According to the passage we can infer that . A. the suspect was easy to be recognized B. the picture was just a side of the suspect C. the suspect must be a disabled person D. the suspect was caught by the policeman 查看更多



     Three young ladies were receiving trains to be qualified detectives (侦探) by a policeman. To test their
skills in recognizing a suspect (嫌疑人), the policeman showed the first lady a picture for five seconds and then asked how she could recognize him. She thought it easy, for the suspect had only one eye. The policeman felt disappointed at this funny answer. He showed the second lady the picture for five seconds and asked her how she would recognize him. The second girl smiled, flipped her hair, and said, "Ha! It's easy to
find the one-eared person!" Her answer also made the policeman angry. Turning to the third lady, he asked, "How would you recognize him?" He added quickly, "Think hard before giving a stupid answer. " The
third lady looked at the picture carefully for a moment and said, "HMMMM . . . he is wearing contact
 lenses (隐形眼镜)." The policeman was surprised and speechless, because he really didn't know himself
if the man wore contacts or not. "Well, that is a good answer. Wait here for a few minutes while I check
his file. He left the room and went to his office, checked the suspect's file in his computer and returned
with a beaming smile. "Wow! I can't believe it . . . it's TRUE! The man does in fact wear contact lenses.
Good work! How were you able to make such a wise observation?" "That's easy," the girl replied, "He
can't wear glasses because he only has one eye and one ear!"
1. Which of the following cannot be concluded from the passage that detectives should have?
A. They must be humorous. 
B. They must have a strong ability of observation.. 
C. They must be good at memorizing. 
D. They must be good at thinking.
2. How did the third lady know the suspect was wearing contact lenses?
A. She sold contact lenses before.
B. She just had the same idea as the first two girls
C. She had been wearing contact lenses for a long time.
D. She wouldn't want to give the stupid answer.
3. According to the passage we can infer that ________.  
A. the suspect was easy to be recognized
B. the suspect was caught by the policeman
C. the suspect must be a disabled person
D. the picture was just a side of the suspect.
4. What will probably happen to the three ladies after this test? 
A. All of them may be given more training courses or fired.  
B. The second lady may be accepted as a detective at once.
C. The third lady is good at thinking and doesn't need any training. 
D. The first lady may be accepted as a detective at once.


Three blondes (金发碧眼的女人) were being trained to become detectives by a policeman. To test their skills in recognizing a suspect (嫌疑犯), the policeman showed the first blonde a picture for five seconds and then asked how she could recognize him. She thought it easy, for the suspect had only one eye. The policeman felt disappointed at this funny answer. He showed the second lady the picture for five seconds and asked her how she would recognize him. The second blonde giggled, flipped her hair, and said, "Ha! It’s easy to find the one-eared person!" Her answer also made the policeman angry. Turning to the third lady, he asked, "This is your suspect, and how would you recognize him?" He added quickly, "Think hard before giving a stupid answer." The third blonde looked at the picture carefully for a moment and said, "HMMMM ... the suspect is wearing contact lenses (隐形眼镜)." The policeman was surprised and speechless, because he really didn't know himself if the suspect wore contacts or not. "Well, that is a good answer. Wait here for a few minutes while I check his file." He left the room and went to his office, checked the suspect's file in his computer and returned with a beaming smile. "Wow! I can't believe it ... it's TRUE! The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such a wise observation?" "That's easy," the blonde replied, "he can't wear glasses because he only has one eye and one ear!"


56. Which of the following cannot conclude from the passage that detectives should have?

   A. They must be charming.

   B. Their observation must be keen.

   C. They must be humorous.

   D. They must be good at thinking.

57. According to the passage we can infer that ________.

  A. the suspect was easy to be recognized

  B. the picture was just a side of the suspect

  C. the suspect must be a disabled person

  D. the suspect was caught by the policeman

58. What will probably happen to the three blondes after this test?

  A. The first blonde may be accepted as a detective at once.

  B. The second blonde may be accepted as a detective at once.

  C. The third blonde is good at thinking and needn’t any training.

  D. All of them may be given more training courses or fired.


Three blondes (金发碧眼的女人) were being trained to become detectives by a policeman. To test their skills in recognizing a suspect (嫌疑犯), the policeman showed the first blonde a picture for five seconds and then asked how she could recognize him. She thought it easy, for the suspect had only one eye. The policeman felt disappointed at this funny answer. He showed the second lady the picture for five seconds and asked her how she would recognize him. The second blonde giggled, flipped her hair, and said, "Ha! It’s easy to find the one-eared person!" Her answer also made the policeman angry. Turning to the third lady, he asked, "This is your suspect, and how would you recognize him?" He added quickly, "Think hard before giving a stupid answer." The third blonde looked at the picture carefully for a moment and said, "HMMMM ... the suspect is wearing contact lenses (隐形眼镜)." The policeman was surprised and speechless, because he really didn't know himself if the suspect wore contacts or not. "Well, that is a good answer. Wait here for a few minutes while I check his file." He left the room and went to his office, checked the suspect's file in his computer and returned with a beaming smile. "Wow! I can't believe it ... it's TRUE! The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such a wise observation?" "That's easy," the blonde replied, "he can't wear glasses because he only has one eye and one ear!"
41. Which of the following cannot conclude from the passage that detectives should have?

