Samuel Clemens, Mark Twain, became a famous American writer. A. known for B. is known for C. known as D. is known as 查看更多



Samuel Clemens, ________ Mark Twain, became a famous American writer.

[  ]

A.known for known for

C.known as known as


Mark Twain,an American writer, published more than 30 books, hundreds of
short stories and essays and gave lectures around the world throughout his career. 
Mark Twain left school when he was twelve. He had little school education. Thou
gh he had little school education, he became the most famous writer of his time
. He made millions of dollars by writing. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Cl
emens, but he is better known all over the world as MarkTwain, his penname. 
Mark Twain was born in 1835 and he was not a healthy baby. In fact, he was not
expected to live through the first winter. But with his mother's tender care,
he managed to survive. As a boy, he causedmuch trouble for his parents. He use
d to play jokes on all of his friends and neighbors. He didn't like to go to sc
hool, and he constantly ran away from home. He always went in the direction of
the nearby Mississippi. He was nearly drowned nine times. After his father's d
eath in 1847, Mark twain began to work for a printer, who only provided him wit
h food and clothing. Then, he worked as  a river-boat pilot (领航
员)and later joinedthe army. But shortly after that he became a miner. During t
his period, he started to write short stories. Afterwards he became a full-time
In 1870, Mark Twain got married. In the years that followed he wrote many books
including Tom Sawyer in 1876, and Huckleberry Finn in 1884, which made him fam
ous, and brought him a great fortune. Unfortunately, Mark Twain got into debts
in bad investments(投资) and he had to write
large numbers of stories to pay these debts. In 1904, his wife died and then on
e of their childrenpassed away.At the age of 70, his hair was completely white.
He bought many white suits and neckties. Hewore nothing but white from head to
foot until his death on April 21, 1910.
【小题1】 When Mark Twain was a little baby,          .

A.his mother thought he would die
B.he was as active as other boys
C.he was not strong enough
D.he was always in hospital
【小题2】 In his childhood,        .
A.Mark Twain learned a lot at school
B.Mark Twain often went swimming with other boys
C.Mark Twain often played games with other boys
D.Mark Twain’s mother often worried about his safety
【小题3】 In order to make a living, Mark Twain       .
A.often ran away from home.
B.first worked for a printer.
C.wrote stories in the beginning.
D.joined the army after he worked in a mine.
【小题4】 In the later years of his life, Mark Twain      .
A.continued writing until his death.
B.wrote many stories and earned a lot of money.
C.must have been very sad because he lost his wife and one of his children.
D.lent too much money to others.



One of the best-known American writers is Samuel Langhorne Clemens, whose pen-name is Mark Twain. Born in 1835, Twain grew up in the Mississippi River town of Hannibal, Missouri. Like many other boys of his day, Twain dreamed of traveling on riverboats and of becoming a riverboat pilot(舵手) someday. He used his memories of the life of the river town in his two most famous books, Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer.

As a young man Twain held many jobs. He was a printer, a gold miner, and for a long time, he was a riverboat pilot. During his pilot days, he adopted(采用) the name Mark Twain. This was something used by the boatmen to mean the water measured two fathoms, or twelve feet, which was deep enough for safe passage.

Finally, Twain became a famous writer. He traveled a great deal, writing and speaking, and was very popular both in the United States and in Europe.

Twain’s style of writing was simple and direct. Among the things he wrote about were superstitious(迷信的) people and people who were easily fooled. He used his unusual gift for humor to write about many things of importance.

69. Samuel Langhorne Clemens _____________________ .

   A. is the best-known American writer

   B. never left the town of Hannibal, Missouri

   C. is the hero of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer

   D. used Mark Twain as his pen-name

70. Many boys of that time _________________________ .

   A. wanted to become writers

   B. were anxious to work on a riverboat

   C. just wanted to be passengers on the Mississippi

   D. wished to become friends of Mark Twain.

71. Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain was probably about _________ .

