第一节:单词拼写 (共10小题.每小题1分.满分10分): 1. The a temperature in Hangzhou last month was 22℃. 2. The little boy was very c about what was in the box and couldn’t wait to open it. 3. An i is a large building for an organization which provides people with help, work, medical treatment or protection, such as a school or hospital. 4. It’s necessary for scientists to o natural phenomena before they can draw a conclusion. 5. The plane was delayed but the passengers didn’t get any e . 6. “Keep quiet! she w to me when she entered the meeting-room. 7. The postman’s job is to d parcels and letters. 8. One of the most famous c of Shakespeare is The Merchant of Venice. 9. Would you mind if I r the weight of a parcel by taking something out? 10. It was a good concert but I enjoyed the last song p . 查看更多



第一节:单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)

71. Sea water c          salt.

72. The left side of the human heart is in c          of getting blood to the body.

73. As everyone knows, smoking a           a person’s health.

74. The buildings are regularly i           by the fire-safety officer.

75. To be honest, a lot of people a          great importance to becoming rich.

76. I admit it’s a difficult project.           (无论如何),you should try it first.     

77.What should you do if you are being           (咬) by mosquitoes?

78.The flood has led to heavy           (丧失)of life.

79. The orchestra will give two more           (演出)this week.

80. She spent all the morning           (欣赏) the wonderful works of art by that famous artist.



1.The new regulation was not passed because the m__________ were against it.

2.What n__________ are you? I’m Chinese.

3.More than a thousand a___________ will compete for a hundred jobs.

4.It suddenly o________ to me that I had forgotten to invite Brian.

5.The bell rang, i_________ the end of the class.

6.A________, he didn’t prepare for the speech well.Or, he could not have made so many mistakes.

7.By doing business wisely, he has a__________ a great fortune.

8.I didn’t understand how the legal p_________ worked until he explained to me.

9.It’s very annoying to be interrupted constantly by c_________ advertisements while watching TV.

10.University professors both teach and u_________ research.


第一节:单词拼写(共10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66.The _____________(设计) of the Amber Room was in the style still popular today.

67.A box of chocolates is a most________(受欢迎) gift for lovers on St Valentine’s Day

68.A fact is anything that can be ___________(证实).

69.Ji Xianlin, an outstanding scholar, was ________(熟悉)with 12 foreign languages.

70.This is a photo taken by a _______________(职业)photographer.

71.__________(比较) with others, his idea sounds more reasonable.

72.Some _________(志愿者)offer help to “left behind children” in rural areas educationally.

73.On ______________(星期三),our teachers often have meetings.

74.This plant can be found in the __________(南部)parts of the country.

75.On hearing the funny story, all of us burst out ____________(大笑).



第一节:单词拼写(共10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66.The _____________(设计) of the Amber Room was in the style still popular today.

67.A box of chocolates is a most________(受欢迎) gift for lovers on St Valentine’s Day

68.A fact is anything that can be ___________(证实).

69.Ji Xianlin, an outstanding scholar, was ________(熟悉)with 12 foreign languages.

70.This is a photo taken by a _______________(职业)photographer.

71.__________(比较) with others, his idea sounds more reasonable.

72.Some _________(志愿者)offer help to “left behind children” in rural areas educationally.

73.On ______________(星期三),our teachers often have meetings.

74.This plant can be found in the __________(南部)parts of the country.

75.On hearing the funny story, all of us burst out ____________(大笑).


第四部分: 写作


76. Do you know that a worker ant has two _________(胃)in his body?

77. On Peace Day, no fighting or c________ are allowed. People learn and talk about peace.

78. Young people usually have more e______ than the old, so they can work longer.

79. If I had your ______(脑筋), I could do better in my exams.

80. When a soldier meets an officer, the soldier often s______ him.

81. The fridge does not f________ very well; you’d better get it repaired.

82.When the crops are r_____, they are ready to be harvested.

83. O______ vegetables are those that are grown without chemicals.

84. It was a great h_____ to be asked to speak at the conference.

85. Children are taught to believe in the _____(原则) of equal opportunity for everyone.


