第一节:句子考查(共7小题.56-58每小题3分.59-62每小题3分.满分21分.) 56.The place was so crowded; we soon of him. 57. Smith对他的学生非常严格. Smith very his students. 58. Your age shouldn't any whether you get the job or not. 59. I didn’t find I had lost my wallet until I reached home. 60. He was lost in thought. He knocked into a tree in front of him. 61. The concert was a success. It was held by their friends. (用过去分词作定语合并句子) 62. 听到这个著名内科医生死亡的消息.他们的同事感到很惊讶. 查看更多






71._____(没必要)for you to get up early tomorrow.(need)

72._____(是因为坏天气)that the football match had to be put off?(because of)

73.So _____(考试如此难)that only a few students passed it.(difficult)

74._____(若她知道)that Mary would come to see her,she would never have gone to the party.(know)

75.I can’t go out to play,with_____(如此多的作业要做).(do)

76.We have produced_____(两倍多的棉花)this year as we did last year.(twice)

77.The news reporters hurried to the airport,_____(结果被告知)the film stars had left.(tell)

78._____(一直没有收到)any letter from him for so long,I gave him a call.(receive)

79._____(他是否出过国)doesn’t make much difference.(abroad)

80.The river looks more beautiful,_____(两岸长满了鲜花和绿草).(grow)





1. 在火山喷发的第二天,我有幸做了一次远距离观看

The day after the eruption I was  81__   82    83 have a much closer look at it


When I realized the precious neclace had gone, I  84 .


His programme has been passed smoothly because most of the representatives in the conference 85     86  it.


I forgot to ask you to go to the  87    88 center.


He was  89 after being __90_ and falling off the balcony.






71. Many of them ___________(对……有天赋) riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.(gift)

72. In my opinion, the new book written by the young writer_____(不值得一读).(worth)

73. How much money we should spend on endangered tigers ________(正被讨论) at the meeting now .(discuss)

74. The naughty boy is fond of _______________________(捉弄)his friends.(trick  n.)

75. Many people have warned us of the danger. We ___________(最好不要冒险) by crossing the river as a short cut home. (chance)

76. _________________________(众所周知) that pandas only live in China. (it, know)

77.The small town ______________________(我住过的) when I was a child has become a famous tourist attraction.(which)

78. You promised you would take the children camping, so you___________________ (必须遵守你的诺言).(word)

79. Her sudden arrival did not _____________________(阻止他外出) .(go)

80.The children rather than the robot _______________________(被迫) to clean the windows of the high building last week. (make)





第一节  完成句子 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


71. ______________ (席地而坐) are a group of young people who come from all over the world, exchanging ideas about their own cultures. (seat)

72. The whole world is amazed at _________________ (中国取得的巨大进步) since the policy of the reform and opening up was carried out. (progress)

73. ______________ (暴露在强烈的阳光下) too long will do harm to your skin. (expose)

74. When he came back to himself, he ________________(发现自己被锁)in a damp basement. (lock)

75. I don’t quite understand  _________________ (是为什么) several murders of kindergarten children happened in China recently. (why)

76. Nowadays_______________ (值得一看的东西) in the museum has attracted a lot of visitors all over the country. (worth)

77. If you had come here 10 minutes earlier, you would have heard _____________ (在讨论什么). (discuss)

78. He may not come today, ___________ (如果是那样的话) there is no need to wait any longer. (case)

79. All flights _______________ (被取消了) because of the terrible weather, they had to go there by train. (cancel)

80. Do you feel like dining out for a change or would you rather we two _______________ (吃晚饭) at home? (have)




1.It is my __________ (相信) that good manners are very important to everybody.

2.Everybody ___________ (钦佩) him for his fine sense of humor.

3.Nobody can enter the lab without the teacher’s ____________ (允许).

4.It’s important to know your own s____________ and weaknesses.

5.We should keep a b____________ diet if we want to be in good shape.

6.Seeing the happy s____________ of her children playing in the garden, the mother didn’t feel upset any more .

7.The country _________ its __________(屏息) to see who would win the election in the early morning.

8.You should have ____________ ___________(道歉)your roommate, John. What you said yesterday hurt him deeply.

9.They stood there, ___________ _________ (怒视) each other without a word.


