9.The main character of the story. .the writer of the book offered us a lot of practical advice on how to live in a foreign country. A.rather than B.other than C.or else D.or rather 答案 D 解析 rather than意为“而不是 ,other than意为“不同于 ,or else意为“否则 ,or rather意为“更确切地说 .根据句意.可知D项为正确答案. 查看更多



Recently some American scientists have given a useful sincere piece of advice to people in industrialized nations that they would be much healthier if they ate more of the same kind of food eaten by humans living more than 10,000 years ago.

The scientists say that the human body has changed very little since humans first appeared on the earth, but the way we live has changed greatly. Our body has not been able to deal with these changes in life style and this has led to new kinds of sicknesses. These new sicknesses were not known in ancient times, so they are called “diseases of civilization”. Many cancers and diseases of the blood system, including heart attacks and strokes ( 中风 ) are examples of such diseases.

Scientists noted that people in both the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age enjoyed very little alcohol or tobacco, probably none. Ancient people also got a great deal of physical exercise, but a change in food is one of the main differences between life in ancient times and that of today.

Stone-age people hunted wild animals for their meat, which had much less fat than domestic or tame ones ( 家畜 ). They also ate a lot of fresh wild vegetables and fruits. They didn’t have milk or any other dairy products, and they made very little use of grains. But today, we eat a large amount of these. We eat six times more salt than our remote ancestors. We eat more sugar. We eat twice as much fat but only one third as much protein and much less vitamin C.

People today probably do not want to live the way people thousands of years ago did, but scientists say that we would be much healthier if we ate much the same way as remote ancestors did, cutting the amount of fatty, salty and sweet food.

What is the main cause that people suffer from a lot of new sicknesses?

A. Ancient people did a great deal of physical exercise.

B. People today have a lot of alcohol.

C. People today have more tobacco.

D. Food today is quite different from that of ancient times.

Which of the following belongs to the dairy products?

A. Milk              B. Corn     C. Pork             D. Flour

New kinds of sicknesses have been found because ________.

A. the human body has changed compared with humans who first appeared on the earth

B. the way we live has changed a little

C. our body can’t deal with the changes in life style

D. the way we live today is proper for the human body

According to some scientists, Stone-age people were much healthier than people today because they ate a lot of ________.

A. milk and other dairy products                        B. salt and sugar

C. wild animals, fresh wild vegetables and fruits     D. grain foods


Going to the beach is many American’s favorite activity. They went swimming in the ocean without giving a thought to what was underwater. But those days are long gone. In the summer of 1988, many of the beaches had to be closed because garbage(废料)from hospitals was found in the water. The garbage included glass bottles with samples of blood, and people were afraid they might get AIDS from the blood. At some beaches, sewage(下水道)was found in the water. Americans were shocked by this state of affairs. People didn’t think of the underwater garbage because it was out of sight.

Some of the most polluted waters still look beautiful. San Francisco Bay is a good example of a beautiful bay that’s full of chemicals. Scientists discovered pollution in some lakes and rivers when they found fish with rotting skin. People are told not to eat too much fish because of pollution. Most American cities put their garbage in the ground. But New York and a few other cities put their garbage in the ocean. Boston Harbor is so polluted that scientists say it won’t recover until the next century. The government has ordered the city to build a sewage treatment plant, Cleaning up oceans won’t be easy, but people can no longer ignore(忽视)this challenge.

The main idea of the article is that _____.

A. ocean waters around America have become polluted.

    B. Americans are bringing too much garbage to the beach.

    C. beaches were closed because Americans were shocked.

    D. going to the beach is many American’s favorite activity.

The oceans are polluted by _____.

    A. swimmers, AIDS patients and fish.

    B. Boston, San Francisco and New York only.

    C. garbage, sewage and medical waste and so on.

D. swimmers and fishes

Many polluted waters are beautiful because _____.

A. chemicals can be beautiful.

B. they have been cleaned up.

C. pollution is underwater or hard to see.

D. there are still many fish in them

More people can go to the beaches near Boston if _____.

A. the city puts its garbage in the ground

B. a sewage plant is built

C. they don’t eat too much fish

D. they stop polluting the water


Bend over, take a deep breath and drink some water! This is just one of hundreds of tips you might get if you have the hiccups (打嗝).Hiccups are so mysterious.We really don't know why they start and why they stop.

       Everyone has a favorite cure for a case of the hiccups.Some people think that a good scare is necessary to get well.Others eat a teaspoon of sugar.Still others drink a glass of water with a knife in it.

       An American man named Jack O'Leary said he had hiccupped 160 million times over a period of eight years.He tried 60,000 cures, but none of them worked.At last he prayed to Saint Jude, the saint of Hopeless cases, and his hiccupping stopped immediately.

