第一节 单词拼写(共10小题.每小题1分.满分10) 根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词.在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式.每空只写一词. 66. Love and hatred are basic . 67. You look in those tight jeans. 68. Young people should be physically and healthy. 69. The price of the house is well beyond our . 70. Arguing about the problems our many hours last afternoon. 71. The plants of Asia show great of form. 72. Over there red hot lava was seen (涌)hundreds of metres high into the air. 73. Three years ago.he was as the fifth president in the company. 74. Our government are trying to deal with these sudden bad . 75. He made a drawing of a horse. 查看更多



第一节  单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分1分)

71. The headmaster has ________ (禁止)singing in the corridors.

72. I have no _________ (同情心)for beggars.

73. Rosa Parks got ___________ (逮捕) because she refused to give her seat to a white man.

74. ____(尽管) all our efforts to save the school, it was still closed.

75. This is an entirely new sort of wedding_____(典礼).

76. The mother made many _________ (牺牲) everything for her two sons.

77. She walks _____(相对地)fast for a child of three.

78. Altogether 82 teams ______________ (参加) in the 2010 winter Olympic Games held in Vancouver.

79. The learner of a second language has many obstacles to __________ (克服).

80. He often ____(讨价还价) while shopping in the market.  






1. They are to put on an e_____________ of French paintings in the Oriental Hall next week.

2. My father used to smoke a lot but he has q___________ smoking since last year.

3. It is a_____________ true that the sun rises in the east.     

4. She has received formal keyboard training. C_____________, she can type much faster than I.

5. Can you t_____________ this English poem into Chinese?

6. The a___________ temperature in summer in Quzhou is about 20℃. 

7. The soldier was awarded a medal for his b____________ in the war.

8. The temperature is above n_____________ all over the world and it’s time we took measures.

9. Who is to b____________ for the fire in the kitchen?

10. I felt n___________ and uncertain because it was my first travel abroad.






1. They are to put on an e_____________ of French paintings in the Oriental Hall next week.

2. My father used to smoke a lot but he has q___________ smoking since last year.

3. It is a_____________ true that the sun rises in the east.     

4. She has received formal keyboard training. C_____________, she can type much faster than I.

5. Can you t_____________ this English poem into Chinese?

6. The a___________ temperature in summer in Quzhou is about 20℃. 

7. The soldier was awarded a medal for his b____________ in the war.

8. The temperature is above n_____________ all over the world and it’s time we took measures.

9. Who is to b____________ for the fire in the kitchen?

10. I felt n___________ and uncertain because it was my first travel abroad.


第一节 单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 l 分.满分 10 分)

1.Over the last 25 years, Ashrita Furman has broken _________(大约地)93 Guinness records.

2.Good movies and native novels broaden our h__________ .

3.Australian Day celebrations are an excellent way to encourage __________ (宽容),respect and friendship among all the people of Australia.

4.India has a large number of f__________ English speakers.

5.We are __________ (在一定程度上)responsible for his depression and unhappiness.

6.Helen Keller is a great writer and educationalist, whose confidence, p__________ and devotion win our complete faith in her.

7.Shakespeare wrote about such things as good and evil, love and hate, greed and ___________ (牺牲).

8.Martin Luther King played an important role in fighting against racial d___________.

9.Language ___________ (习得)is a kind of language learning which takes place usually in an informal learning setting.

10.There was no ___________ (平等)of opportunity for women at that time.



第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


The proud man said he would rather ________ (挨饿) than beg for food.

To eat turkey on Thanksgiving is a ________ (传统) in America.

Smoking is ________ (有害) to people’s health.

The editor admitted the mistake and ________ (道歉).

Newton’s law of ________ (重力) explains why everything on earth falls to the ground.

Teaching children requires ________ (耐心) and understanding.

It is not polite to ________ (盯着看) at others.

To be ________ (诚实), it is one of the worst books I have ever read.

We all ________ (钦佩) her for her courage to save the children from the fire.

I could tell from her face that she was telling ________ (谎言).

