3.-Will you please use your with him not to do it? -I will do my best. A.influence B.inspiration C.encouragement D.effect 答案与解析:A influence意为“有影响或权威的人或事 .inspiration意为“鼓舞.激励 ,encouragement意为“鼓励.怂恿 ,effect意为“效应.作用.影响 . 查看更多



—Will you please use your ________ with him not to do it?

—I will do my best.

A.influence       B.inspiration

C.encouragement       D.effect



The preparations went on for the dance. I began to worry about what I was to ___21____. It seemed so stupid not to be able to think of anything. One evening, when I was changing for dinner, there was a ____22____ at my bedroom door. I called “Come in,” thinking it was my maid, Clarice. It was Mrs. Danvers.

“I hope you will forgive me for ___23_____ you,” she said, “Have you decided yet, madam, what you will wear?”

There was a ____24____ of scorn(嘲弄) in her voice, of satisfaction. She must have heard through Clarice in some way.

“No, I haven’t decided.”

“I wonder why you don’t ___25____ one of the pictures in the hall.”

I wondered why such an idea did not come to me before. It was an ____26____ answer to my difficulty.

“All the pictures in the gallery would be good to copy, especially that one of the young lady in white.” Her voice was ____27____ normal. Did she want to be friends with me at last? Or did she realize that it was not I who had told Maxim her secret, and was this her way of thanking me for my ____28____?

“Has Mr. de Winter not suggested anything for you?”

“No. No. I don’t want him to know beforehand. I want to ____29____ him.”

“Madam, when you do decide, I should advise you to have your dress made in London. Voce, in Bond Street, is a good place I know. You should study the pictures in the hall, madam, especially the one I ____30____. And you needn’t think that I will give you away. I won’t say a word to anyone.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Danvers.” I went on dressing, puzzled by her manner.


21. A. choose                  B. wear                      C. dress                     D. purchase

22. A. call                       B. servant                   C. ring                       D. knock

23. A. disturbing              B. asking                    C. informing               D. troubling

24. A. sound                   B. suggestion              C. symbol                  D. signal

25. A. study                    B. use                        C. copy                      D. observe

26. A. obvious                 B. interesting              C. easy                      D. exciting

27. A. pleasantly              B. surprisingly            C. extremely               D. apparently

28. A. help                      B. silence                   C. advice                    D. tolerance

29. A. impress                 B. please                    C. shock                    D. surprise

30. A. liked                     B. referred                  C. preferred                D. mentioned


The nose is used in many popular expressions. Some people are able to lead other people by the nose. For example, if a wife leads her husband by the nose, she makes him do whatever she wants him to do. Some people are said to be hard-nosed. They will not change their opinions or positions on anything.

It is always helpful when people keep their nose out of other people’s business. They do not interfere (干涉). The opposite of this is someone who noses around all the time. Such people are interested in other people’s private matters. They’re considered nosy. Someone who keeps his nose to the grindstone (磨石) works very hard. This can help a worker keep his nose clean or stay out of trouble.

One unusual expression is that is no skin off my nose. This means that a situation doesn’t affect or concern me. We also say that sometimes a person cuts off his nose to spite his face. That is, he makes a situation bad for himself by doing something foolish because he is angry.

More problems can develop if a person looks down his nose at someone or something. The person acts as if something is unimportant or worthless. This person might also turn up his nose at something that he considers not good enough. This person thinks he is better than everyone else. He has his nose in the air.

In school, some students thumb their nose at their teacher. They refuse to obey orders or do any work. Maybe the students do not know the correct answers. My mother always told me when I was a student, “If you study hard, the answers should be right under your nose or easily seen.”

67. If we say a wife leads her husband by the nose, we probably mean she _____.

  A. loves her husband very much   

  B. controls her husband’s actions

  C. gets on well with her husband   

  D. does whatever her husband wants her to do

68. Which of the following expressions could be used to tell someone to stay away from your private affairs?

  A. Don’t keep your nose to the grindstone.

  B. Keep your nose out of my business.

  C. Please keep your nose clean.

  D. You are really hard-nosed.

69. We can use the expression “has his/her nose in the air” to describe someone _____.

  A. who is too proud of himself/herself   

  B. who is very angry about something

  C. who often makes a situation bad     

  D. who doesn’t care about anything

70. If a student thumbs his/her nose at his/her teacher, the teacher would most probably feel _____.

  A. happy    B. excited      C. angry    D. relaxed


下面为五封《Crazy English》杂志的读者来信片段。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中,为每封来信选取最佳的回信。选项有一项是多余项。

1.I am a reader of CR. Recently I found students translate some articles of CR. I appreciate your offering an opportunity to us beginners to practise using English. So I want to ask how they can obtain these articles and translate them for you, and what qualities you require. Thank you.

2.I love your Crazy English Reader magazine! It provides valuable data for work in our English teaching. My wife and I are teaching Conversational English so I’ve been giving you a bit of a plug at our middle school. I told the students to “get a copy”. It’s good stuff! Fantastic!

3.I’m one of Yao’s fans from Guangzhou. I have read some articles about Yao Ming in No. 7 Crazy English Reader. I want to know his correspondence address and the official website. Could you please tell me? Thank you very much indeed.

4.First of all, I must say thank you very much to all the CR Reader editors who gave us a really good English magazine. Secondly, I want to give you a piece of advice. In each passage, you gave us some new words with their Chinese translation. However, as far as my knowledge, I think you should give us not only the Chinese meaning but also the English meaning so as to know the words more accurately.

