Tom is such a lovely boy; no one help liking him. A. can’t B. can C. may D. may not [解析]B.考查情态动词.can’t help doing sth. 情不自禁地做某事.由于主语no one 是否定的.故这里用肯定式can. 查看更多



--Tom is such a stupid student that he had failed in every exam.

---Sorry, I won’t agree. He is ________ than stupid.

A. lazier             B. no lazier                 C. more lazy                D. lazier rather




1. A: He said, “She left 10 minutes ago.”  (改为间接引语)

B: He said that she ________ _________ 10 minutes _________..

2. Tom is such an honest boy that he never tells a lie.  (改为同义句)

Tom is so _____ ______ _______ that he never tells a lie.

3. I felt that it was time for me to _________ __________. (采取行动)

4. Why not bring your little brother with you? (改为同义句)

Why _______ ________ bring your brother with you?

5. We must think of ways to ______ wild animals _______ being killed. (阻止)

6. A railway is being built by the workers. (变为主动语态).

The workers ______ _______ a railway.

7. I met Kate in the street yesterday. (强调划线部分)

It was _______ _______ I met Kate in the street.

8. He is seldom late for school. (改为同义句)

Seldom_______ ________ late for school.

9. _____ ______ these interruptions, the meeting would have finished half an hour ago. (要不是)

10. When did the Roman Empire ______ _______ ________? (形成)


---Tom is such a stupid student that he had failed in every exam.

---Sorry, I won’t agree. He is ________ than stupid.

A. lazier             B. no lazier                 C. more lazy                D. lazier rather




1. A: He said, “She left 10 minutes ago.”  (改为间接引语)

B: He said that she ________ _________ 10 minutes _________..

2. Tom is such an honest boy that he never tells a lie.  (改为同义句)

Tom is so _____ ______ _______ that he never tells a lie.

3. I felt that it was time for me to _________ __________. (采取行动)

4. Why not bring your little brother with you? (改为同义句)

Why _______ ________ bring your brother with you?

5. We must think of ways to ______ wild animals _______ being killed. (阻止)

6. A railway is being built by the workers. (变为主动语态).

The workers ______ _______ a railway.

7. I met Kate in the street yesterday. (强调划线部分)

It was _______ _______ I met Kate in the street.

8. He is seldom late for school. (改为同义句)

Seldom_______ ________ late for school.

9. _____ ______ these interruptions, the meeting would have finished half an hour ago. (要不是)

10. When did the Roman Empire ______ _______ ________? (形成)




66.The house was s___________ by high walls.

67.As we all know, meat and eggs are of great ____________(好处)to our health.

68.Be a little __________ (耐心). I will be ready in a few minutes.

69.Water __________ (存在) in three forms, which are liquid, gas and solid.

70.There are seven c_______________ in the world ,of which Asia is the largest.

71.Tom is such an e____________ boy that we often see him do sports in school.

72.He is a man of great s____________ .He can lift a huge stone.

73.It is good m___________ to give your seat to an old man on the bus.

74. We all think it wrong to judge a person by his a_______________.

75.It’s a _______(迷) to me why they didn’t choose him

