Once , it will never be forgotten. A.visited B.visiting C.visits D. visit 查看更多



One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods from door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to __1__ for a meal at the next house.

However, he lost his nerve __2__ a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked __3__ so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it __4__, and then asked, “How much do I owe you?”

“You don't owe me anything,” she __5__. “Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a __6__.” He said, “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger __7__, but it also increased his faith in God and human race. He was about to give up and quit before this point.

Years later the young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where specialists can be called __8__ to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly, now __9__, was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light __10__ his eyes. Immediately, he __11__ and went down through the hospital hall into her room.

 __12__ in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He __13__ her at once. He went back to the consultation room and __14__ to do his best to save her life. From that day on, he gave __15__attention to her case.

After a long __16__ the battle was won. Dr. Kelly __17__ the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it and then wrote something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was afraid to open it because she was __18__ that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her __19__. She read these_words...

“Paid in full with a glass of milk.”

(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she __20__ silently. “Thank you, God. Your love has spread through human hearts and hands.”

1.A.call    B.make    C.beg   D.prepare

2.A.while      B.when        C.though   D.unless

3.A.thirsty      B.lazy        C.tired     D.hungry

4.A.slowly      B.unexpectedly  C.steadily  D.hurried

5.A.announced  B.shook       C.replied   D.doubtful

6.A.reward    B.kindness      C.hand    D.value

7.A.physically     B.mentally     C.normally    D.properly

8.A.up                       B.for                 C.on                 D.in

9.A.rich              B.famous          C.observant    D.vivid

10.A.fixed           B.consulted        C.filled            D.concentrated

11.A.rose            B.raised           C.got                       D.left

12.A.Worn          B.Having  C.putting           D.Dressed

13.A.recognized  B.knew            C.spared            D.regained

14.A.desired      B.declared     C.determined    D.declined

15.A.special    B.ordinary      C.normal       D.no

16.A.decision   B.preparation   C.struggle      D.debate

17.A.ordered   B.requested     C.confused      D.compressed

18.A.negative   B.uncertain     C.positive     D.obvious

19.A.presentation  B.preference  C.attention     D.arrangement

20.A.praised     B.pretended   C.pressed      D.prayed



  Thousands of jobs come into our job centers and employment offices every week, but they get snapped up(抢夺)quickly.So although we shall do all we can to help you, it’s important for you to do all you can to help yourself.This passage tells you how.

  Registered for work

  Once you have registered for work, we will match you against available vacancies.You must also register for work at the job centre in order to claim(demand)unemployment benefit(help).But you actually apply for the benefit at the local unemployment office.

  Getting a job through self-service

  Jobs that come in are put on self-service show as soon as possible.Half the people who find jobs through the job centre and employment office find them through self-service.You can call in at any time to look at the jobs shown.

  If you want further help with finding a job

  If you want more help or advice, don’t forget that’s what we’re here for.Our employment advisers can help you with things like:

  thinking about the different sorts of jobs you could do and which are the best for you

   jobs available locally or elsewhere

  training for a new job

  your suitability for a TOPS training course with a tax-free allowance(津贴)

  grants(补助金)to help you look for, and move to, work in other parts

  Even though you have a clear of the sort of job and pay you want, you may find that something different will suit you quite well.Keep this in mind when you’re talking with the Employment Adviser.

  If you don’t find a job on your first visit

  Go into self-service as often as you can to look at the jobs on show there.Good vacancies are coming in all the time but they do go quickly.Don’t depend on being told about them just because you’ve been registered for employment.

  If you can’t get to the office easily, come in whenever you can.It’ll help you to find a job faster if you keep in touch.


The purpose of the passage is to ________.

[  ]


provide general advice about what to do when you haven’t a job


suggest how to get maximum benefit from a certain employment service


give information about services available for unemployed people


help to reduce the number of unemployed people


The people most likely to get jobs are those who ________.

[  ]


make use of job information services at the job center as soon as possible


regularly ask for help and service at the job center


use their own ideas and common sense in looking for a job


register for work immediately when the needs rise


Unemployed people can claim benefits from the unemployment office only if they ________.

[  ]


first inform the job center that they have lost their jobs


register at the local unemployment office


claim the benefits both at the job center and the unemployment office


first inform the job center of their availability for work


What does the underlined word in the last paragraph mean?

[  ]


Jobs one can get.


One can’t get jobs.






Miss Gogers taught physics in a New York school. Last month she explained to one of her classes about sound, and she decided to test them to see how successful she had been in her explanation. She said to them, “Now I have a brother in Los Angeles. If I was calling him on the phone and at the same time you were 75 feet away, listening to me from across the street, which of you would hear what I said earlier, my brother or you and for what reason?”

Tom at once answered, “Your brother. Because electricity travels faster than sound waves.” “That's every good,” Miss Gogers answered; but then one of the girls raised her hand, and Miss Gogers said. “Yes, Kate.”

