-How are you getting on with your business, Tom? -I’m glad to say it is after several months’ depression. A. picking up B. making up C. taking up D. turning up [解析]选A.考查动词短语.pick up “恢复健康.情况好转 .make up “占据.弥补 ,take up “开始从事 ,turn up “出现 .句意:--汤姆.生意进行得如何?--很高兴在几个月的萧条之后.正在好转. 查看更多



—How are you getting on with your business,Tom?

—I’m glad to say it is ________ .

A. picking up   B. making up C. taking up   D. turning up



How are you getting on with your business, Tom?

I’m glad to say it is ________ after several months’ depression

[  ]

A.picking up

B.making up

C.taking up

D.turning up

