How does the man pay for the room? A. On cash B. By credit card C. By check 听第八段材料.回答11-13题 查看更多






1.What is Sam Grant according to the conversation?

A.A student.

B.A professor.

C.A reporter.

2.What should the woman do first to choose a course?

A.Pay for it.

B.Fill in the form.

C.Go to Room 209.

3.Why does the woman care about the weather?

A.The sports meet will be held.

B.She can go on a trip with the man.

C.She and the man can have the sports meet.

4.How many people are there in the man's family?

A.Four in total.

B.Five in all.

C.At least six.

5.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman believed it was a true story.

B.The man made up a story of his accident.

C.The man was a little bit hurt in the accident.




6.What do we know about the man from the dialogue?

A.He is an old friend of the woman's.

B.He is a regular customer of the woman's.

C.He is a close relative of the woman's.

7.When can the man leave for New York?

A.Very late on Friday night.

B.On the midnight of Friday.

C.Early morning on Saturday.

8.How will the man pay for his ticket?

A.In cash.

B.By check.

C.By credit card.


9.What do we know about No.6 Station Road?

A.It contains the man's lucky number.

B.It has four bedrooms.

C.It has a garage there.

10.What is good about No.4 Candy Street?

A.It's in a quieter place.

B.It also has four bedrooms.

C.It has a beautiful garden.

11.Which house have they finally decided to take?

A.The one with a big garden.

B.The one next to the shop.

C.The one close to the town.


12.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At a ticket office of a railway station.

B.At a travel agency of a certain city.

C.At an airport in Madrid, Spain.

13.In which month is the fare to Madrid most expensive?

A.In March.

B.In June.

C.In July.

14.How much does it cost for this couple to go to Madrid in April?





15.Why did the man fail when he took the driving test years ago?

A.Because he turned back and drove to the testing center.

B.Because he took the left turn from the right lane.

C.Because he didn't follow the examiner's instruction.

16.What is the woman afraid of?

A.The road test.

B.Parking the car.

C.The little spaces.

17.Whose car did the man suggest the woman use to practise before the road test?

A.The car in the garage.

B.The man's own car.

C.The car her parents bought.


18.Which of the following is a phenomenon of panic attack?

A.A fast breathing.

B.A bad headache.

C.A fast heartbeat.

19.How is the speaker feeling about the treatment of panic attack?

A.Very disappointed.

B.Pretty confident.

C.Quite frightened.

20.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Panic disorder is twice more likely to happen for men than women.

B.Panic disorder usually first happens between the ages of 18 and 24.

C.Panic disorder doesn't happen to a person who has flown a lot before.




1.How will the man get to the Central Theatre?

A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By taxi.

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At a shop.

B.At the man's house.

C.At a café.

3.How does the man feel about his future?




4.How long will the woman wait to get the weather report?

A.Ten minutes.

B.Twenty minutes.

C.Thirty minutes.

5.What do we know about the woman?

A.She isn't feeling well.

B.She will go to Corsica soon.

C.She just came back from a trip.




6.What kind of room does the man want?

A.A single room.

B.Two single rooms.

C.A double room.

7.How will the man pay?

A.In cash.

B.By cheque.

C.By credit card.


8.What is the relationship between the speakers?


B.Interviewer and interviewee.


9.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A thunderstorm.

B.An earthquake.

C.A tree.


10.How does the woman feel about the result?




11.What happened to Jim?

A.He was late for the match.

B.He got injured during the match.

C.He was sent off for breaking the rules.

12.What will the woman most probably do next week?

A.Watch a match.

B.Play football.

C.Visit Jim.


13.Where did the woman spend her last Thanksgiving?

A.In Boston.

B.In New York.

C.In Florida.

14.Who made the dessert last Thanksgiving?

A.The woman.

B.The woman's sister.

C.The woman's grandma.

15.Why does the woman like Thanksgiving?

A.She can travel to other places.

B.She receives lots of presents on that day.

C.It's a great chance for the family to get together.

16.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Learn what Thanksgiving is about.

B.Join her family on the next Thanksgiving.

C.Get together with his family more frequently.


17.What is the speaker's purpose of telling her experience?

A.To express her thanks to some people.

B.To remind people of their belongings.

C.To complain about her forgetfulness.

18.What was in the speaker's purse?

A.A cheque.

B.Some cash.

C.Her ID card.

19.Why did the speaker cry?

A.She lost her handbag.

B.She didn't know the way home.

C.A young man refused to help her.

20.What did the bus driver do for the speaker?

A.He gave her some money.

B.He found a seat for her.

C.He drove her for free.





1.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman wished she had gone to sleep earlier.

B.The woman missed the beginning of the program.

C.The woman fell asleep before the program ended.

2.What does the man mean?

A.Neither football game is good.

B.Both of the football games are good.

C.The football game they are watching is better than the one they watched last night.

3.What type of movie are the two speakers going to see?

A.A horror movie.

B.A humorous movie.

C.An action movie.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.She thinks salary is more important than interest

B.She thinks salary is as important as interest.

C.She thinks interest is more important than salary.

5.Which of the following is true?

A.The man wants to keep a seat for his companion.

B.The woman takes the seat at last.

C.The man doesn't allow the woman to take the seat.




6.Where are the speakers?

A.At home.

B.In a hospital.

C.In an office.

7.Why doesn't the man sleep well?

