A. patience B. time C. help D. paper 查看更多



It was a cold night in December. Two beggars were sitting on a busy street corner in the downtown section of the city. The cold wind made them huddle (挤) together for heat and comfort. They watched helplessly as scores of people walked by, some ignoring them on purpose and others too caught up in their own cares to even notice their existence. Every so often, a kind-hearted woman or a small child would drop a few coins in the hats which lay in front of them on the icy sidewalk. Some people, feeling particularly generous, would even pull out a bill or two from their wallets and drop them into the beggars’ hats and then continued their walking.

Today was not a bad day for begging. The men were able to collect enough for a good meal at the coffee shop down the street and a few candles to light up their shelter in the alley (胡同) behind the train station. As the crowd began to die down, they started to pack up their bundles and head for their evening shelter.

Just as they were getting ready to leave the street corner, they noticed a man walking toward them. He was obviously a wealthy man — they could tell that from the finely tailored business suit he was wearing and the gold watch chain adorned (装饰) his left pocket.

The first beggar looked at the second and whispered with excitement, “He’s coming our way!

The two tried not to look directly at the man as he stepped closer to them, but they couldn’t help staring at him as he reached into his pocket and took something out.

“Thunk” was the only sound they heard as what looked like a piece of hard candy, wrapped carefully in tissue paper hit each of their waiting hats. The rich man turned and continued on his way, not making a backward glance.

“How insulting!” said the first beggar, as soon as the rich man was out of sight. “He could have easily left us a few coins or a spare bill, but he played a joke on us with a piece of rock candy.”

He looked at the wrapped offering with disgust. “Who does he think we are — children? There’s no way we can even eat this — we have no teeth.”

The beggar picked up the object with the very tips of his fingers and threw it into the gutter (排水沟). He watched as it floated a few yards in the stream of muddy water and disappeared into the gutter at the end of the street. Then, he gathered up his things and walked away.

The second beggar looked down at the morsel in his hat, then at his departing friend. His first thought was to toss the donation in the trash can under the street light. But his second thought made him change his mind.

“I haven’t had anything like this for ages,” he thought. “I can’t chew it, but I can suck on it for a while, and the sweet juice will stay in my mouth for a long time. How nice of that man to offer me something so sweet!”

He opened the paper eagerly, then paused as his hands touched the inside. “Maybe I should save it for another time,” he thought. “It won’t spoil, and I could eat it later when I’m really hungry.”

The beggar paused for a moment, then he said aloud, “He wanted me to have it anyway. I might as well enjoy it now.”

With that, he unfolded the paper, but to his surprise, there was no hard rock candy inside. Instead, into his fingers fell a shiny white pearl worth thousands of dollars.

55. The first paragraph serves as a(n) ______.

A. explanation     B. introduction   C. background    D. comment

56. The two beggars started to leave the street corner when ____.

A. darkness fell          B. few people passed by

C. they felt too cold        D. the wind began to blow hard.

57. The two beggars thought the man was rich from _____.

A. his appearance        B. his way of walking

C. the jewellery he wore      D. the shiny shoes

58. What did the first beggar think of the rich man?

A. He looked down upon the poor.  B. He was very kind and warm-hearted

C. He treated them as children D. He was too mean.

59. The underlined words “the morsel in his hat” probably refer to ______.

A. the donation from the rich man

B. the coins the second beggar collected

C. the rock candy the rich man gave the second beggar

D. the food the second beggar left over

60. What can we learn from the story?

A. Every dog has its day.

B. Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.

C. He who laughs last laughs best.

D. He that can have patience can have what he will.


He drove after drinking alcohol, having a severe accident and had to get his arms removed.Since then, he has had to __31__ on his younger brother, who became his shadow, never leaving him alone for years. Except for writing with his toes, he was totally unable to do __32__ else. As the two brothers grew up together, they had their own problems and would often __33__. Finally, his younger brother went away and lived __34__, leaving him heartbroken and at a loss what to do.

    __35__, a misfortune befell(降临)a girl. One night she was preparing dinner when the kerosene light on the stove was overturned, __36__ in a fire which took her hands away. Having decidedly __37__ her sister’s willingness to help her, she determined to be thoroughly __38__. At school, she always studied hard.Most of all she learned to be self-reliant. “I am lucky. Though my __39__ are broken, my heart can still fly.” she wrote in her blog.

    One day, the young man and the girl were both invited to a(n)__40__ programme. The boy told the television hostess about his __41__ future, whereas the girl was full of __42__ for her life. They were both asked to write something on a piece of paper with their __43__. The boy: My younger brother’s arms are my arms. The girl: Broken wings, flying heart.

