Her report of what happened was every detail. 查看更多





1.What does the man do?

A.An actor.

B.A doctor.

C.A worker.

2.Who painted the picture?




3.Is the woman going to the cinema?



C.Not mentioned.

4.Why was the man late for the meeting?

A.His clock didn't work and he overslept.

B.He didn't sleep well last night.

C.He had the wrong time.

5.How long will they have to wait before the match starts?

A.10 minutes.

B.20 minutes.

C.15 minutes.



6.What's the matter with Janice?

A.She has got a serious headache.

B.She can't finish her report on time.

C.She has got a really bad stomachache.

7.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At the airport.

B.In an office.

C.At home.

8.When does the woman have to finish her report?

A.By 2 o'clock.

B.By 3 o'clock.

C.By 4 o'clock.


9.What size of ski jacket does the woman want to buy?

A.Size 6.

B.Size 8.

C.Size 10.

10.What color does the woman like best?




11.Why does the woman NOT buy the jacket?

A.They haven't got the right size.

B.The price is too high.

C.She doesn't like the color.


12.What are the speakers talking about?

A.How to celebrate(庆祝)Mary's mother's birthday.

B.How to cook Chinese food.

C.How to make Mother look younger.

13.Who is going to cook the special dinner?

A.Mary's friends.

B.Mary's mum.


14.What is the man going to do in the afternoon?

A.Make a cake.

B.Do some shopping with Mary.

C.Learn how to cook some Chinese dishes.


15.Why does Ted want to have beef today?

A.He likes beef.

B.Beef can give him more energy.

C.He likes beef better than chicken.

16.What fruit is Ted's favorite?




17.What does Mum advise Ted to do for tomorrow's competition?

A.Practice more and eat a little.

B.Have more fruit than food for dinner.

C.Have a good rest tonight.


18.Where was the writer's friend from?




19.Where was the speaker when he received his friend's telephone?

A.At the airport.

B.At the office.

C.At his house.

20.How did the man come into the house?

A.By finding the key.

B.By getting the key from his friend.

C.By climbing the apple tree by the window of the living room.


jaguar n. a type of large, yellow-colored cat with black markings found in the southwestern region of the US. and in Central and South America.

jargon 1. n. speech that doesn’t make sense. 2. n. an unknown language that seems strange or impossible to understand. 3. n. a language made up of two or more other languages: His jargon was a mixture of French and English. 4. n. the special vocabulary of a field or profession: Her report on computers was field with jargon.

jaunt 1. n. a trip taken for fun  2. v. to go on a brief pleasant trip: We jaunted to the country last Saturday .

javelin 1. n. a spear most commonly used as a weapon or in hunting  2. n. a light-weight metal or wooden spear that is thrown in track-and-field contests. 3. n. the contest in which a javelin is thrown. 4. v.  to strike, as with a javelin

jazz 1. n. a type of music that originated in New Orleans and is characterized by rhythmic beats. 2. n. popular dance music influenced by jazz. 3. n. slang empty talk. 4. adj. of or like jazz:  a jazz band, a jazz records

jennet  n. a small Spanish horse 

1.Which meaning of the word javelin is used in the sentence below?

At the competition, Jack drew his arm back and threw the javelin 50 yards.

A.Definition 1

B.Definition 2

C.Definition 3

D.Definition 4

2.Which meaning of the word jargon is used in the sentence below?

Doctors often speak in medical jargon.

A.Definition 1

B.definition 2

C.Definition 3

D.Definition 4

3.What does the word jazz mean in the following sentence? 

Don’t give me that jazz, for I am a practical person.

A.rhythmic beats

B.a type of music

C.meaningless talk

D.a kind of dance



Answer the following questions by using the information taken from a dictionary page. (You may read the questions first.) 

jaguar: n. a type of large, yellow-colored cat with black markings found in the southwestern region of the U. S. and in Central and South America.

jargon: 1. n. speech that doesn’t make sense. 2. n. an unknown language that seems strange or impossible to understand. 3. n. a language made up of two or more other languages: His jargon was a mixture of French and English. 4. n. the special vocabulary of a field or profession: Her report on computers was filled with jargon.

jaunt: 1. n. a trip taken for fun. 2. v. to go on a brief pleasant trip: We jaunted to the country last Saturday.

javelin: 1. n. a spear most commonly used as weapon or in hunting. 2. n. a lightweight metal or wooden spear that is thrown in track-and-field contests. 3. n. the contest in which a javelin is thrown. 4. v. to strike, as with a javelin.

jazz: 1. n. a type of music that originated in New Orleans and is characterized by rhythmic beats. 2. n. popular dance music influenced by jazz. 3. n. slang empty talk. 4. ad. of or like jazz: a jazz band, jazz records.

Jennet: n. a small Spanish horse.

1. Which meaning of the word javelin is used in the sentence below?

At the competition, Jack drew his arm back and threw the javelin 50 yards.

A. Definition 1                           B. Definition 2

C. Definition 3                            D. Definition 4

2. Which meaning of the word jargon is used in the sentence below?

Doctors often speak in medical jargon.