A. They must be charming.       B. Their observation must be keen.

C. They must be humorous.       D. They must be good at thinking.

42. According to the passage we can infer that ________.
 A. the suspect was easy to be recognized
 B. the picture was just a side of the suspect
 C. the suspect must be a disabled person
 D. the suspect was caught by the policeman

43. What will probably happen to the three blondes after this test?
 A. The first blonde may be accepted as a detective at once.
 B. The second blonde may be accepted as a detective at once.
 C. The third blonde is good at thinking and needn’t any training.
 D. All of them may be given more training courses or fired


   Three blondes (金发碧眼的女人) were being trained to become detectives by a policeman. To
test their skills in recognizing a suspect ( 嫌疑犯 ), the policeman showed the first blonde a picture
for five seconds and then asked how she could recognize him. She thought it easy, for the suspect
had only one eye. The policeman felt disappointed at this funny answer. He showed the second lady
the picture for five seconds and asked her how she would recognize him. The second blonde giggled,
flipped  her hair, and  said, "Ha!  It's easy to find the one-eared person!" Her answer also made the
policeman angry. Turning to the third lady, he asked, "This is your suspect, and how would you recognize
him?" He added quickly, "Think hard before giving a stupid answer." The third blonde looked at the picture carefully for a moment and said, "HMMMM ... the suspect is wearing contact lenses (隐形眼镜)." The
policeman was surprised and speechless, because he really didn't know himself if the suspect wore contacts or not. "Well, that is a good answer. Wait here for a few minutes while I check his file." He left the room and went to his office, checked the suspect's file in his computer and returned with a beaming smile.
"Wow! I can't believe it ... it's TRUE! The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How
were you able to make such a wise observation?" "That's easy," the blonde replied, "he can't wear glasses because he only has one eye and one ear!"
1. Which of the following cannot conclude from the passage that detectives should have?  
A. They must be charming.
B. Their observation must be keen.
C. They must be humorous.
D. They must be good at thinking.
2. According to the passage we can infer that ________.  
A. the suspect was easy to be recognized
B. the picture was just a side of the suspect
C. the suspect must be a disabled person
D. the suspect was caught by the policeman
3. What will probably happen to the three blondes after this test?  
A. The first blonde may be accepted as a detective at once.
B. The second blonde may be accepted as a detective at once.
C. The third blonde is good at thinking and needn't any training.
D. All of them may be given more training courses or fired.




December O6 Canada: For those of you who have been following this story, the third suspect(嫌疑犯) in the Canadian Cat Mutilation (残害) case has been caught. On March 8, after just under a year of searching, the FindMatt Campaign received information that would comfort many. Now known as Mattew Kaczorowski, 21 years old, this cat mutilator was picked up by the police from the streets of Vancouver. In May 2001, three young men took a young cat; named “Kensington” after the area of town from where she was taken, from the street to a house. They began to cruelly treat and mutilate her to death, videotaping the attack. Two of the suspects, recognized as 21-year old Jesse Champlain Power and 24-yearold Anthony Ryan Wennekers, were arrested shortly after the incident. Neither helped the police in an effort to find the third suspect. at the time known only as “Matt”.

    In May 2002. Katie set up the “Find Matt Campaign”, with the goals of raising public awareness (意识) about animal cruelty and having as many eyes as possible look for Matt.

    “I don't think Matt would have been caught had it not been for Katie Woodward's information.” said Detective Gordon Scow, one of the arresting officers.

    Kaczorowski faces the charges of animal cruelty, theft under $ 5000 and possession of property taken by crime, but one charge remains absent: that of animal cruelty. According to Canadian law, this kind of crime must be charged within six months.

    The case is now before the Courts.

    While finding Matt is a big step in the right direction of this case, it is not over. It remains that Kensington's guardian (监护人) has not yet come forward. It is important that her guardian speak out to lessen the possibility of the charges being dropped.

1What does the passage mainly talk about?

    A. A cat was killed cruelly in Canada.

    B. A Canadian cat mutilator was caught.

    C. People pay attention to animal protection.

    D. No crimes can escape from being charged.

2Which of the following is in correct order according to the time when the events happened?

    a. Matt was caught by the police.

    b. “Find Matt Campaign” was set up.

    c. Jesse and Anthony were soon arrested.

    d. Three young men mutilate a cat to death.

    e. Katie got the information about the third suspect.

A. b.e,a,d,c

B. e,a,d,c,b

C. d.c,b,e,a

D. a,d,b,e,c

3Which one of the charges does Matt certainly have to face?

    A. Stealing less than $ 5000.

    B. His possession of property.

    C. The crime of animal cruelly.

    D. A six-month imprisonment.

4What can we infer from the passage?

    A. Catching Matt was easy for the police.

    B. Very few people care about Matt's case.

    C. Katie started the Find Matt Campaign to protect animals.

D. The final result of the case depends on the cat's guardian.