    They had both gone through the same ordeal(痛苦经历), but their different __44__ determined the nature of their lives. As seems the case, __45__ disasters can strike our life at any time. How you handle the __46__ when faced with it is the true __47__ of your character. If you choose to __48__ or escape from the ordeal, it will follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the __49__ will turn out to be a fortune on which new __50__will arise.

31.A.live           B.stand          C.rely           D.assist

32.A.something      B.everything      C.nothing        D.anything

33.A.quarrel        B.share          C.support        D.dislike

34.A.happily        B.lonely         C.separately      D.disappointedly

35.A.Unfortunately    B.Unexpectedly    C.Similarly       D.Naturally[来

36.A.leading        B.bringing        C.causing        D.resulting

37.A.turned to       B.turned down    C.turned off      D.turned against

38.A.alone          B.free           C.independent     D.successful

39.A.arms          B.wings         C.dreams        D.promises

40.A.interview       B.radio          C.sports         D.health

41.A.hopeful        B.uncertain       C.bright         D.miserable

42.A.calmness       B.enthusiasm     C.patience       D.excitement

43.A.hands         B.strength        C.toes          D.mouths

44.A.characters      B.desires        C.opinions       D.attitudes

45.A.unexpected     B.passive        C.rough         D.serious

46.A.emergency     B.misfortune      C.difficulty       D.accident

47.A.test           B.reflection       C.display        D.problem

48.A.ignore         B.resist          C.complain       D.suffer

49.A.problem       B.result         C.failure         D.hardship

50.A.solutions       B.ways          C.rewards       D.hopes


 He drove after drinking alcohol, having a severe accident and had to get his arms removed.Since then, he has had to __31__ on his younger brother, who became his shadow, never leaving him alone for years. Except for writing with his toes, he was totally unable to do __32__ else. As the two brothers grew up together, they had their own problems and would often __33__. Finally, his younger brother went away and lived __34__, leaving him heartbroken and at a loss what to do.

     __35__, a misfortune befell(降临)a girl. One night she was preparing dinner when the kerosene light on the stove was overturned, __36__ in a fire which took her hands away. Having decidedly __37__ her sister’s willingness to help her, she determined to be thoroughly __38__. At school, she always studied hard.Most of all she learned to be self-reliant. “I am lucky. Though my __39__ are broken, my heart can still fly.” she wrote in her blog.

    One day, the young man and the girl were both invited to a(n)__40__ programme. The boy told the television hostess about his __41__ future, whereas the girl was full of __42__ for her life. They were both asked to write something on a piece of paper with their __43__. The boy: My younger brother’s arms are my arms. The girl: Broken wings, flying heart.

    They had both gone through the same ordeal(痛苦经历), but their different __44__   determined the nature of their lives. As seems the case, __45__ disasters can strike our life at any time. How you handle the __46__ when faced with it is the true __47__  of your character. If you choose to __48__ or escape from the ordeal, it will follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the __49__ will turn out to be a fortune on which new __50__will arise.

1.A.live             B.stand          C.rely           D.assist


2.A.something        B.everything     C.nothing        D.anything

3.A.quarrel          B.share          C.support        D.dislike

4.A.happily          B.lonely         C.separately     D.disappointedly

5.A.Unfortunately    B.Unexpectedly   C.Similarly      D.Naturally

6.A.leading          B.bringing       C.causing        D.resulting

7.A.turned to        B.turned down    C.turned off     D.turned against

8.A.alone            B.free           C.independent    D.successful

9.A.arms             B.wings          C.dreams         D.promises

10.A.interview       B.radio          C.sports         D.health

11.A.hopeful         B.uncertain      C.bright         D.miserable

12.A.calmness        B.enthusiasm     C.patience       D.excitement

13.A.hands           B.strength       C.toes           D.mouths

14.A.characters      B.desires        C.opinions       D.attitudes

15.A.unexpected      B.passive        C.rough          D.serious

16.A.emergency       B.misfortune     C.difficulty     D.accident

17.A.test            B.reflection     C.display        D.problem

18.A.ignore          B.resist         C.complain       D.suffer

19.A.problem         B.result         C.failure        D.hardship

20.A.solutions B.ways C.rewards  D.hopes



He drove after drinking alcohol, having a severe accident and had to get his arms removed.Since then, he has had to __1__ on his younger brother, who became his shadow, never leaving him alone for years. Except for writing with his toes, he was totally unable to do __2__ else. As the two brothers grew up together, they had their own problems and would often __3__. Finally, his younger brother went away and lived __4__, leaving him heartbroken and at a loss what to do.

       __5__, a misfortune befell(降临)a girl. One night she was preparing dinner when the kerosene light on the stove was overturned, __6__ in a fire which took her hands away. Having decidedly __7__ her sister’s willingness to help her, she determined to be thoroughly __8__. At school, she always studied hard.Most of all she learned to be self-reliant. “I am lucky. Though my __9__ are broken, my heart can still fly.” she wrote in her blog.

