We were talking on the phone when the line went dead suddenly. 查看更多



This morning, I received a phone call from one of my close friends, Nikko, which immediately changed this bright sunny day into a dark terrible pit of endless sorrow. He told me that Diane’s dad had just  36  , at 12:00 on January 3,2008.
Nikko told me that Diane had  37  everything about her dad on her blog, so I  38  right up from bed and got to her blog instantly. Her blog, always so  39  and nice, is suddenly filled with sorrow and grief.
She must have been writing with  40  streaming down her cheeks, with eyes so  41  from the sleepless night, and with a heart so  42  and regretful and yet, she wrote the post, full of determination and will,  43  strength and love. She showed no  44  of weakness and retreat. She  45  that she didn’t notice how her father was feeling before the sudden stroke (中风)   46 him on his sleep. I feel so sorry for her , as her close friend, that I am not able to give her my support and a shoulder to  47  because I live so far away. But I know she will be  48  . She had determined to become the pillar(支柱) of  49  for her mom and her brother.
Although Diane’s father is no longer  50  , his memories would always be with his family. I gave Diane my deepest condolence(吊唁)for her  51  of her most beloved one.
I have known Diane and her family ever since we were in primary school.  52  can be really cruel sometimes,  53  someone or something you have learned to love and rely on. A(n)  54  death like Diane’s father is the most sorrowful. Destiny didn’t even give his family the  55  to say their last goodbyes.
Diane wanted everyone to cherish their loved ones and do not wait until it’s already too late. Tell them you love them and let them know how you feel before it’s too late.
36.A. passed away            B. left over                     C. sent off                     D. filled up
37.A. spoke                     B. found                         C. written                      D. uncovered
38.A. jumped                   B. run                            C. shouted                     D. cleaned
39.A. interesting               B. colorful                      C. good                         D. mind
40.A. water                      B. tears                           C. blood                        D. sweat
41.A. sleepy                     B. big                             C. infected                     D. red
42.A. bleeding                 B. heavy                         C. painful                      D. sympathetic
43.A. from                      B. of                              C. on                            D. without
44.A. sign                        B. explanation                 C. expression                 D. impression
45.A. argued          B. noticed                       C. blamed                      D. regretted
46.A. broke                     B. attacked                      C. affected                     D. made
47.A. depend on               B. keep up                      C. cry on                       D. carry out
48.A. strong                     B. weak                          C. sorrowful                  D. lonely
49.A. mind                      B. center                         C. power                       D. support
50.A. lively                     B. present                       C. painful                      D. alive
51.A. loss                        B. love                           C. regret                        D. thanks
52.A. Future                    B. Lives                          C. Destiny                     D. experience
53.A. giving up                B. taking away                C. suffering from           D. mourning for
54.A. regretful                 B. heart-broken               C. unforgettable             D. instant
55.A. chance                    B. reward                       C. treat                          D. attention


Although in 1947 we were still very new to the atomic age, we knew about mushroom clouds. A huge crack (裂缝) spread across the library wall upstairs, sending teachers and __31__ screaming down the hall.
Had a new world war started? Pale­faced, our young science teacher quickly__32__us for a fire drill. We huddled (卷缩) in little groups on the beach side of the school grounds and__33__the spreading cloud darken the bright spring sky.
Rumors flew every which way,__34__two hours would pass before we got the full story. One rumor we heard was that the Texas City Monsanto Chemical plant had__35__; children whose parents__36__there began to cry.
I__37__—that was where my father was working that day.
The school bell called us back inside, and we were dismissed (解散) to__38__our way home the best way we could. I'd walked a quarter of the three­mile trip to my home__39__a car horn frightened me to__40__. My Uncle Barney__41__alongside me in his old Ford. The instant I saw him, I knew my father__42__. Otherwise, Papa would have__43__for me himself.
As if in slow motion from a great distance, Uncle Barney motioned for me to__44__. Numb with grief, I crawled into the back__45__. I barely took notice of the man sitting there, and didn't recognize him until he__46__me. When Papa put his strong arms around me, I forgot for a moment that Cherokees aren't supposed to__47__.
Many of my fellow students lost their__48__in the explosion. Tragedy would one day come to our__49__, as it inevitably (不可避免地) comes to all, but one day Texas City blew up, it miraculously (奇迹般地) passed us by. Because he lost his keys on that April morning, as he explained, my father lived for__50__32 years—we were to have a second lifetime forever.

A.whenB.asC.as ifD.although
A.blown upB.been closedC.been openedD.been on fire
A.pulled upB.pulled outC.pulled inD.pulled off
A.was thereB.was hereC.was goneD.was alone
A.get offB.get overC.get throughD.get in
A.looked atB.helpedC.reached forD.called on
A.otherB.othersC.anotherD.the other


One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away _______ my daughter heard cries for help.



