A Earthquake in Central China Kills 14 BEIJING (AP)-A magnitude 5.7 earthquake shook part of central China on Saturday, killed at least 14 people and injured nearly 400, the official said. The official Xinhua News Agency said the quake happened around 9:00 a.m. local time, with the epicentre in Ruichang, a city of 420,000 in Jiangxi province. Hundreds of homes collapsed and thousands were damaged, Xinhua said. “The earthquake this morning was quite scary, said a shopkeeper in Ruichang reached by telephone who would only give her surname-Zhou. Many people in Ruichang were staying outside for fear of aftershocks . She said she felt a milder trembling of the earth around 1:00 p.m. Tents were set up outside a hospital treating some of the 377 injured. The United States National Earthquake Information Centre reported the quake was magnitude 5.5. 41. Where can we most probably find such a passage? A. In a science book. B. In an advertisement. C. In a magazine. D. In a newspaper. 42. About how many people were killed and injured in the earthquake? A. 14 B. 414 C. 400 D. 377 43. When did the earthquake happen? A. 9:00 a.m. on Sunday. B. 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. C. 9:00 a. m. on Saturday. D. 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. 44. Why did the people still stay outside after the earthquake? A. They were afraid to be trapped in the buildings. B. They wanted to stay with their friends outside. C. They were waiting for help. D. They were afraid of another quake. 查看更多




Anna lived on the side of a valley. One summer, there was a very big 36 , and a lot of houses down below Anna’s were washed away. Anna’s house was 37 enough to escape the flood, so when the water had 38 and the other houses were  39  there with no roof and no walls and all covered with mud(泥), her house was just all right.

   Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children, 40 Anna took in one of the families that had lost 41 in the flood and she 42 her home with them until it was 43 for them to rebuild their house.

  Anna’s friends were 44 when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give 45 so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to 46 .

   “Well,” Anna  47  her friends, “at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I then lived found herself very  48 , because her husband had been killed in the  49  and she had a lot of children, 50  I have now. The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, ‘We won’t be able to have much for Christmas this year, so I’m going to 51 only one present to all of us. Now I’ll go and get it.’ She came back with a  52  who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. ‘Here’s our 53 ,’ she said to her children.

  The children were 54 and happy to get such a present. They 55 the little girl, and she grew up as their sister. Such was that Christmas present.”

A. earthquake          B. accident           C. flood                  D. fire

A. below                 B. high                  C. big                D. small

A. reduced                  B. come            C. appeared             D. disappeared

A. rising                 B. flowing           C. falling              D. standing

A. so                    B. but                     C. for               D. since

A. nothing              B. everything        C. anything          D. something

A. gave                B. found               C. shared             D. built

A. possible            B. necessary            C. important           D. obvious

A. worried             B. disappointed      C. puzzled           D. satisfied

A. them                B. herself                  C. him               D. us

A. support            B. supply           C. grow              D. educate

A. explained to               B. asked for         C. talked with        D. turned up

A. sad                 B. poor              C. rich              D. happy

A. war                 B. storm                   C. rain                D. flood

A. because            B. as              C. which              D. that

A. get                  B. send           C. buy                D. make

A. boy                 B. girl          C. student              D. teacher

A. child                B. daughter         C. sister               D. present

A. angry               B. excited           C. lovely              D. sorry

A. disliked           B. gained         C. welcomed          D. led




   Anna lived on the side of a valley. One summer, there was a very big 36 , and a lot of houses down below Anna’s were washed away. Anna’s house was 37 enough to escape the flood, so when the water had 38 and the other houses were  39  there with no roof and no walls and all covered with mud, her house was just all right.

   Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children, 40 Anna took in one of the families that had lost 41 in the flood and she 42 her home with them until it was 43 for them to rebuild their house.

  Anna’s friends were 44 when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give 45 so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to 46 .

    “Well,” Anna  47  her friends, “at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I then lived found herself very  48 , because her husband had been killed in the  49  and she had a lot of children, 50  I have now. The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, ‘We won’t be able to have much for Christmas this year, so I’m going to 51 only one present to all of us. Now I’ll go and get it.’ She came back with a  52  who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. ‘Here’s our 53 ,’ she said to her children.

