A. therefore B. thus C. but D. however 查看更多




It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen        in almost a month. Every day , my husband would        the process of trying to get water to the fields.        we saw some rain soon, we would lose everything.

  On this day I learned the true lesson of        and witnessed the only        I had ever seen . I was in the kitchen when I saw my son, Billy,        toward the woods. He was walking with effort, trying to be as        as possible . Minutes after he        into the woods, he came running back . I went back to make sandwiches ,        that whatever he had been doing was completed. Moments later,        , he was once again walking slowly toward the woods. This activity went on for an hour .        I couldn’t help following him and saw the most amazing        .

  Several large deer stood in front of him. Billy walked right up to them . I almost        for him to get away . A huge deer was        close .        the deer didn’t even move as Billy knelt down. I saw a tiny deer lying on the ground , obviously suffering from        , lift its head to lap up the water cupped in Billy’s hands. When the water was        , Billy ran back to get more . It then became        to me.

  I stood on the edge of the woods, watching the        boy working so hard to save another life. As my tears began to hit the ground, they were suddenly joined by other drops. It was as if the God himself was        with pride. The rain that day saved our farm just like the actions of one little boy who saved another.

1.A. water                            B. rain                                   C. deer                               D. storm

2.A. take over                      B. try on                                C. go about                        D. seek out

3.A. Before                          B. If                                        C. Until                                D. Unless

4.A. helping                         B. sharing                    C. donating                           D. offering

5.A. miracle                         B. lesson                               C. wildlife                    D. virtue

6.A. running                         B. marching                          C. walking                    D. riding

7.A. still                                 B. silent                                 C. secret                               D. sacred

8.A. skipped                         B. slipped                    C. wandered                        D. disappeared

9.A. thinking                        B. wondering                       C. worrying                          D. calculating

10.A. but                              B. besides                   C. however                          D. therefore

11.A. Actually                      B. Finally                      C. Quietly                    D. Surprisingly

12.A. sign                    B. scenery                            C. sight                                  D. scene

13.A. screamed                   B. rushed                              C. made                                D. burst

14.A. mildly                          B. powerfully                       C. dangerously           D. aggressively

15.A. And                    B. Otherwise                        C. Thus                                  D. But

16.A. thirst                           B. illness                               C. heat                                  D. pain

17.A. lost                              B. missing                    C. gone                                 D. served

18.A. annoying           B. clear                                 C. acceptable                       D. puzzling

19.A. kind                   B. clever                               C. naughty                            D. honest

20.A. raining                        B. appearing                        C. chanting                           D. weeping



Shaping a child is like shaping clay(粘土)— you have to start from the beginning and work your way to the end with extreme caution but with gentle and loving   16 . However, unlike clay, you don’t get a second   17  with a child. You can put all the clay back together and start again but with a child, what is done is done.   18  it’s even more caution with care.

Building a child’s esteem is no small play; it makes your black hair   19 , steals away years of your life and still will not look done. Therefore you have to learn how to build self-esteem and   20  your child from the beginning. After all, parenting begins from babyhood.

Small case could leave large   21  on your child’s mind. Reason why you should not overlook something that went wrong. If another child   22  your kid, everyone laughed and you told your son to   23  it, that’s the first wrong step. You have to teach your child to   24  up for himself. Don’t let your child fall down inside. Tell him to ask the child why he is hitting him or   25  to the nearest adult he can reach.

Most of all before you speak to a child you have to be a   26  example. If you go around laughing at people, your kids will do the   27 . If you are a coward(懦夫)yourself and do not stand up to situations, do not   28  your child not to follow you. Children are like monkeys—they copy every   29 , from how you eat to how you handle situations.

Building self-esteem begins at home. Small self-confident acts make a(n)   30  impact on your child.