5.I’m an editor of the English Monthly of our school. I have a question, that is, how to say the position of the paper e.g. , 编辑; 责任编辑and so on. I hope you can help me to tell me the word in English. The more the better. Thank you so much! I love the book very much. Now I do this work. I need to study more information about this work. If you have time, please email me. Thank you.


A.  Thank you for your suggestion. We may try that in some future issues of CR. I think the best way to improve your reading vocabulary is to be able to guess the meaning of the word from the other words around it. Also, if you have an English dictionary, it is good to look up the words and them mark them down in a notebook and review them later on. Then if you really want to learn how to use the words, try using them in conversation or in writing. Hope this helps.

B.  The best way for you to learn the different positions in a newspaper or magazine is to get a copy of an all English magazine or newspaper and then copy down the different positions. There are also titles such as Managing Editor, reporter, Copy Editor, Photo Editor and Layout Editor. I hope this helps. If you have some more specific questions, you can send them to me and I’ll try to answer.

C.  The best way to reach Yao directly is through his home team, the Shanghai Sharks. You can write to him at 2570 Xietu Road, Shanghai. For more information on Yao, you can look at the sports section in sina. Com. I hope this helps. Another idea is that you can try to write to Yao while he is living and playing in Houston. You can try to reach Yao in the US at: Yao Ming Compaq Center 10 Houston, TX 77046.

D.  Thank you for being such a cheerful reader of CR. Yes, you’re right we made a mistake in the writing of that Chinese word. Each issue we try to read very carefully each article and its translation to make sure there are no mistakes, but unfortunately a few mistakes always get by. But you encourage us to keep improving, so thank you.

E.  Yes, we do have several students who help us translate some of the articles in our magazine. We contact these translators directly after interviewing their translation work. Afterwards we assign the articles to them for translation. If you are interested in being one of our translators you can send us some information about yourself and a sample of your translation work.

F.Thank you for helping us to promote CR. We’re glad it’s helpful to your students. We always try to include articles that reflect real life. It’s our hope that CR will not only improve students’ English but also open up a different worldview.




第二节:信息匹配 (共5小题,满分10分)

Here are five letters from readers listed in 1-5. All the greetings and signatures are left out. Suppose you are a secretary of the magazine CR (Crazy English Reader), for each one find a suitable reply from A-F. Mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra reply which you don’t need to use.

51. I am a reader of CR. Recently I found students translate some articles of CR. I appreciate your offering an opportunity to us beginners to practice using English. So I want to ask how they can obtain these articles and translated them for you, and what qualities you require. Thank you.

52. I love your Crazy English Reader magazine! It provides valuable data for work in our English teaching. My wife and I are teaching Conversational English so I’ve been giving you a bit of a plug at our middle school. I told the students to “get a copy!” It’s good stuff! Fantastic!

53. I’m one of Yao’s fans from Guangzhou. I have read the Yao Ming articles in No.7 Crazy English Reader. I want to know his correspondence address and the official website. Could you please tell me? Thank you very much indeed.

54. First of all, I must say thank you very much to all the CE Reader editors who gave us a really good English magazine. Secondly, I want to give you a piece of advice. In each passage, you gave us some new words with their Chinese translation. However, as far as my knowledge, I think you should give us not only the Chinese meaning but also the English meaning so as to know the words more accurately. Thank you!

55. I am an editor of the English Monthly of our school. I have a question that is how to say the position of the paper e.g. and so on. I hope you can help me to tell me the word in English. The more the better. Thank you so much! I love the book very much. Now, I do this work, I need study more information about this work, if you have time, please email me. Thank you.

A.  Thank you for your suggestion. We may try that in some future issues of CR. I think the best way to improve your reading vocabulary is to be able to guess the meaning of the word from the other words around it. Also, if you have an English dictionary, it’s good to look up the words and then mark them down in a notebook and review them later on. Then if you really want to learn how to use the words, try using them in conversation or in writing. Hope this helps.

B.  The best way for you to learn the different positions in a newspaper or magazine is to get a copy of an all-English magazine or newspaper and then copy down the different positions. There are also titles such as Managing Editor, reporter, Copy Editor, Photo Editor and Layout Editor. I hope this helps. If you have some more specific questions, you can send them to me and I’ll try to answer.

C.The best way to reach Yao directly is through his home team, the Shanghai Sharks. You can write him at 2570 Xietu Road, Shanghai. For more information on Yao, you can look at the sports section in sina. com. I hope this helps. Another idea is that you can try to write Yao while he’s living and playing in Houston. You can try to reach Yao in the US at:   Yao Ming   Compaq Centre 10  Houston, TX 77046

D.  Thank you for being such a careful reader of CR. Yes, you’re right we made a mistake in the writing of that Chinese word. Each issue we try to read very carefully each article and its translation to make sure there are no mistakes, but unfortunately a few mistakes always get by. But you encourage us to keep improving, so thank you.

E.  Yes, we do have several students who help us translate some of the articles in our magazine. We contact these translators directly after interviewing their translation work. Afterwards we assign the articles to them for translation. If you are interested in being one of our translators you can send us some information about yourself and a sample of your translation work.

F.   Thank you for helping us to promote CR. We’re glad it’s helpful to your students. We always try to include articles that reflect real life. It’s our hope that CR will not only improve student’s English but also open up a different worldview.