       One day, the young man and the girl were both invited to a(n)__10__ programme. The boy told the television hostess about his __11__ future, whereas the girl was full of __12__ for her life. They were both asked to write something on a piece of paper with their __13__. The boy: My younger brother’s arms are my arms. The girl: Broken wings, flying heart.

       They had both gone through the same ordeal(痛苦经历), but their different __14__   determined the nature of their lives. As seems the case, __15__ disasters can strike our life at any time. How you handle the __16__ when faced with it is the true __17__  of your character. If you choose to __18__ or escape from the ordeal, it will follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the _19__ will turn out to be a fortune on which new __20__will arise.

1.A.live                       B.stand                   C.rely                     D.assist


2.A.something             B.everything           C.nothing               D.anything

3.A.quarrel                  B.share                   C.support               D.dislike

4.A.happily                  B.lonely                  C.separately            D.disappointedly

5.A.Unfortunately        B.Unexpectedly       C.Similarly              D.Naturally


6.A.leading                  B.bringing               C.causing               D.resulting

7.A.turned to               B.turned down        C.turned off            D.turned against

8.A.alone                    B.free                     C.independent         D.successful

9.A.arms                     B.wings                  C.dreams                D.promises

10.A.interview             B.radio                   C.sports                 D.health

11.A.hopeful                B.uncertain             C.bright                  D.miserable

12.A.calmness             B.enthusiasm          C.patience              D.excitement

13.A.hands                  B.strength               C.toes                    D.mouths

14.A.characters           B.desires                C.opinions              D.attitudes

15.A.unexpected          B.passive                C.rough                  D.serious

16.A.emergency          B.misfortune           C.difficulty             D.accident

17.A.test                     B.reflection             C.display                D.problem

18.A.ignore                 B.resist                   C.complain             D.suffer

19.A.problem              B.result                  C.failure                 D.hardship

20.A.solutions             B.ways                   C.rewards              D.hopes


    He drove after drinking alcohol, having a severe accident and had to get his arms removed. Since then, he has had to rely on his younger brother, who became his   1   , never leaving him alone for years. Except for   2   with his toes, he was totally unable to do anything else. As the two brothers grew up together, they had their own problems and would often   3   . Eventually, his younger brother went away and lived separately, leaving him   4   and at a loss what to do.

          5   a misfortune befell(降临) a girl. One night she was preparing dinner when the kerosene light on the stove was overturned, resulting in a fire which took her   6   away. Having decidedly   7   her sister’s willingness to help her, she determined to be thoroughly   8  . At school, she always studied hard. Most of all she learned to be self-reliant. “I am lucky…Though my   9   are broken, my heart can still fly.” she wrote in her blog.

       One day, the young man and the girl were both invited to a(n)   10   programme. The boy told the television hostess about his   11   future, while the girl was full of   12   for her life. They were both asked to write something on a piece of paper with their   13   .The boy: My younger brother’s arms are my arms. The girl: Broken wings, flying heart.

       They had both gone through the same ordeal(痛苦经历), but their different   14   determined the nature of their lives. As seems the case,   15   life can make disasters strike at any time. How you handle   16   when faced with it is the true   17  of your character. If you choose to   18  or escape from the ordeal, it will follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the    19   will turn out to be a fortune on which new   20   will arise.

1.A.friend                   B.tutor                   C.example              D.shadow

2.A.walking                 B.writing                C.cleaning              D.playing

3.A.quarrel                  B.share                   C.communicate       D.disagree

4.A.anxious                 B.embarrassed        C.surprised             D.heartbroken


5.A.Fortunately            B.Unexpectedly       C.Similarly              D.Happily

6.A.hair                      B.hands                  C.happiness            D.possessions

7.A.appreciated            B.accepted              C.turned off            D.turned down

8.A.strong-willed         B.free                     C.independent         D.respected

9.A.promised               B.dreams                C.arms                   D.wings

10.A.interview             B.health                  C.contest                D.donation

11.A.uncertain             B.unfair                  C.unsteady             D.unable

12.A.calmness             B.enthusiasm          C.patience              D.excitement

13.A.wisdom               B.strength               C.toes                    D.mouths

14.A.characters           B.attitudes              C.opinions              D.ambitions

15.A.unpredictable       B.passive                C.rough                  D.messy(混乱的)

16.A.emergency          B.misfortune           C.difficulty             D.defeat

17.A.test                     B.reflection             C.display                D.change

18.A.ignore                 B.resist                   C.complain             D.suffer

19.A.accidents             B.disabilities            C.failures                D.hardship

20.A.solutions            B.expectations         C.hopes                D.rewards