1.                A.heads          B.hands          C.tools D.knives


2.                A.test            B.grade          C.class D.chance


3.                A.Thus           B.But            C.Or   D.Although


4.                A.lost            B.gray           C.weak D.curl


5.                A.interest        B.direct          C.order    D.encourage


6.                A.impact         B.lesson          C.mark D.space


7.                A.laughed        B.pushed         C.pulled    D.drew


8.                A.make          B.leave           C.forget    D.move


9.                A.stand          B.turn           C.take D.set


10.               A.announce       B.manage        C.leave D.complain


11.               A.caring          B.living          C.touching   D.breathing


12.               A.different       B.meaningful      C.same D.useless


13.               A.expect         B.hope          C.allow D.persuade


14.               A.homework      B.step           C.picture    D.action


15.               A.negative        B.objective       C.positive   D.subjective




One day a wealthy family went on a trip to the countryside. The father wanted to 1 his son how 2 people live 3 they spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor 4 .

When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, “My dear son, how was the 5 ?” “very 6 , Dad!” answered the boy. “Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked.“Yeah!” answered the son. “And what did you learn?” asked the father. The son answered,” I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a 7 that reaches to(延伸到) the middle of the garden and they have a creek(小溪) that has no 8 . We have imported lamps(进口灯具) in the garden and they have the 9 . Our patio(天井) reaches to the front yard, 10 they have a whole horizon(旷野).” When the little boy was 11 , his father was speechless.

His son 12 ,”Thanks Dad 13 showing me how 14 we are!”

Isn’t it true that it all depends 15 the 16 you look at things? If you have love, friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude(乐观的态度) 17 life you’ve got everything! You can’t buy 18 of these things, 19 still you can have all the material possessions(财富) you can imagine, provisions(储备) for the future, etc.But if you are poor of spirit, you have nothing!

Attitude is 20 ! Make a decision to have a good, positive and productive attitude (积极,乐观,上进)every day!

1.A.show      B.give     C.send      D.tell

2.A.happy     B.sorrow    C.rich     D.poor

3.A.thus     B.so      C.therefore D.when

4.A.house     B.home     C.family    D.room

5.A.journey    B.trip      C.stay     D.travel

6.A.bad      B.good     C.well     D.badly

7.A.river     B.lake      C.canal     D.pool

8.A.endless    B.ending    C.end      D.ended

9.A.sun      B.stars     C.planet    D.electricity light

10.A.yet     B.however   C.so       D.though

11.A.finished   B.finishing C.completed   D.completing

12.A.adding    B.added    C.saying    D.said

13.A.for     B.of       C.with     D.about

14.A.poor     B.rich     C.glad      D.happy

15.A.in      B.on      C.for      D.about

16.A.method    B.manners    C.way      D.means

17.A.of      B.for      C.towards   D.at

18.A.nothing    B.any     C.some     D.everything

19.A.then     B.but     C.though    D.so

20.A.anything  B.nothing   C.everything  D.something



I had applied for a very important program, and Rickover was interviewing me for the job.It was the first time I met him, and we sat in large room 36 ourselves for more than two hours, and he let me_37 any subjects I wished to discuss Very 38 I chose those about which I knew most at those time-current events, music, literature…,and then he began to ask me a series of questions of increasing_ 39 . In each case, he soon 40   that I knew 41 about the subjects I had chosen.

  He always looked right 42 my eyes, and he never smiled.I was wet with cold_ 43

  Finally, he asked me question and I thought I could regain__ 44 He said, "How did you 45 in your class at Georgia Tech 46 entering our Annapolis as a freshman?" I had done very well, so I answered with__ 47 ,"Sir, I stand 8th in class of 60!"I sat back to wait for the 48 which never came._49 , came the question: "Did you do your best?" I started to say, "Yes, Sir," but I suddenly realized who I faced and then 50 several of my times at Georgia Tech 51 I could have worked harder and learned more about our friends and so on.I was just an ordinary student. I__ 52 my throat and finally said, “No, Sir.I didn't always do my best.”