For much of our life, my mother and I hated each other. I spent most of my childhood   36   with her – or trying to avoid her, as well as her bitterness, unhappiness and endless smoking. I learned how to defend myself with   37   designed to hurt her. In turn, she vowed I would have a    38   who would feel the way about me that I felt about her.
Many years later when my husband and I decided to have a child, I was   39   to have a girl. I couldn’t   40   the though of a daughter who might not love me – or who would want to   41   me. As soon as I became pregnant, I was convinced I was having a boy. In the delivery room, on my doctor putting my baby into my arms, I couldn’t wait to tell my mother I had a   42  , while “he” was a girl. At that moment, I couldn’t imagine wanting anyone but her.
43  I couldn’t forget my mother’s teasing vow, even after she died and I saw her in a more   44   light. As my daughter got older, whenever we argued, I worried we were   45   the same awful path that my mother and I had gone down.
Last summer, my daughter   46   18, the same age when my mother threw me out of her apartment for   47  . However, I was with her, planning for her first year at college. When my husband and I dropped her off at her school in New York, I finally   48   to her my biggest fear that we would end up like me and my mother. “That will never happen.” she   49  me, kissing me goodbye. Six weeks later, my husband and I returned to the campus. I   50   myself arguing with my daughter about her messy room, not  using the library and her mistake of choosing the room near the bathroom. I couldn’t stop myself. And then   51   came: “You’re just like your mother,” my daughter screamed. “I hate you.” And then she   52  .
I finally heard the words I had always dreaded. But maybe that was because I   53   them. I had always worried the bond I shared with my daughter would   54  . later that evening, we picked my daughter up to a restaurant. We ate   55  . But when we separated, I hugged her. The next morning, she called telling she loved me. There wasn’t anything to be afraid of anymore. There was just a relationship we should work on with each other.
36.A.sharing       B.playing       C.communicating D.fighting
37.A.actions       B.activities    C.words         D.weapons
38.A.husband     B.friend          C.child   D.daughter
39.A.afraid          B.unlucky       C.uncertain   D.willing
40.A.have  B.bear   C.hold   D.afford
41.A.love    B.escape from       C.obey  D.keep from
42.A.daughter   B.son     C.baby  D.life
43.A.Furthermore      B.But     C.And    D.Or
44.A.bright         B.annoying    C.understanding   D.unfriendly
45.A.on       B.in        C.at       D.along
46.A.  became    B.grew  C.went  D.turned
47.A.good  B.nothing      C.my good     D.all
48.A.presented B.told    C.admitted   D.informed
49.A.promised   B.pardoned   C.referred     D.reflected
50.A.wanted      B.asked          C.forced         D.found
51.A.it         B.she     C.they   D.that
52.A.walked away      B.looked away       C.gave away D.stormed away
53.A.deserved   B.demanded C.equaled      D.appreciated
54.A.tear   B.break C.crash D.last
55.A.in vain         B.in general  C.in silence   D.in brief


第二节:完形填空: 15分
The yearly Marathon in my town usually happened during a heat wave. My job was to follow behind the runners in an ambulance(救护车) 31   any of them needed medical attention.
“We’re supposed to stay behind the __32__ runner, so take it slowly,” I said to the driver, Doug, as the race started.
The front-runners started to __33__ and then my eyes were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T-shirt.
We knew we were already watching our “last runner.” Her __34__ were so crippled(残疾的)that it seemed almost impossible for her to be able to walk, let alone run a marathon.
Doug and I watched in silence as she slowly moved forward. __35__, she was the only runner left in sight. Tears streamed down my face when I watched with respect ___36__ she pushed forward with great determination through the last miles.
When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the __37__ crowds had long gone home. Yet, standing straight and ever so proud   38  a lone man. He was __39__ one end of a ribbon(缎带)of crepe paper(皱纹纸)___40__ to a post. She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering behind her.
I do not know this woman’s name, but that day she became part of my __41__ – a part I often depend on. For her, it wasn’t about __42__ the other runners or winning a prize, but about __43__ what she had set out to do, no matter __44__. When I think things are too difficult or I get those “I-just-can’t-do-it,” I think of the last runner. Then I realize how __45__ the task before me really is.
31. A. so that         B. in case                     C. even though                 D. only if
32. A. first             B. best                  C. only                         D. last
33. A. run                     B. separate             C. disappear                  D. appear
34. A. hands          B. legs                  C. arms                        D. body
35. A. Quickly              B. Unluckily          C. Naturally                  D. Finally
36. A. since           B. before               C. as                               D. until
37. A. tired            B. waiting             C. cheering                   D. impatient
38. A. stood           B. waited              C. came                D. Had
39. A. helping        B. catching            C. holding                    D. tying
40. A. kept            B. tied                   C. connected                 D. led
41. A. dream          B. feeling                     C. idea                         D. life
42. A. following     B. hoping                     C. encouraging              D. beating
43. A. finishing      B. realizing            C. starting                    D. winning
44. A. where          B. how                  C. when                       D. what
45. A. difficult              B. interesting         C. easy                         D. hopeful 

