22. he works hard.I don't mind when he finishes the experiment. A.As soon as B.As well as C.So far as D.So long as 查看更多



9. The TV set he _________ works well now.

 A. has repairing        B. having repaired

 C. has been repaired    D. has had repaired


For more than ten years John Grimshaw has been pioneering a gentle revolution. He aims to get us going by bike on Britain’s network of disused railways. He works as an engineer for Sustrans, a Bristol-based charity.

He believes that there is no benefit or logic behind the building of bigger and faster roads that only encourage people to use cars more extravagantly(过分地). Britain’s roads being built ignore all but the motorists while miles of railway tracks no longer used by trains lie wasted.

His organization started work in 1994 with a modest five mile track from Bristol to Bath, and cyclists and walkers now make a million journeys a year on the path. Sustrans has since completed a further 150 miles throughout Britain with the help of volunteer workers.

Building such paths is not easy or cheap. Sustrans buys or leases(租借) land from British Rail and the paths can cost from 6,000 pounds up to 8, 0000 pounds per kilometer to build. Money comes from central and local government, charity bodies and gifts from individuals.

To encourage more walkers and cyclists along its paths, Sustrans plans to construct a work of art on every mile of path it builds. Most of their tracks quickly transport people from the city to the countryside. The latest route runs from the heart of Glasgow to Loch Lomond. Relics (遗迹)of the great railway age litter the routes—station houses, signals boxes and even steam trains.

Some might consider John Grimshaw a traveler from the past, out of touch with the modern world, but for many he is preparing the way for an alternative for a car-mad world.

The aim of Sustrans is to _________.

a. encourage people to use cars more efficiently

b. use old railway lines for leisure purposes

c. provide a cycling network across Britain

d. build better and faster roads

How does Sustrans finance its work?

a. with a mixture of money from the government and donations

b. with money from British Rail

c. by leasing its land

d. by using volunteer workers

Which of the following is TRUE?

a. Sustrans will not build any more tracks after Glasgow to Loch Lomond

b. Sustrans will have to clear the track of relics

c. Sustrans makes the countryside more accessible to the public

d. Sustrans believes more drivers will use their tracks.


Because he works far away from his parents, he visits them only_____.

A.independently     B.commonly         C.occasionally        D.frequently



Getting close to active or erupting volcanoes can be dangerous. But for Michael Rampino, it’s all in a day’s work. Rampino is a volcanologist, a scientist who studies volcanoes and how they affect our planet. Rampino has been close to red-hot lava flows (熔岩流) in Hawaii and explosive volcanoes in Indonesia. He knows when to get close to an active volcano and when to back away.

Rampino wasn’t always a volcanologist. He worked for NASA for seven years. He studied rocks until he began to research climate change and the effects that volcanoes have on climate. He became interested in the subject. “Once I started working with volcanoes,” Rampino said, “I was hooked.”

Rampino is a professor at New York University. As part of his job, he travels to areas where volcanoes have been active. “Active” means they have erupted within the past few centuries and probably will erupt again. Rampino studies the deposits (沉积物) of ash and other materials from the eruptions. The ash may hold clues to what happened to the Earth in the distant past. It may also help scientists predict what could happen to Earth’s climate in the future.

Rampino doesn’t work alone. He works with a team of scientists who use computers to stimulate (模拟) the effects volcanoes have on Earth’s atmosphere.

Being a volcanologist may be hard work, but it’s also fun. “It’s cool traveling the world studying volcanoes,” Rampino says. When he talks to students about his work, he tells them that his goal is “to understand the events that have shaped Earth’s history.”

1.To Rampino, being close to active volcanoes is _____.

A. adventurous but meaningful

B. scary but necessary

C. impossible and unnecessary

D. dangerous but urgent

2.The underlined word “hooked” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_____”.

A. trapped    B. touched C. frightened   D. attracted

3.Rampino’s study on volcanoes might help _____.

A. warn people to protect the environment

B. support the study of Earth’s future climate

C. tell the future eruption time of the volcanoes

D. reduce the possibility of the volcanoes’ eruptions

4.In which part of a newspaper could we find this text?

A. Climate.   B. History.     C. People. D. Business.



请阅读下列应用文及相关信息, 并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。


A. Beacon of Hope: A Guide to Internal Truth 

It tells the story of an alcoholic who becomes a psychologist and her spiritual journey. It is interesting to hear the story from both that of an alcoholic and an addictionologist. Her voice is very clear. The role of spirituality and recovery is the emphasis of the book. If you are in recovery this book would be helpful. Like an extended story from "Came to Believe".

B. Jonathan Livingston Seagull

HE is just a seagull, but he has inspired millions of people, including US president Barack Obama, basketball superstar Kobe Bryant and late king of pop Michael Jackson.

    The reason why a seagull can have such universal appeal is based on a simple fact. Each of us has the desire to be more than just ordinary. We see in Jonathan our longing for a higher purpose to life. But most of us remain part of the flock since “most gulls don’t bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight — how to get from shore to food and back again”. With failure, hunger, storms, loneliness and misunderstandings to face, one can easily give up.

C. Yes Man - Movie Tie-In

Recently single, Danny Wallace was falling into loneliness and isolation. Until one day, when a stranger on a bus advised, "Say yes more." At that moment, Wallace vowed to say yes to every offer, invitation, challenge, and chance. For a year.

Soon after resolving to be more open to what the universe had to offer, Danny wins $45,000 and becomes a television executive...and a minister. He gives spare change to anyone who asks. Invents things. Travels the globe. Nods a lot. And finds that romance isn't as complicated as it seems.

Yes Man is inspiring proof that a little willingness can take anyone to the most wonderful of places.

D. Life of Pi

Life of Pi is the story of a 16-year old Indian boy adrift at sea for 227 days with only a dangerous Bengal tiger for a companion. Pi Patel's journey, and survival through the use of his wits and sheer determination, is one that grabs you and never lets go. It's a story that seems both too real and surreal at the same time. Yann Martel is a master story teller and he weaves a tale that is entertaining and thought-provoking and at the end, he challenges you to believe it all. A top-notch read. From our review, "Life of Pi is a delicious treat to savor."

E. Texas Tables

Whether you're entertaining for a party or serving up fast casual meals for the family, this triple-tested Junior League cookbook is a must have, top shelf resource. Harmonized with personal stories and culinary tips, you’ll want to read it first and cook second.


Here’s the story of how a smallish bear from “Darkest Peru” is discovered amid the bicycles and luggage of Paddington Station, in the middle of London, by Mr. and Mrs. Brown who had only planned on picking up their children from school. Luckily for all concerned, the Browns were just the sort of people to welcome a lost bear to their family.

请阅读以下读者的信息, 然后匹配读者与适合他/她们的图书:

66. Brian is frustrated with the people he works with and the job itself. Negative feelings loneliness are making him unhappy. He is expecting to retrieve his energy and passion for life with the help of an inspiring book.

67. Candy’s marriage seems to bring her more trouble than happiness. Her husband is particular about the food she cooks. She thinks she needs some help; hopefully a good cookbook will be her savior.

68. Austin used to have no purpose in life. Now he has realized he shouldn’t go on like this. He wants to read something that may direct him to find a higher purpose to life and live a more meaningful life.

69. Amanda’s summer vacation is on the way. What she wants to do most is to borrow some really interesting adventurous books from the school library to relax herself after a whole term of tiring studies.

70. Andrew used to drink excessively, but the death of his uncle, also an alcoholic, shocked him. He wants to quit drinking and is still struggling. He is dying for something, like a book, to give him some spiritual instructions.