  The children were 54 and happy to get such a present. They 55 the little girl, and she grew up as their sister. Such was that Christmas present.”

36. A. earthquake   B. accident    C. flood         D. fire

37. A. below         B. high         C. big   D. small

38. A. reduced     B. come     C. appeared      D. disappeared

39. A. rising      B. flowing C. falling      D. standing

40. A. so          B. but      C. for        D. since

41. A. nothing    B. everything     C. anything              D. something

42. A. gave        B. found  C. shared      D. built

43. A. possible  B. necessary C. important   D. obvious

44. A. worried      B. disappointed    C. puzzled     D. satisfied

45. A. them       B. herself C. him       D. us

46. A. support  B. supply     C. grow      D. educate

47. A. explained to         B. asked for     C. talked with        D. turned up

48. A. sad         B. poor     C. rich         D. happy

49. A. war         B. storm  C. rain         D. flood

50. A. because  B. as         C. which       D. that

51. A. get         B. send     C. buy         D. make

52. A. boy         B. girl      C. student      D. teacher

53. A. child       B. daughter       C. sister        D. present

54. A. angry      B. excited C. lovely       D. sorry

55. A. disliked  B. gained    C. welcomed   D. led


     Anna lived on the side of a valley. One summer, there was a very big    1   , and a lot of houses down
below Anna's were washed away. Anna's house was    2   enough to escape the flood, so when the water
had    3   and the other houses were standing there    4    no roof and no walls and all covered with mud(泥), her house was just all right.
     Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children,    5   Anna took in one
of the families that had lost    6   in the flood and she     7   her home with them until it was    8    for them
to rebuild their house.
     Anna's friends were    9   when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted
to give   10   so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to  11  .
     "Well," Anna  12   her friends, "at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I then
lived found herself very  13   , because her husband had been killed in the  14    and she had a lot of
children,  15   I have now. The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, 'We won't be able
to have much for  16    this year, so I'm going to make only one present to all of us. Now I'll go and get it.'
She came back with a   17   who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. 'Here's our  18   ,'
she said to her children.
     The children were   19   and happy to get such a present. They    20  the little girl, and she grew up as
their sister. Such was that Christmas present."
(     )1. A. earthquake      
(     )2. A. below          
(     )3. A. reduced         
(     )4. A. to             
(     )5. A. so             
(     )6. A. nothing          
(     )7. A. gave            
(     )8. A. possible        
(     )9. A. worried          
(     )10. A. them           
(     )11. A. support        
(     )12. A. explained to    
(     )13. A. sad            
(     )14. A. war           
(     )15. A. because        
(     )16. A. Obon          
(     )17. A. boy           
(     )18. A. child          
(     )19. A. angry          
(     )20. A. disliked        
B. accident    
B. high      
B. come          
B. of         
B. but        
B. everything    
B. found      
B. necessary    
B. disappointed  
B. herself     
B. supply     
B. asked for    
B. poor        
B. storm      
B. as          
B. Halloween   
B. girl       
B. daughter    
B. excited     
B. gained        
C. flood    
C. big         
C. appeared  
C. by          
C. for        
C. anything    
C. shared      
C. important   
C. puzzled      
C. him         
C. grow        
C. talked with  
C. rich       
C. rain      
C. which       
C. Thanksgiving
C. student     
C. sister     
C. lovely     
C. welcomed    
D. fire        
D. small      
D. disappeared
D. with        
D. since      
D. something  
D. built      
D. obvious    
D. satisfied  
D. us          
D. educate    
D. turned up  
D. happy      
D. flood      
D. that        
D. Christmas  
D. teacher    
D. present    
D. sorry      
D. led        


