Hi, Bob! Do you have some clothes ? It’s my turn today. 查看更多



-Hi, Bob, I can't find my electric shaver!

-Sorry, I ________ it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my things.

[  ]



had used


am using


was using



-Hi, Bob.Would you like to go swimming this afternoon?

-I wish I could.  1   I have to write a composition.It must be handed in next Monday morning.

-Oh, is that for Mr.Smith’s class?

-Yes, I have to study a long peom.  2  

-That’s hard.

-And besides, I also have to prepare myself for math and history.You know, math is especially hard for me.  3  

-Take it easy, Bob.I’ve been doing well in math.  4  

-Oh, that will be great, Mary.

-All right!  5  

-OK, I’ll meet you in front of the library.

-Good luck to you.

A.We can start right when I’m back from swimming.

B.So I don’t know how I’m going to do it at all.

C.And I can help you with your history.

D.But I have to spend the rest of the day in the library.

E.So I’ll be happy to help you.

F.My teacher asked me to read it in class next week.

G.When will I start to help you with your math?


-Hi, Bob, I can't find my electric shaver!

-Sorry, I ________ it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my things.

[  ]


B.had used

C.am using

D.was using



Bob:Hi, Linda, what are you doing?

Linda:HI, Bob.I am preparing for the test tomorrow.

Bob:  1  

Linda:Well, the library is full and the classroom is too noisy.Are you ready for the test?

Bob:I am afraid not.  2   We don't have much time lift.

Linda:We can prepare together.Maybe that can help.

Bob:  3   How many units will be included ?

Linda:Three.That is Unit4, Unit 5 and Unit 6.

Bob:Really ? I think Unit 6 will not be covered.

Linda:It will.Now let's ask each other questions.  4  

Bob:All right, Name three European countries.

Linda:Easy, France, Germany and Russia.I can even say more.

Bob:It seems you're well prepared.  5  

Linda:OK.What are the seven continents of the world ?

Bob:Asia, Europe, Africa, and err … I really can remember them all.

Linda:Don't worry, you still have time.

A.But why are you here in the garden ?

B.You go first.

C.Good idea.

D.So what ?

E.What for?

F.Now it's your turn to ask questions.

G.I feel very nervous.


-Hi, Bob, I can't find my electric shaver!

-Sorry, I ________ it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my things.

[  ]



had used


am using


was using