“I disagree,” Kate said. “Your brother would hear you earlier because when it's 11 o'clock here it's only 8 o'clock in Los Angeles.”

1. Miss Gogers was teaching her class_________.

A. how to telephone                   B. about electricity  

C. about time zone(时区)               D. about sound

2.Miss Gogers raised this question because she wanted to know whether______.

A. it was easy to phone to Los Angeles     B. her student could hear her from 75 feet away

C. her students had grasped(理解)her lesson .D. sound waves were slower than electricity

3.Tom thought that electricity was _________.

A. slower than sound waves           B. faster than sound waves

C. not so fast as sound waves          D. as fast as sound waves

4.Kate thought Tom was wrong because _______.

A. clocks in Los Angeles showed a different time from those in New York

B. electricity was slower than sound waves

C. Tom was not good at physics at all

D. Tom's answer had nothing to do with sound waves

5.Whose answer do you think is correct according to the law of physics?

A. Tom's   B. Kate's   C. Bath A and B   D. Neither A nor B



   Life on land probably began about 430 million years ago, though it has existed in the water for perhaps as much as 3,000 million years. When we think of the first thing on land, we probably think of strange animals coming out of the oceans, but in fact no animals could have been living if plants had not been on land first. Plants had to be on land before animals arrived. They supplied the first land animals with the surrounding and food necessity, since they, the plants, are the only form of life that is able to get and store energy.

  The first plants to exist out of the water were probably certain kinds of algae(海藻)which were followed by other plants that grew close to the ground and needed water in which to reproduce. Once the move to land had been made, however, evolution(进化)took place quickly. By the end of 100 million years, plants had developed their roots(根),and some had got tree -like forms since height was very important in gaining sunlight. About 300 million years ago, much of the world was covered with forests of huge trees. In most ways they were like modern trees. They had roots, leaves, wood, but mostly they had not developed seeds.

The main idea of the first paragraph is ________.

  A. life on land probably began 430 years ago

  B. the first animal on land came from oceans

  C. there wouldn't be animals without plants

  D. plants are the only form of life that is able to get and store energy

Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. Algae has existed for more than 430 million years.

  B. It is impossible that algae might be the earliest plant on land.

  C. Plants get food from animals in the oceans.

  D. Evolution began after animals appeared on land.

Plants with roots appeared about ________ million years ago.

  A. 430     B. 300      C. 330      D. 100

According to the passage, ________ appeared earlier than ________.

  A. apples; oranges         B. oranges; apples

  C. oranges; roses         D. algae; wheat


  I knew they were out there somewhere, and I was determined to find them.

  Like most tourists who visit Ranthambore National Park in India, I went with just one goal in mind:to see tigers in the wild.

  Twice a day, all year round, 10 open-topped trucks are allowed to rumble along the park’s dirt roads for a few hours.It costs 360 rupees(about $8, U.S.)to buy a seat on one of the trucks.Glimpses of tigers are free.

  Of course, nothing is guaranteed.Forty tigers wander Ranthambore’s 388 square miles.But tigers hear and smell us long before we can see them.Some tourists I met near the park were lucky enough to see a handful of tigers up close during just one trip.Other people saw none, even after going out six or more times.

  Still, I couldn’t pass up(miss)the excursion(short journey).It was an opportunity that might someday disappear.Tigers are among the most endangered animals on Earth.In India, where about half of the planet’s remaining 7000 wild tigers live, tigers face a number of threats, especially from a growing human population.More than a billion people live in India today, and development is rapidly expanding into what was once largely tiger territory.

  Conservationists nonetheless(in spite of that)remain optimistic.“The tiger will not disappear,”said P.K.Sen, director of the Tiger and Wildlife Program for World Wildlife Fund-India(WWF-India).He was kind enough to meet with me in his New Delhi office on a Sunday, the only day I spent in the city during a recent 3-week trip to India.

  There’s no way, Sen said, that people will ever let the majestic cats die out.“The tiger has been a symbol of strength and might for thousands of years,”he said.


The main purpose of my trip to India is to ________.

[  ]


meet the P.K Sen the director of the Tiger and Wildlife Program for World Wildlife Fund India


see the majestic cats in the wild


to find out why the number of tigers in India is less and less


to make sure I am luck enough to meet tigers


It is very ________ to meet a lot of tigers up close during your trip in the park.

[  ]






not so often




Among the threats to the tiger, the biggest one is ________.

[  ]


the more terrible environment


a larger and larger population


the climate change


the Indian Government doesn’t care it


From this passage, we can infer ________.

[  ]


development is rapidly expanding into what was once largely tiger territory, so some day the tigers will not find any place to live and disappear


the Indian Government will take some measures to protect the tigers


the tiger has been a symbol of strength and might for many years


I met director P.K.Sen on a Sunday


Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


During this trip to India, I stayed there for three weeks.


I spent the only day I stayed in India to meet the director P.K.Sen.


Nearly a billion people live in India today.


Every tourist can be lucky enough to see a handful of tigers up close if he goes to the park several times.

