在途中 2. 不能运转.失败 3. 用完.耗尽 4. 继续做某事 5. 为-作准备 6.一度.曾经 7.开始.进行 8.漆黑的极地冬夜 9.很快地前进/进步很快 10. 感到震惊 11.筋疲力尽 12. 在做-有困难 13. 以-结束 14. 篝火 15. 古遗迹 III.根据课文填空 within bases spent exploration who little outside though meet certainly writing price shocked shown realize cheerful however proved plants fall The return journey was one of the worst in the history of the . The men were soon exhausted and were running out of food. The weather conditions were terrible. Scott started to their hopeless situation. “-we are very but what each man feels in his heart I can only guess. Putting on our shoes in the morning is getting slower and slower. , on their way back they found time to look for tocks. They carried 20 kilos of rocks all the way with them. Later, these rocks that at one time in the distant past the Antarctic was covered by . Then disaster soon came. Edgar Evans had a terrible disease and died after a bad . The next to go was Captain Oates, was having difficulty walking. Scott recorded his death. “ Scott reaches the Pole, but with to celebrate. “ He said, `I am just going and I may be some time.’ We knew that poor Oates was walking to his death, but we tried to stop him, we knew that it was the act of a brave man and an English gentleman. We all hope to the end with a similar spirit, and the end is not far. Scott and two of his team members carried on and got eleven miles of one of their food . But then a terrible storm started and they could not leave their tent. Scott some of his last hours . He wrote a letter full of sadness to his wife Kathleen: “ I could tell you lots and lots about this journey. What stories you would have for the boy- But what a to pay. Scott’s diary also told the story of their end: We are getting weaker and weaker and the end can’t be far. It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write more. The news of Scott’s death the world. He had failed to win the race to the Pole, but the extraordinary courage by Captain Scott and his men made them into heroes. IV单项选择 查看更多







  Dear Sir/Madam,












  A concert was given to several famous singers last Saturday.Tickets were very hardly to get. Since I enjoyed attending that concert,I bought one at the hight price. For the first half hour the concert went on smooth.The nice shows of the stars singers were warmly welcomed by the listeners.Many of them couldn't help burst into tears.Before long the microphone went wrong.Some people began to make voice. The members of the theatre tried to keep in order, but failed. They had difficulty in continuing the concert.Thus, a perfectly good concert caused to be no value by some uneducated people.











        3. 词数:120个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。

Dear Mr. Wang,

  We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views.

  In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid foundation.                                                                   













  I think people have always found the future excited.Just think of some science fiction books that have written on the subject.The 21st century will bring wonderful advances in the world information technology.We can see through the Internet that the amazing possibilities for communication and learning.Other exciting area is medical progress.It would be good think of a world which cancer is no longer a frightening word.I'm sure medical research will sonn find cure for this disease.Apart from these technical developments,future is exciting on a more personal level too.Most young people think of their future with hope.Who knows that the future will bring in the way of jobs? The fact that we don't know make it exciting.So yes ,the future is exciting.






Upon reaching an appropriate age, usually between 18 and 21 years, children are encouraged, but not forced, to “leave the nest” and begin an independent life. After children leave home they often find social relationships and financial support outside the family. Parents do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married, Romantic love is most often the basis for marriage in the United States; young adults meet their future spousesthrough other friends, at jobs, and in organizations and religious institutions, Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents will approve of their choices.

  In many families, parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves. A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another career. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to assert their independence. A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father’s business because of a fear that he will lose his autonomy in his father’s workplace. This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other. Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American family Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self – reliance and independence.

1.The writer discusses the marriage of young adults in order to show         .

         A.they choose their spouses according to their own wishes only

         B.they want to win the permission of their parents

         C.they have a strong desire to become independent

         D.they want to challenge the authority of their parents

2.Most young adults in the U.S. get married for the sake of __    __.

  A.love               B.financial concern

  C.their parents                 D.family background

3.Based on the passage, it can be assumed that ______.

         A.American young adults are likely to follow the suit of their parents

         B.most American people never make major decisions for their children

         C.American young adults posses cultural values of independence

         D.once a young person steps into his twenties, he will leave his home permanently

4.A son is unwilling to work in his father’s business mainly because           .

         A.he wishes to make full use of what he has learnt in school

         B.he wants to prove his independence

         C.he wishes to do the opposite of what his parents approve of

         D.he wants to show his love for his parents