A.He has a sore throat.

B.He has to work late.

C.He has a high fever.

8.Why doesn't the man go to the clinic?

A.He is having a meeting.

B.He is too busy to do it.

C.He can take care of himself.


9.What is the number of the room the man will live in?

A.Room 543.

B.Room 523.

C.Room 513.

10.How will the man pay for the fare?

A.By credit card.

B.By cash.

C.By check.

11.What day is today?





12.Why is the man so upset about his getting a B?

A.Because it took him months to finish the project.

B.Because Ames got an A with less work.

C.Because the woman didn't understand him.

13.What does the woman suggest the man do first?

A.Speak to the teacher.

B.Get his grade changed.

C.Forget about the man's grade.

14.What does the woman think of the man's grade?

A.It is not a bad grade.

B.It is unfair to the man.

C.She has no opinion.


15.What does the man dislike about his job?

A.Working in a hotel.

B.Working in summer.

C.Traveling all the time.

16.Why doesn't he want to take the new job?

A.He doesn't get a good pay.

B.He dislikes working in a seaside town.

C.He hates playing the same piece again and again.

17.What does the woman think of the job the man was offered?





18.What were the students going to do?

A.To talk about their articles before a video camera.

B.To read news on TV.

C.To celebrate the writer's sister's birthday.

19.Why was the writer so nervous?

A.He had never stood before a video camera.

B.He had never talk about his article before a video camera.

C.This camera was different from the one he had once faced.

20.What was the writer's feelings to his class teacher?








1.How will the man go to the park?

A.By bus.

B.By bike.

C.On foot.

2.What is the picture of?

A.A city.

B.A farm.

C.A pet.

3.What is the woman doing now?

A.Having a meeting.

B.Having a meal.


4.Which city did the man visit before?




5.What does the woman think of the new film star?

A.He is popular with young people.

B.He isn't a good actor.

C.He is handsome.




6.Who is Suzie?

A.Tom's secretary.

B.Mr.Walker's secretary.

C.Mr.Walker's wife.

7.Why does the woman feel upset?

A.She feels useless.

B.She is late for work.

C.Tom is angry with her.


8.What is wrong with the woman?

A.Her back hurts.

B.Her head aches.

C.Her hand is painful.

9.What day is today?




10.What will the woman do next?

A.Take an examination.

B.Take her blood pressure.

C.Get some medicine.


11.When did the speakers plan to travel to Michigan?


B.Next week.

C.Early next month.

12.Why does the man call the woman?

A.To cancel the trip.

B.To change the time of the trip.

C.To ask about the opinions of Jack and Jane.

13.What will the man do?

A.Deal with his family emergency.

B.Get the air tickets.

C.Call Jack and Jane.


14.What did the teachers do after Tim got into trouble?

A.They always punished him.

B.They talked to his parents.

C.They often laughed at him.

15.Why did Tim lie down with his bike on top of him?

A.To get away from school.

B.To make his mother angry.

C.To play a joke on his mother.

16.What do we know about Tim?

A.He used to sit on his own at school.

B.He was often absent from school.

C.He often played jokes on his teachers.


17.Where are the two rooms located?

A.On the second floor.

B.On the fourth floor.

C.On the fifth floor.

18.How much will Peter pay for one room each night?




19.What kind of payment is NOT accepted?


B.Credit card.


20.When will Peter arrive at the hotel?

A.August 10.

B.August 12.

C.August 20.





1.How will the woman pay for the hairdresser?

A.In cash

B.By check

C.By credit card

2.Which sport is the most popular according to the man?



C.Table tennis

3.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A party

B.A necklace

C.A dress

4.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Read more books

B.Buy her sister a book

C.Give a card to her sister

5.Why is Cindy away?

A.She has gone to Europe to visit her mother

B.She has been on sick leave for three weeks

C.She has been looking after her mother at home



6.What will the woman do next week?

A.Study in the library

B.Go to the park

C.Take final exams

7.What does the man want to study?





8.What does the man think of the restaurants in his hometown?




9.Where is the woman from?

A.A big city

B.A small town

C.A big village

10.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.There are some wonderful museum in the woman’s hometown.

B.The woman likes her hometown very much.

C.The woman likes small and quiet places.


11.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?




12.What will the man do tomorrow morning?

A.See a doctor

B.Meet his sister

C.Have a meeting

13.What do we know about the man’s sister?

A.She is quite tall

B.She is of average build

C.She is slim with short curly hair


14.Which apartment do the speakers dislike?

A.The one on Ablington Road

B.The one on Park Avenue

C.The one on North Parade

15.What is the disadvantage of the apartment on Park Avenue?

A.The kitchen is small

B.The view outside is awful

C.There is no good place to put a desk

16.What do we know about the man?

A.He never works at home

B.He doesn’t have any visitors

C.He wants to have the privacy

17.Where does the woman suggest putting the desk in the apartment on North Parade?

A.In the living room

B.In the dining room

C.In the bedroom


18.How much do the Americans spend on baby food every year?

A.About 50 million dollars

B.About 100 million dollars

C.About 200million dollars

19.What is many working dogs’ job?

A.Helping the deaf

B.Helping the police to find drugs

C.Helping customs officers to find bombs

20.What do we know about Rin Tin Tin?

A.He died in 1931

B.He made 40 films

C.He earned much money

