that the weather was to be very hot this Sunday. A. It was said in the newspaper B. As was reported on the radio C. What the weather report said D. It was said in the newspaper was [解析]选A.“that the weather was to be very hot this Sunday 为主语从句.因此用it作形式主语.而B项应用逗号与主句隔开.且that应去掉,C项 what从句作主语.应该由was作系动词, that从句为表语从句. 查看更多



_ ___that the weather was to be very hot this Sunday.

A. It was said in the newspaper    B .As was reported on the newspaper

C. What the weather report said     D .It was said in the newspaper was


.____that the weather was to be very hot this Sunday.

A. It was said in the newspaper    B .As was reported on the newspaper

C. What the weather report said     D .It was said in the newspaper was


____that the weather was to be very hot this Sunday.

A. It was said in the newspaper    B .As was reported on the newspaper

C. What the weather report said     D .It was said in the newspaper was


.____that the weather was to be very hot this Sunday.

A.It was said in the newspaper

B.As was reported on the newspaper

C.What the weather report said

D.It was said in the newspaper was



.____that the weather was to be very hot this Sunday.

A.It was said in the newspaperB.As was reported on the newspaper
C.What the weather report saidD.It was said in the newspaper was