   A. boys’ life of his day          B. the life of a riverboat pilot

   C. the life of a river town        D. Twain’s travel on riverboats

72. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

   A. Fathom was a unit used by boatmen to measure the depth of the water.

   B. People could be easily amused by Mark Twain’s writing.

   C. Europeans showed little interest in Mark Twain’s writings.

   D. Mark Twain’s books could be easily understood for his style.


One of the best-known American writers is Samuel Langhorne Clemens, whose pen-name is Mark Twain. Born in 1835, Twain grew up in the Mississippi River town of Hannibal, Missouri. Like many other boys of his day, Twain dreamed of traveling on riverboats and of becoming a riverboat pilot(舵手) someday. He used his memories of the life of the river town in his two most famous books, Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer.

As a young man Twain held many jobs. He was a printer, a gold miner, and for a long time, he was a riverboat pilot. During his pilot days, he adopted(采用) the name Mark Twain. This was something used by the boatmen to mean the water measured two fathoms, or twelve feet, which was deep enough for safe passage.

Finally, Twain became a famous writer. He traveled a great deal, writing and speaking, and was very popular both in the United States and in Europe.

Twain’s style of writing was simple and direct. Among the things he wrote about were superstitious(迷信的) people and people who were easily fooled. He used his unusual gift for humor to write about many things of importance.

Samuel Langhorne Clemens _____________________ .

   A. is the best-known American writer

   B. never left the town of Hannibal, Missouri

   C. is the hero of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer

 D. used Mark Twain as his pen-name

Many boys of that time _________________________ .

   A. wanted to become writers

   B. were anxious to work on a riverboat

   C. just wanted to be passengers on the Mississippi

   D. wished to become friends of Mark Twain.

Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain was probably about _________ .

   A. boys’ life of his day

   B. the life of a riverboat pilot

   C. the life of a river town

   D. Twain’s travel on riverboats

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

   A. Fathom was a unit used by boatmen to measure the depth of the water.

   B. People could be easily amused by Mark Twain’s writing.

   C. Europeans showed little interest in Mark Twain’s writings.

   D. Mark Twain’s books could be easily understood for his style.


     "Mark Twain" was the name used by Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) when he wrote
books. His father was a lawyer, but a poor one, who lived at Florida, Missouri. The family was so
poor that Samuel did not receive much teaching. He had to learn all that he could from the people
whom he met. His father died when he was very young, and then there was even less money than
     Many of the men in this part of America worked in the ships on the great River Mississippi, and
he did this himself at one time (1857).
     Where did he find the name "Mark Twain"? It came from the great river itself. It was part of one
of the cries used by men who worked in the ships. When a man called "By the mark twain!" he meant
that the river was "two marks deep" there, that is to say, six feet deep ( "Twain" is an old form of the
work "Two".) Samuel Clemens often heard these words when he was young, and he used them as a
penname all his life.
     During his work on the Mississippi he met travelers of all kinds, and this helped him a great deal
when he started to write. But the number of travelers became smaller when war started in America in
1861. Many of the great ships on the river stopped work. Samuel left then and went to Nevada with
his brother, who was at that time Governor of Nevada. There, near the town of Carson, Samuel
became a gold miner, but he never made much money at the time. He soon saw that life in the gold
mines was not for him. He also tried writing for the newspapers in Nevada, and this seemed more
hopeful. He found that he could write.
     He went to Europe in 1867 and visited France and Italy. In 1870 he married Olivia Langdon,
and two years later he was spending nearly all his time writing. Among his books is his own story
     He is now always known as Mark Twain, and many people do not even know that his family
name was Clemens. He traveled in America and in England, and went to Oxford in 1907. He was
one of the great American writers of the time, and could make his readers laugh - a thing which few
writers can do. He died in 1910.
1. "Mark Twain" was _________.
A. a famous American writer    
B. name of a book      
C. a great river in America      
D. a large ship
2. As a child, Samuel did not get much education because _________.
A. his father died too early          
B. the family was very poor  
C. he disliked school very much
D. he could learn what he liked from the people he met
3. What gave him a great deal when he started writing? _______
A. His poor childhood              
B. The Mississippi river    
C. All kinds of travelers he met        
D. His brother
4. We can infer from the passage that ________.
A. Samuel loved writing from his early age  
B. Samuel did not love writing at the beginning
C. his writings to the newspaper were successful            
D. his brother encouraged him to write more
5. According to the writer of the passage, a good writer could _________.
A.write a lot for his readers            
B. make a lot of money for his family
C. cause his readers to laugh          
D. travel everywhere he wanted