He looked at me for a long time, and then turned his chair around to end the 53 .He asked one final question, which I have never been able to forget 54 to answer. He said, "Why not?" I sat there for a while, 55 , and then slowly left the room.

36.A.beside           B.by             C.for             D.with

37.A.choose          B.consider         C. elect           D.search

38.A.excitingly        B. curiously        C. patiently        D.carefully

39.A.humor          B. interest         C. difficulty        D.ability

40.A.proved          B. showed         C. meant          D.imagined

41.A.much           B. little           C. anything        D.everything

42.A.into            B. for            C. back           D.up

43.A.air             B. water          C. sweat          D.tears

44.A.consideration B. permission C. self-confidence   D.self-defense

45.A.stand           B. seat           C. do            D.go

46.A.after            B. before          C. while          D.since

47.A.delight          B. satisfaction      C. happiness       D.pride

48.A.celebrations B. expectations     C. explanations D.congratulations

49.A.Thus           B. However        C. Instead         D.Therefore

50.A.recalled          B. tried           C. reminded        D.analyzed

51.A.what           B. that            C. when          D.which

52.A.examined        B. cleaned         C. treated         D.cleared

53.A.meeting         B. lesson          C. interview        D.class

54.A.so             B. and            C. or             D.but

55.A.moved          B. shaken         C. delighted        D.excited



Just One Drink

There’s a small cross by the side of Highway 128, near the town of Boonville. If this cross could  1 , it would tell you this sad story:

Seven years ago my brother, Michael, was on a friend’s farm. They decided to go out for dinner. Joe arrived and  2  to drive—after just one drink.

 3  , the four friends traveled the winding road. They didn’t know  4  it would end—nobody did. Suddenly, they changed their direction and swerved(拐进) into the  5  lane, colliding with a(n)  6  car.

Back home we were watching E.T. on video in front of a warm fire. Then we went to bed. At 2:00 A.M. a police officer 7  my mom with the  8  news. Michael had been killed.

In the morning, I found my mother and sister  9 . I stood there,  10 . “What’s wrong?” I asked, 11 my sleepy eyes.

Mom took a deep  12  . “Come here …”

Thus began a difficult and tiring journey through grief(忧伤), where all roads lead to nowhere. It still 13  to remember that day.

The  14  thing that helps is telling my story, hoping you will remember it if you are 15  to get into a car with someone who has had a drink—even just  16  drink.

Joe chose the road to 17 . He was convicted of manslaughter(过失杀人) and served time. 18  , the real punishment is living with the consequences of his actions. He left us with a(n)  19  in our hearts that will never go away, a nightmare that will haunt him—and us—for the rest of our lives. And a small  20  by the side of Highway 128.        

(Dedicated with love to the memory of Michael Laddish)

1.A.laugh                   B.hear                   C.talk                   D.walk

2.A.abandoned             B.wondered            C.volunteered          D.provided


3.A.Fortunately            B.Effectively           C.Toughly           D.Lightheartedly

4.A.how                  B.where                 C.when                 D.what

5.A.correct                 B.wrong                C.opposite             D.wide

6.A.riding                 B.oncoming           C.carrying             D.driving

7.A.woke                    B.threatened           C.comforted          D.arose

8.A.accurate               B.shocking            C.expected            D.doubtful

9.A.whispering           B.complaining         C.crying               D.cursing

10.A.disappointed        B.confused            C.desperate          D.motivated

11.A.closing               B.rubbing               C.sticking             D.appealing

12.A.breath                B.chance                C.joke                  D.look

11.A.wounds               B.injures                 C.hurts                 D.senses

14.A.only                   B.lucky                  C.just                    D.useful

15.A.attached              B.encouraged          C.forced               D.acquired

16.A.little                    B.much                 C.few                    D.one

17.A.nowhere             B.anywhere            C.somewhere         D.everywhere

18.A.Meanwhile           B.However             C.Therefore           D.But

19.A.hole                 B.hope                  C.space                D.ache

20.A.car                  B.mark                 C.cross                 D.graveyard

