4.He to improve the working conditions and the workers were expecting it. A.undertook B.allowed C.answered D.admitted 答案与解析:A undertake表示“答应 .相当于promise.allow允许,answer回答,admit承认.句意:他答应改善工作条件.工人们在期待着. 查看更多




1.Technically, the building is a _________, but few people like it.

2.The logs _________ down the river.

3.She _________ bitter tears over her lost youth.

4.This essay _________ a considerable improvement on your recent work.

5.The play was badly acted, _________ being far too long.

6.The cruel man _________ his wife and child.

7.The experts are _________ every part of the island.

8.I can’t move this piano without _________.

9.Both sides still refuse to come to the _________ table.

10.He _________ his wife and children.

11.Many items in daily use _________ plastic.

12._________ is enough, never again.

13.The tournament is open to amateurs _________ professionals.

14.He _________ himself entirely to music.

15.The governor sent us to the colleges and universities to do some head hunting.We hope we will find some young _________.

16.They _________ visit a friend of theirs.

17.When I was ill I completely lost my _________.

18.He _________ to the hospital suffering from burns.

19.It is love that/which makes the world _________.

20.You can _________ the unimportant details.

21.The mother _________ candy among children.

22.The competition is open to both amateur and professional _________.

23.I met him on a _________ winter evening.

24.We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is _________.

25.I was _________ to find her there.

26.The frontier _________ from the northern hills to the southern coast.

27.His _________ makes him stand out in the crowd.

28.Our price has already been closely _________.There is no room for reduction.

29.His _________ jokes gave everybody the pip.

30.The time is approaching when we must _________ buying a new house.

31.She is raring to _________ her new skates.

32.He _________ his pen in the ink.

33.A novelist _________ characters and a plot.

34.He _________ having stolen the car.

35.I wanted to tell her, but the words _________ in my throat.


I''m surprised that he ____ to help me when I needed his help .

A . should refuse B . would have refused

C . should have refused to D . may have refused


His silence at the meeting suggested that he _________ to your plan.

A. didn’t agree      B. hadn’t agreed    C. wouldn’t agree  D. shouldn’t agree




When the teacher told the boy to sit down, he _____ to her and said she couldn't make him.

A.gave way

B.talked back

C.looked up

D.got down



Unless he ________ to help us, we shall lose the game.

[  ]

B.will promise
C.would promise
D.had promised

