as well as  
(     )9. A. offered      
(     )10. A. try        
(     )11. A. designed    
(     )12. A. Whether    
(     )13. A. send        
(     )14. A. webpage    
(     )15. A. create      
(     )16. A. moment      
(     )17. A. hopeful    
(     )18. A. but        
(     )19. A. eagerness  
(     )20. A. touch      
B. active        
B. stood out    
B. interviewed  
B. hearing      
B. saying        
B. write        
B. marriage      
B. such as      
B. presented    
B. come          
B. distinguished
B. However      
B. access        
B. speech        
B. produce      
B. privilege    
B. disappointed  
B. and          
B. expectations  
B. feel          
C. negative    
C. came out    
C. told        
C. courage      
C. typing      
C. read        
C. happiness    
C. like        
C. delivered    
C. work        
C. planned      
C. Whatever    
C. communicate  
C. words        
C. recognize    
C. opportunity  
C. pleasant    
C. so          
C. richness    
C. experience  
D. instructive  
D. looked out    
D. chatted      
D. confident    
D. spelling      
D. copy          
D. hardships    
D. as            
D. found        
D. manage        
D. imagined      
D. Wherever      
D. exchange      
D. opinions      
D. organize      
D. occasion      
D. optimistic    
D. then          
D. nervousness  
D. suffer        