A. Definition 1                           B. Definition 2

C. Definition 3                            D. Definition 4

3. What does the word jazz mean in the following sentence?

Don’t give me that jazz, for I am a practical person.

A. rhythmic beats                 B. a type of music

C. a kind of dance                D. meaningless talk


As the sound of footsteps behind her grew louder, she quickened her pace. She didn’t want to turn around as the memory of that morning’s newspaper headline made her afraid of what she would see: “City Killer Claims Fourth Victim.”
“Why did I stop for a few drinks in the bar after work?” she thought to herself. Now it was dark and the streets deserted. She was alone and a sitting duck.
She felt as if she was walking in the rain. Her clothes were damp from nervous sweat and as each short hot breath hit the night air, it turned to steam, coating her glasses in a thin film so all she saw seemed covered in fog.
The footsteps were closer now. She needed to get off this street. Her eyes began a useless search for an open store or lighted window. Passing a small lane she looked through,for a possible escape route. But the lane was a dead - end and she laughed to herself at the irony.
The sound of a car behind her turning onto the street interrupted her self – pity. Escape was at hand. But as she was about to throw herself onto the road and shout for the car to stop, the car’s headlights cast a shadow that paralyzed (使瘫痪) her with terror.
It was the footsteps’ owner. The figure was huge and in its raised arm it held what looked like a lead-pipe, no doubt the one that was about to claim victim number five.
The shadow dissolved as the car passed by and disappeared into the distance. She felt a hand on her shoulder. It was all happening as if in slow – motion. She was waiting for her life to flash before her eyes like all those novels said it would – but it didn’t. The only thing she thought of was her dear husband. She recalled phoning him from work that very afternoon and joking about, of all things, the city killer. It was a night full of ironies.
There was a voice talking to her now but she was lost in thoughts of her fate and didn’t respond. The hand then began turning her around. It was surprisingly gentle given what was about to come. She allowed it to guide her without resistance. (抵抗;反抗)
She looked up. She recognized the face, but she didn’t know from where. Its mouth was still talking to her but she couldn’t understand. Then she remembered. The face belonged to the foreign looking man who had served her at the bar. She looked down to his hand and saw in it not a lead – pipe but a rolled up copy of a work report she had been correcting in the bar as she drank.
His words suddenly started to register in her brain and she could hear him. “Miss, Miss. Are you OK? You left this in the bar and it looked important so I thought I’d better give it to you.”
【小题1】The woman was feeling nervous because        .

A.she had left her report in the bar
B.there was a killer in the city
C.she was being followed by someone
D.the streets were dark and empty
【小题2】The underlined expression “a sitting duck” (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to “        ”.
A.an easy targetB.a frightened person
C.a foolish animalD.a still position
【小题3】What is the correct order of events that happened to the woman on the day of the story?
a. She went for a drink in a bar.   b. She corrected the report.
c. She heard loud footsteps.    d. She read the newspaper.
e. She called her husband.  f. She felt a hand on her shoulder.
【小题4】Why did the woman laugh when she looked into the lane?
A.She was excited because she thought it may be a way to escape.
B.She felt bitter because she had no chance to escape.
C.She was becoming more and more nervous.
D.She realized that she was behaving foolishly.
【小题5】Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.It was raining when she left the bar.
B.The woman had felt nervous about the city killer for days.
C.The temperature was very low that evening.
D.The woman was behaving unreasonably.


Answer the following questions by using the information taken from a dictionary page.(You may read the questions first.)

jaguar: n.a type of large, yellow-colored cat with black markings found in the southwestern region of the U.S.and in Central and South America.

jargon: 1.n.an unknown language that seems strange or impossible to understand.2.n.a language made up of two or more other languages: His jargon was a mixture of French and English- 3.n. the special vocabulary of a field or profession: Her report on computers was filled with jargon.4.n.speech that doesn't make sense.

jaunt: 1.n.a trip taken for fun.2.v.to go on a brief pleasant trip: We jaunted to the country last

Saturday.javelin: 1.n.a spear most commonly used as weapon or in hunting.2.n.the contest in which a javelin is thrown.3.n.a lightweight metal or wooden spear that is thrown in track-and-field contests.4, v.to strike, as with ajavelin.

jazz: 1.n.a type of music that originated in New Orleans and is characterized by rhythmic eats.2.n.popular dance music influenced by jazz..3.n.slang empty talk.4.ad.of or like jazz: a jazz band, jazz records.

Jennet; n.a small Spanish horse.

Which meaning of the word javelin is used in the sentence below?

At the competition, Jack drew his arm back and threw the javelin 50 yards.

       A.Definition 1          B.Definition 2    C.Definition 3        D.Definition 4

Which meaning of the word jargon is used in the sentence below?

Doctors often speak in medical jargon.

       A.Definition 1              B.Definition 2       

       C.Definition 3            D.Definition 4

What does the word jazz mean in the following sentence?

       Don t give me that jazz, for lam a practical person.

       A.nonsense             B.a kind of dance    

       C.a type of music           D.rhythmic beats

