12.I hurried to the ticket hall.only that all tickets had been sold out already. A.to inform B.to be informed C.informing D.informed 答案 B 解析 本题考查动词不定式的被动结构作状语的用法.only后可跟动词不定式.表示出乎预料的结果.又由于inform与其逻辑主语为动宾关系.故应用不定式的被动式. 查看更多



Many Tuesday mornings. I have coffee with my father. Although my father is a man of few words, I really   1 the time along with him.
One recent Tuesday, I found it a bit  2 when I rang the doorbell, no one seemed to be home. I climbed in through the window, noticing the lights that shone from the kitchen, and  3 that my dad must be there, but he wasn’t. I  4 through his home, checking every room. I tried not to   5 . Yet, upstairs, downstairs, no Dad anywhere.
I was worried .   6 , my father was seventy-one years old. Anything could have happened to him. Then, I got in my car and drove to my mother’s aerobics(有氧运动)class.
On the drive, I thought a lot about my father and our  7 together. Suddenly, I was three years old and he was   8 me up to the living room window to see the Christmas lights. In his  9 , I was safe and secure. At age ten, he used to wake me up with warm breakfast in bed. Then I was twelve and my dad was   10 all the kids at my birthday party with his magic tricks. I was so   11 of my father for being so  12 and talented. He’d made my party a  13 .
As I entered my mother’s class. I was nervous. My mom looked at me in   14.
“Mom, where’s Dad?” I asked, “He’s working in the   15 on the side of the house!” she answered.
And I hurried to my car and   16 back to the yard. “Hey, Dad!” I yelled out and told him about my fears of the last half hour. My dad  17 laughing his typical laugh that was always  18 . I was so thankful that I still had my daddy. And so , as I  19 the door to my father’s house, we went inside for our usual cup of coffee.
Thanks, Daddy, for all the   20 and more importantly, for all your love.

A.Above allB.In allC.After allD.For all



.I hurried to the bookstore only to find a sign on the door which.____ ,“For rent”.

         A.wrote                B.read                   C.showed      D.offered



Every country has its own culture.

Even though each country uses doors, doors may have   50   functions and purposes which lead to   51   differences.

When I first came to America, I noticed that a public building had two different   52   and they had distinct functions. You have to push the door with the word “ PUSH ” to go out of the building and to pull the door with the word “PULL” to   53   the building. This was new to me, because we use the       54   door in South Korea. For quite a few times I failed to go out of a shopping centre and was embarrassed.

The way of using school bus doors was also   55   to me. I used to take the school bus to school. The school decided that when the driver opened both the front and back door. Students who were getting off the bus should get off first, and students who were getting on should get on   56   in South Korea. We do not need to wait for people to  57  . One morning I hurried to the bus, and when the bus doors opened, I  58  tried to get on the school bus through the front door. All the students around looked at me. I was totally   59  , and my face went red.

A. different             B. important     C. practical             D. unusual

A. national               B. embarrassing          C. amazing             D. cultural

A. exits                 B. entrances             C. signs                D. doors

A. enter                 B. leave         C. open                D. close

A. main                      B. same           C. front                D. back

A. annoying             B. hard           C. satisfying            D. strange

A. sooner                 B. later                 C. faster                 D. earlier

A. get on                     B. get off          C. get up                   D. get up

A. politely                B. patiently      C. unconsciously        D. slowly

A. embarrassed       B. annoyed        C. unsatisfied           D. excited



1.It won't make much d______________ whether you go today or tomorrow.   

2.The magazine p_____________ a short story written by a high school student.

3.In s______________ of all kinds of difficulties, he kept on doing the experiment.

4.Mother has given me e________________ love all her life.

5.At first he was o_______________ to our suggestion, but we eventually persuaded him.

6.Time is p______________, because if time is lost, it will never return.

7.When I hurried to school, I was almost out of b_______________.

8.Can you do me a f______________ and tell me when to get off ?



I hurried to the accident spot only to find two dogs happily enjoyed what was left ____the cake and meat.