       It took a British plumber eight months to cure his hiccups.People from all over the world wrote him letters with suggestions for getting well.He tried them all, but the hiccups continued.Finally, he drank a "secret" mixture someone had sent him.By that evening his hiccups were gone.

       Why did these cures work for these two men? No one really knows.But people who have studied many cases of hiccups have an idea—hiccups usually go away if you believe in the cure.

How did Jack O'Leary stop his hiccups?

       A.He took a deep breath.       B.He prayed to Saint Jude.

       C.He ate a teaspoon of sugar.        D.He drank a "secret" mixture.

The British plumber spent _ ___in stopping his hiccups.

       A.4 hours  B.2 days      C.8 months D.8 years

       might be the best cure for hiccups according to the passage.

       A.Cold water              B.A spoonful of salt

       C.Special pills             D.What you believe in

From this passage, we can learn ____.

       A.Saint Jude is an expert in curing the hiccups

       B.the reason why the hiccups start and why the hiccups stop

       C.some people think that a good scare is a cure for a case of hiccups

       D.the British plumber drank a "secret" mixture given by an experienced doctor and then became well

What is the main idea of this passage?

       A.Different ways to stop hiccups.    B.What makes hiccups happen.

       C.How to get hiccups.     D.Jack O'Leary's hiccups.



The decision to further all or part of your studies outside your country is a serious one, and one which for most students will have a special life-long benefit. If you realize English will help you in your career and make your personal life better, you will find that coming to England to study English is a very special experience that you will never forget. I am very pleased to have this opportunity to invite you to join our English Language course.

    London is one of the world's best cultural and trading centers. You will live in one of the world's great cities. It gives the perfect situation in which to learn and develop English language skills. The international students attending courses at English Language Institutes in London gives a chance to feel a different culture and learn English. As we prepare for the 21st Century, international communication has never been more important, "To master a foreign language is becoming a useful tool for trade, industrial and professional success. Our aim at the English Language Institutes is to develop students' English language skill in friendly and helpful conditions.

Supported by computer, video and audio equipment, and using sound classroom, our team of teachers will guide you through your chosen course of study, you will receive excellent service and advice at every stage. Out-of-class support staff will help you settle in and make the most of your stay in London. Truly, you will enjoy yourself in London and make friendships that will last a life-time. I hope we can welcome you to this exciting world of London. Come and see us! Visit a class in any of the English language Institutes. See for yourself why we encourage you to study in London.

What's the main purpose of this text? (回答词数不超过8个)

What is the advantage of the course for foreign students at English Language Institutes in London? (回答词数不超过12个)

Who will help the students settle in and enjoy themselves in London when they study there?



June 26, 2000—the Human Genome(基因组) Project, a great $3 billion, 15-year task aimed at drawing the genetic(遗传的)map of humans, is now more than 90 percent completed. The scientific and medical communities are very excited about the chances genetic research provides for getting rid of diseases and prolonging(延长) human life. But those communities and policy makers are also careful about the scientific door they are opening as the project uncovers the mysteries of life.

       For the last few years, the genetic advances in the developing field of biotechnology have provides material for all kinds of work, but the developments of modern science in unlocking the secrets of the human genetic code have opened a world of possibilities for human health, as well as for the popular imagination.

       While European and Japanese researchers are making rapid progress in decoding(解码) human DNA, the leading organization for genetic research is in the United States, which began in 1990, is “unlocking the code” of the human body to learn how to defeat fatal diseases. Already, the Human Genome Project has become widely known and praised for finding the genes connected with as yet(迄今) terrible diseases, and making progress toward separating the genes that show a sign of breast cancer or AIDS.

       Once these genes are found and studied, researchers can develop new ways to attack infections, and genetic diseases. Medical companies are very interested in mapping the human genome, as they expect to develop a lot of new drugs for these illnesses.

Why did the scientists work hard at mapping the Human Genome?

A. Because the Human Genome can destroy many illnesses.

       B. Because the Human Genome's completion can help them get rid of many diseases.

       C. Because they wanted to be better known than others.

       D. Because the Human Genome can provide a lot of chances of work.

Which country studied the genes most rapidly in the world?

       A. Japan. B. Germany.       C. The United States.      D. China.

Which of the following is NOT true?

       A. If the genes can be found, scientists can study many new ways to cure illnesses.

       B. The scientists have made great progress in connecting the genes with the cancers.

       C. Many medical companies show great interest in drawing the human genome map.

       D. The United States began the Genes Study early in the 19th century.

The main idea of this article is about_________.

       A. unlocking genetic code         B. the genes' discovery

       C. the great human genome            D. the genes and the scientist