     Anna lived on the side of a valley (山谷). One summer, there was a very big    1    , and a lot of houses down below Anna's were washed away. Anna's house was    2   enough to escape the flood, so when 
the water had    3     and the other houses were    4    there with no roof and no walls and all covered
 with mud (泥), her house was just all right.   
     Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children,   5   Anna took in one
 of the families that had lost    6    in the flood and she    7   her home with them until it was    8   for them
 to rebuild their house.   
     Anna's friends were puzzled when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand     9    Anna wanted to give    10   so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to   11  .    "Well," Anna     12     her friends, "at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I then lived found herself very    13 , because her husband had been killed in the    14    and she had a lot of 
children,    15     I have now. The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, "We won't be
 able to have much for Christmas this year, so I'm going to    16    only one gift to all of us. Now I'll go 
and get it." She came back with a     17     who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. 
"Here's our   18  ," she said to her children.    
     The children were    19   and happy to get such a gift. They    20    the little girl, and she grew up as
 their sister. I was just that Christmas gift."
(     )1. A. earthquake    
(     )2. A. below        
(     )3. A. reduced       
(     )4. A. rising        
(     )5. A. so           
(     )6. A. nothing       
(     )7. A. gave          
(     )8. A. possible      
(     )9. A. when          
(     )10. A. them         
(     )11. A. support      
(     )12. A. explained to 
(     )13. A. sad          
(     )14. A. war         
(     )15. A. because      
(     )16. A. get          
(     )17. A. boy         
(     )18. A. child        
(     )19. A. angry        
(     )20. A. disliked     
B. accident    
B. high      
B. come         
B. flowing      
B. but          
B. everything   
B. found        
B. necessary    
B. how          
B. herself     
B. supply       
B. asked for    
B. rich         
B. storm        
B. as          
B. send        
B. girl         
B. daughter    
B. sorry        
B. gained    
C. flood         
C. big           
C. appeared      
C. falling        
C. for              
C. anything       
C. shared         
C. important       
C. why             
C. him          
C. grow           
C. talked with    
C. poor            
C. rain              
C. which          
C. buy         
C. student         
C. sister        
C. lovely            
C. welcomed                     
D. fire              
D. small         
D. disappeared     
D. standing       
D. since            
D. something       
D. built           
D. obvious         
D. that             
D. us             
D. educate         
D. turned up    
D. happy          
D. flood               
D. that            
D. make          
D. teacher         
D. gift         
D. excited             
D. led        


Anna lived on the side of a valley. One summer, there was a very big  36  , and a lot of houses down below Anna’s were washed away. Anna’s house was  37  enough to escape the flood, so when the water had  38  and the other houses were standing there  39   no roof and no walls and all covered with mud(泥), her house was just all right.
     Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children,  40  Anna took in one of the families that had lost  41  in the flood and she  42  her home with them until it was  43  for them to rebuild their house.
     Anna’s friends were  44  when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give 45  so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to  46  .
     “Well,” Anna   47   her friends, “at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I then lived found herself very   48  , because her husband had been killed in the  49  and she had a lot of children,  50  I have now. The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, ‘We won’t be able to have much for  51   this year, so I’m going to make only one present to all of us. Now I’ll go and get it.’ She came back with a   52   who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. ‘Here’s our  53 ,’ she said to her children.
     The children were  54  and happy to get such a present. They  55  the little girl, and she grew up as their sister. Such was that Christmas present.”


36. A. earthquake 

B. accident

C. flood 

D. fire

37. A. below  

B. high

C. big

D. small

38. A. reduced 

B. come 

C. appeared

D. disappeared

39. A. to

B. of

C. by

D. with

40. A. so 

B. but

C. for  

D. since

41. A. nothing

B. everything

C. anything 

D. something

42. A. gave

B. found

C. shared

D. built

43. A. possible

B. necessary 

C. important

D. obvious

44. A. worried

B. disappointed

C. puzzled 

D. satisfied

45. A. them

B. herself

C. him 

D. us

46. A. support 

B. supply

C. grow

D. educate

47. A. explained to

B. asked for

C. talked with 

D. turned up

48. A. sad

B. poor

C. rich 

D. happy

49. A. war

B. storm

C. rain

D. flood

50. A. because

B. as 

C. which 

D. that

51. A.Obon

B. Halloween

C. Thanksgiving

D. Christmas

52. A. boy

B. girl

C. student

D. teacher

53. A. child

B. daughter 

C. sister 

D. present

54. A. angry 

B. excited

C. lovely 

D. sorry

55. A. disliked 

B. gained 

C. welcomed 

D. led

